8 Ways to Elevate Your Macaroni and Cheese Dinners (2024)

By: Julia Mertes, Communications Intern, The Lion’s Pantry

After a long day of work and school, you will likely head to your kitchen looking for something to heat up in a flash. Like many college students, your eyes may land on the box of gooey macaroni and cheese.It’s a staple dish for college students trying to eat on a budget. However, after a while, the quick and easy dinner option may become a little repetitive.

Here are five tips to elevate your next dinner to include extra flavor and texture.

1. Add extra cheese to your dish.

You can never go wrong with cheese! So, sprinkle some additional mozzarella or American cheese to the mix.

2. Mix in some hot sauce and chicken to make buffalo chicken mac n’ cheese.

Whether you enjoy rotisserie chicken, fried chicken or a meat alternative, buffalo mac n’ cheese may be the perfect evening treat for you. With few additional ingredients and a bucket-load full of flavor, there are many variations to this classic treat.

For instance, if you’re not a fan of chicken, pick up some ham to add into the mix. Buffalo ham mac n’ cheese may be your new favorite treat.

8 Ways to Elevate Your Macaroni and CheeseDinners (1)

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev on Pexels

3. Add in vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and spinach.

Adding vegetables to your dinner not only increases the nutritional value but also adds flavor and texture. Pick up your favorite leafy greens and go from there!

4. Similar to the buffalo chicken suggestion, try adding barbecue sauce and a protein of your choice to your dinner for added flavor.

If you’re a fan of BBQ chicken, you can use that as inspiration for your next mac n’ cheese dinner. Pour in a generous helping of sauce and the other ingredients you feel like including.

5. Sprinkle some bacon bits or breadcrumbs on the top of your dish.

If you need a crunch on the top of your pasta, add some bacon bits or breadcrumbs.

8 Ways to Elevate Your Macaroni and CheeseDinners (2)

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

6. Add spices and fresh herbs to your dish.

Are you a fan of garlic? Try adding it to your dish. Like some paprika? Sprinkle some into your next bowl of pasta. Simply add in the spices and herbs that you have and see how it tastes.

7. Use your leftovers for extra flavor in your dish.

Have leftover pulled pork from a community dinner? It may be the perfect opportunity to combine the sweet and savory flavors of pork with your cheesy macaroni meal.

Did you treat yourself to your favorite restaurant dinner or attend a picnic with your friends? Use the leftovers in your macaroni and cheese. Simply be creative.

8. Mix in some jalapeños for some spice and heat.

Hot sauce isn’t the only way to add some heat to your macaroni and cheese. Try adding some peppers to your dish for added oomph.

Do you know someone who may be tired of eating the same boxed macaroni and cheese for dinner a few times a week? Share this article with them to spread both joy and yummy meal ideas their way.

What is your favorite way to enhance your macaroni and cheese recipes? Be sure to share them with us!

8 Ways to Elevate Your Macaroni and Cheese Dinners (2024)


What can I add to mac and cheese to elevate it? ›

8 Ways to Elevate Your Macaroni and Cheese Dinners
  1. Add extra cheese to your dish.
  2. Mix in some hot sauce and chicken to make buffalo chicken mac n' cheese.
  3. Add in vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and spinach.
  4. Sprinkle some bacon bits or breadcrumbs on the top of your dish.
  5. Add spices and fresh herbs to your dish.
May 21, 2022

How do you ramp up mac and cheese? ›

Here are a few of my favorite ways to upgrade boxed mac and cheese in three ingredients or fewer:
  1. Broccoli + Shredded Chicken. ...
  2. Bacon + Peas + Egg. ...
  3. Garlic + Pickled Jalapeños. ...
  4. Mushrooms + Thyme + Grated Gruyère. ...
  5. Pesto + Sun-Dried Tomatoes. ...
  6. Kimchi + Bacon + Chopped Scallions. ...
  7. Cherry Tomatoes + Basil + Mozzarella.

How to take your mac and cheese to the next level? ›

  1. Make the sauce with brown butter. Browning the butter for the sauce adds a nutty flavour to the classic cheese sauce. ...
  2. Add evaporated milk. ...
  3. Choose the right cheese. ...
  4. Choose the perfect pasta. ...
  5. Double up on breadcrumbs. ...
  6. Boost the flavour with Marmite. ...
  7. A hit of heat. ...
  8. Extra seasoning.

