13 Best Substitutes for Milk in Kraft Mac & Cheese (2023) (2024)

We've all been there. You go to boil some boxed Kraft macaroni and cheese to indulge in, and realize you forgot to grab some milk! Or, even worse, maybe the milk in your fridge has gone bad! Regardless, I am here to confirm that yes, you can make mac and cheese without using milk!

13 Best Substitutes for Milk in Kraft Mac & Cheese (2023) (1)
13 Best Substitutes for Milk in Kraft Mac & Cheese (2023) (2)

I've outlined 13 of the BEST substitutes for regular milk to use in a boxed mac and cheese recipe. And, I've explained how to use the alternatives, and how it'll change the outcome. Spoiler: I think some of the substitutes are better than using milk!

Table of Contents:
  • Pasta Water
  • Heavy Cream
  • Cream Cheese
  • Sour Cream
  • Soy Milk
  • Coconut Milk or Coconut Cream
  • Almond Milk
  • Cashew Milk
  • Oat Milk
  • Flour-Based Roux
  • Extra Butter
  • Mayonnaise
  • Plain Yogurt
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • ⭐ Reviews

This list is comprised of some dairy options and some non-dairy milk substitute. However, its important to notes that with most boxed mac and cheese, especially Kraft, there is dairy in the cheddar cheese powder packet. So, if you're looking for something completely non-dairy, you may want to try a vegan boxed mac and cheese!

This list includes heavy cream, sour cream, cream cheese, pasta water, non-dairy milk options, roux, butter, yogurt, and even mayo!

Pasta Water

The simplest, cheapest, and most obvious milk alternative is water! However, I don't recommend using just any water. To make boxed mac and cheese with water, reserve at least ½ a cup of the pasta water that the pasta is cooked in when you drain it. Add the pasta back to the pot, add the butter, cheese powder, and any seasonings. Then, stir in the starchy pasta water until the result is creamy.

This option will not be as creamy as some of the others, but will still turn out good! Be sure to let it simmer a little bit once all mixed in to help thicken.

Heavy Cream

Heavy cream is, in my opinion, the best milk substitute for kraft mac and cheese. It's thicker and more luxurious than milk, so I actually think this makes a better end result! just add the heavy whipping cream in the same way you would add the milk. You may want to start with a bit less than the box instructions call for, but that is up to you! This should give a deliciously creamy texture.

Cream Cheese

While this isn't my favorite option, it is still a very good substitute. The reason it isn't my favorite is that I think it is actually too thick. In order to use cream cheese in mac n cheese, I think you need to mix it with water or some other liquid, which is just an extra step. However, if you want to do it, I recommend only draining the mac and cheese about half way, leaving some of the cooking liquid intact. Then, use a whisk or a fork to incorporate the cream cheese until it is smooth and creamy, then mix in the remaining ingredients.

Sour Cream

I think sour cream is a great substitute! However, it may change the flavor just slightly. For sour cream, mix it in just like I outlined in the cream cheese example, but with far less or no extra liquid. Sour cream is slightly sour (duh), so this may impact the final flavor a bit. I'd say if you enjoy the taste of sour cream, you'll love this! If you don't, maybe try a different option.

Soy Milk

Of all of the plant-based milk options, I find soy milk or soya milk to be the most neutral in taste, making it a great option for boxed mac and cheese! However, I also find soy milk to be a bit thinner than some other milk options. But, if you're in a pinch, using soy milk is a great method! Simply add the soy milk in the same way you would use regular cow's milk.

Coconut Milk or Coconut Cream

Anytime I make a dairy-free recipe, coconut cream or canned coconut milk is always my go-to option for a thick and creamy consistency! However, it does have a flavor that needs to be masked a little bit. Look for canned coconut cream (NOT the same as "cream of coconut") in the canned aisle at the grocery store! If you can't find that, try canned coconut milk, but store it in the fridge before use. Simply add it into the cooked pasta with the butter and the cheese powder. Add some extra salt to cover the coconut sweetness.

Almond Milk

Using almond milk works just like using soy milk! However, make sure you have PLAIN and unsweetened almond milk! Many people buy sweet almond milk for coffee, so don't mistakenly use that for the mac and cheese!

Just add the almond milk in place of milk and combine as you normally would.

Cashew Milk

I am a big fan of cashew milk for cooking without dairy. Cashew milk is a good mac and cheese milk substitute because it is a bit thicker than almond or soy milk, and cashews are a bit savory naturally. To make mac and cheese with cashew milk, add the cashew milk in a 1:1 swap for regular milk!

Oat Milk

The last of the plant-based milk options on this list is one of the most popular! Oat milk has become a great choice for non-dairy alternatives. Again, make sure it is plain and unsweetened. Oat milk has a decent texture and flavor, similar to that of cows milk. Add it in just like you would regular milk, that is, if it calls for 1 cup of milk, add 1 cup of oat milk instead!

Flour-Based Roux

A lot of homemade mac and cheese recipes use a flour-based roux, so it makes sense that a roux would work well here too! To make a roux, you need to use a separate pot or pan. Add a 1:1 ratio of flour and butter (melt the butter in the pan first, then sprinkle the flour) and use a whisk to combine the two over low heat until a paste is formed. Let this toast a bit while stirring, then add a liquid (milk, milk alternative, stock, broth, etc) and whisk in until all clumps are gone. This should result in a thick white sauce. Season with salt and pepper and then whisk the cheese packet into the roux. Finally, fold the cooked pasta into the cheesy sauce!

Extra Butter

If you don't have any milk on hand, this is a really simple option that is still a dairy product! Simply use an extra amount of butter. However, I highly recommend using a method similar to mantecare or beurre monté, which means mounted butter sauce. Basically, you just add cold butter to the end of the cooking process and whisk or stir it in rapidly. This allows the butter to melt without separating and creates an emulsion, making the sauce creamy and shiny! I would use at least 3-4 tablespoons of cold butter for a boxed mac and cheese.


I know, this one sounds weird. But hear me out! Mayonnaise has a relatively neutral but salty flavor, and it has a high level of fat. If you're really in a pinch, try adding around 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise (I highly recommend Duke's or Kewpie) and whisking it in. You may want to add a bit more salt or cheddar cheese or even some parmesan cheese to cover up the distinctive taste of mayonnaise. Don't knock it until you try it!

Plain Yogurt

Finally, using a plain yogurt is one of the best options for replacing milk in kraft mac and cheese! A plain whole milk yogurt or a greek yogurt would work well. Mix it in the same way you'd mix in sour cream, until it is well incorporated. This may have a slightly tangier flavor, but that is a personal preference. You can always add more seasonings to cover up that taste!

13 Best Substitutes for Milk in Kraft Mac & Cheese (2023) (3)
13 Best Substitutes for Milk in Kraft Mac & Cheese (2023) (4)

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I use instead of evaporated milk in mac and cheese?

Evaporated milk is a great choice for making boxed mac and cheese. However, there are many other options. For a standard box of kraft mac and cheese, you can use heavy cream, pasta water, yogurt, oat milk, soy milk, cream cheese, and more!

How do you make boxed mac and cheese without milk?

To make mac and cheese without milk, the best choice is to find something that has a similar texture and a milk flavor. Things like heavy cream, almond milk, oat milk, yogurt, cream cheese, and even pasta water all work very well in boxed mac and cheese.

13 Best Substitutes for Milk in Kraft Mac & Cheese (2023) (2024)


13 Best Substitutes for Milk in Kraft Mac & Cheese (2023)? ›

For a standard mac and cheese recipe, you can replace all or part of the milk with heavy cream. Use an equal amount of heavy cream as you would have used milk. Just stir continuously to prevent scorching and ensure the cream and cheese blend together smoothly.

What to substitute for milk in Kraft mac and cheese? ›

For a standard mac and cheese recipe, you can replace all or part of the milk with heavy cream. Use an equal amount of heavy cream as you would have used milk. Just stir continuously to prevent scorching and ensure the cream and cheese blend together smoothly.

Can you replace milk with butter in mac n cheese? ›

One way to make boxed mac and cheese much richer is to ditch the milk and add extra butter. The box instructions will most likely call for both milk and butter, but, as it turns out, the milk is unnecessary — as long as you add enough butter, of course.