How to make Gordon Ramsay's mac and cheese? ›

Just boil pasta in milk and then, add butter, cheese, salt, and pepper to it. Merge all the elements and Gordon Ramsay's mac and cheese will be ready in no time.

What is the best flavor to add to mac and cheese? ›

Dry mustard, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper: Mac and cheese is all about the cheese, after all, so I chose this combination of seasonings to really enhance and highlight the cheddar. Dry mustard powder has a sharp flavor that pairs so well with the cheese, and smoked paprika lends an irresistibly smoky note.

What not to do when making mac and cheese? ›

Here's what several experts say are the biggest mistakes when it comes to making macaroni and cheese at home and how to avoid making them.
  1. Using Only Cheddar cheese. ...
  2. Not Adding Spice and Seasoning with Salt. ...
  3. Choosing the Wrong Pasta. ...
  4. Overcooking. ...
  5. Skimping on the Toppings.
May 21, 2020

What goes well with mac and cheese? ›

What mixes well with mac and cheese? Adding ingredients like bacon, broccoli, caramelized onions, jalapeños, shrimp, sausages (or hotdogs, if you want to go old school), or different cheeses mix well with mac and cheese.

What meat to put in mac and cheese? ›

1/2 to 1 pound sautéed and drained ground beef, pork, turkey or chicken (you could also add in 1 tablespoon chili powder as you sauté the meat for a more chili-like vibe). 1 to 2 cups sautéed extra firm tofu, or puree some of the sauce with 1 cup soft tofu in a blender, then return it to the pot, then add your noodles.

Why is my homemade mac and cheese bland? ›

If your mac and cheese tastes bland, it's either because it's under-seasoned, you didn't use flavorful cheese, or you didn't use enough cheese. Try adding a little more salt first, because that might fix it.

Why is my mac and cheese never creamy? ›

Pro Tip: Don't use pre-shredded cheese. Many store-bought shredded cheese brands coat their cheese with an anti-caking agent than can make sauces grainy and less creamy. While it requires a bit of an arm workout, grating your own yields the best texture.

Can you add breadcrumbs to a box of mac and cheese? ›

Top it with breadcrumbs

You can add extra cheese and breadcrumbs and finish the thing in the oven for something you might actually bring to a potluck, but even a quick saute or spin in the toaster oven, of panko bread crumbs and olive oil tips boxed mac and cheese into a meal worth actually setting the table for.

What does adding more milk to mac and cheese do? ›

Sauce too thick? Stir in a splash of milk and mix until the sauce has loosened up. (This is also a great trick for reheating mac and cheese - if you're microwaving leftovers and the sauce seems to have dried up, stir a splash of milk or half-and-half into the pasta to bring the sauce back to life!)

How to elevate cheese sauce? ›

Endless Flavor Combinations: By adding herbs, spices, or other ingredients, you can elevate the flavor of your cheese sauce and create a variety of taste profiles. For example, you can incorporate garlic, jalapeños, mustard, or smoked paprika to enhance the sauce's taste and pair it with different dishes.

Why is my cheese separating in my mac and cheese? ›

I'll spare you any more science-y talk, but the main culprits in curdled or split mac and cheese are too much heat and what kind of cheese you use.

What makes mac and cheese taste so good? ›

Great mac n' cheese needs one or more cheeses that melt well, and one or more cheeses that bring the flavor. The best melters include monterey jack, fontina, baby swiss, asiago, provolone, mozzarella, and alpine-style. Cheeses for flavor: cheddar, havarti, smoked gouda, gorgonzola, feta and any other of your favorites.

Can you doctor up Stouffer's mac and cheese? ›

Doctored Stouffer's macaroni and cheese - best ever!

Family sized frozen macaroni and cheese, 1- small pint of heavy cream, 1- 8oz medium cheddar, 1 - 8oz sharp cheddar. Thaw macaroni, pour heavy cream and mix in, shred cheeses and mix in. Save some cheese for the top.


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