What kind of milk is best for mac and cheese? ›

Milk: Keeps our cheese sauce super creamy. I use whole milk or reduced-fat milk. Mustard and spices: A combination of Dijon mustard, nutmeg, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and salt makes this macaroni and cheese extra delicious. Cheese: I use white cheddar and parmesan or pecorino cheese.

Can I use half-and-half instead of milk for mac and cheese? ›

It's very simple to swap out half-and-half for milk in your mac and cheese recipes; you can use the same amount of half-and-half as you would milk. Since half-and-half still has some regular milk in it, it will act like milk while cooking so you won't have to worry about the ingredient swap impacting your dish.

Can I put vanilla almond milk in mac and cheese? ›

Yes, almond milk works great for mac and cheese! Just be sure to get an unsweetened version. If it doesn't say “unsweetened” or “no sugar”, it is likely that it's a sweetened version. Do NOT use regular/sweetened almond milk since this will make the mac and cheese sweet, which is hard to neutralize.

Can I use chicken broth instead of milk in mac and cheese? ›

Milk and chicken broth: Added to the roux to make the sauce for creamy mac and cheese. Chicken broth isn't commonly used to make mac and cheese, but we find it works great in place of half the milk and adds more flavor.

Is it better to use evaporated milk or regular milk in mac and cheese? ›

Key #2: Use Evaporated Milk

The second big key was to use evaporated milk as the base liquid. Evaporated milk is a highly concentrated source of milk protein micelles—bundles of proteins that can act as powerful emulsifying agents—which help to keep the sauce creamy and smooth.

Is milk or whipping cream better for mac and cheese? ›

Heavy whipping cream (or half and half) is the perfect substitute for milk in mac and cheese. This is actually a great option! The thicker consistency will produce a dreamy, creamy sauce that everyone will love. The flavor is bolder and richer, too, and you may enjoy it more than the original.

How to make mac and cheese Gordon Ramsay? ›

In a large pot over medium heat, combine the pasta and milk. Bring the milk to a simmer and cook until the pasta is tender, 8–10 minutes. Once the pasta is cooked, remove the pan from the heat and add the butter, cheddar cheese, salt, and pepper. Stir until fully combined.

How to make Kraft mac & cheese without milk? ›

Heavy Cream

just add the heavy whipping cream in the same way you would add the milk. You may want to start with a bit less than the box instructions call for, but that is up to you! This should give a deliciously creamy texture.

How to make leftover mac and cheese creamy? ›

"Stir in about 2 Tbs. of milk per 1 cup of mac and cheese and reheat," he says. The milk loosens up the pasta and helps create the creamy sauce as it's reheating. Heavy cream works well in this case too and adds an extra touch of richness to the mac and cheese.

Can I use evaporated milk instead of milk? ›

For a creamy taste without the cream, try evaporated (canned) milk! Evaporated milk is made by removing water from fresh milk and then heating it. Heating the milk gives it the creamy, slightly cooked taste and darker colour. When mixed with an equal amount of water, it can be substituted for fresh milk in recipes.

What can I use in place of milk? ›

Milk in most recipes hydrates the dry ingredients and adds flavor, and there are plenty of substitutes that can do just that without compromising the final result.
  • Half and half. ...
  • Heavy cream. ...
  • Nondairy milks, like soy and almond. ...
  • Sour cream. ...
  • Yogurt. ...
  • Evaporated milk. ...
  • Canned coconut milk. ...
  • Water.
Dec 3, 2021

What is a substitute for heavy cream in mac and cheese? ›

Evaporated milk works as a heavy cream substitute that has the benefit of being shelf-stable. Keep a can in the pantry for a quick and easy swap. Simply replace the heavy cream in a recipe with evaporated milk using the same amount called for in your recipe.

Do you need milk in macaroni and cheese? ›

If you're wondering about making boxed mac and cheese without milk, such as Kraft mac and cheese, you can do that, too! Simply replace the milk with chicken broth or water, melt in a bit of cream cheese, and you'll still end up with a tasty, cheesy meal.

How much heavy cream to replace milk? ›

You can substitute heavy cream for milk by diluting it with a little water. Use half a cup heavy cream and half a cup water for every cup of whole milk. 1 cup whole milk: combine ½ cup heavy cream and ½ cup water.


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