The Only Cheese Combination I Ever Use for the Creamiest Mac and Cheese (2024)

Lauren Miyashiro

Lauren MiyashiroRecipe Director

Lauren Miyashiro is the Recipe Director at Kitchn. A former New Yorker, she lives with her husband, two daughters, and dog in the Bay Area, where she is currently on the hunt for good pizza and bagels. She can turn almost anything into a crunchwrap and almost always has a batch of on-demand frozen cookie dough in the freezer.

published Nov 21, 2023

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The Only Cheese Combination I Ever Use for the Creamiest Mac and Cheese (1)

The secret to the best-ever homemade macaroni and cheese? Using the right cheese. If you’ve ever ended up with dry, greasy, or bland results, the reason could be your cheese. The type of block you choose to grate can seriously affect the taste and level of creaminess.

While you can’t go wrong with sharp cheddar (it’s by far the most popular choice!), we like to play around with different cheese combinations. Below are our favorite cheese duos.

Quick Overview

What Is the Best Cheese for Mac and Cheese?

Sharp cheddar is the overwhelming popular choice, but for extra-creamy results, we think medium cheddar is even better. Other delicious options include Gruyère, smoked Gouda, and Monterey Jack.

How to Choose the Best Cheese for Mac and Cheese

  • Pick a cheese that melts well. Cheddar, Gruyère, Monterey Jack, mozzarella, Fontina, and Gouda cheese are good options.
  • Grate your own cheese. The preservatives in the pre-grated stuff can make it tougher to melt. Plus, it never tastes as good.
  • Play around with the cheese combos. Homemade mac and cheese is not an exact science. As long as you’re working with cheese that you know will melt well, you can play around with the combinations and proportions.

Sharp Cheddar + Medium Cheddar

You’ll find a lot of recipes that call for sharp cheddar cheese to make the homemade cheese sauce, and we totally get it. It’s generally easy-to-find and affordable, melts beautifully, and tastes delicious. But after a lot of testing, one of our most trusted recipe developers, Patty Catalano, declared that medium cheddar is the best option for ultra-creamy mac and cheese. It has more moisture and therefore melts more easily than sharp cheddar and yields a noticeably creamier sauce.

Sharp Cheddar + Gruyère

When we want to channel our inner Ina, we go for Gruyère. It melts similarly to cheddar, but has a lovely nuttiness that tastes kinda fancy.

Medium Cheddar + Monterey Jack

If you have picky eaters, this is the mildest, very creamy, and most kid-friendly combination. Try a ratio of 1:1 in our go-to stovetop mac and cheese recipe.

Sharp Cheddar + Smoked Gouda

We recently tested six celebrity baked mac and cheese recipes and discovered our favorite included not one but two types of smoked cheeses (smoked cheddar and smoked provolone.) Smoked Gouda is generally easy to find and balances the sharpness of cheddar perfectly.

Parmesan (or Pecorino Romano) + Any Flavor Combo

We’d never make mac and cheese with just Parmesan, but just a quarter cup adds a lot of sharp depth of flavor.

If You Don’t Want to Make a Roux, Use Any Combo + Cream Cheese

For a quicker, easier, one-pot mac and cheese, use pasta water as the base of the sauce and cubed cream cheese as the binder. Then use any combo of melting cheese from above that you’d like.

The Only Cheese Combination I Ever Use for the Creamiest Mac and Cheese (2024)


What is the best cheese combination for mac and cheese? ›

Cheddar and Monterey Jack are a match made in gooey heaven, especially when they're blanketed in tons of crisp topping. At last, a recipe that's as easy as the boxed stuff, but so much tastier. It relies on Monterey Jack, Parmesan and two smooth melters: American cheese and cream cheese.

How to make mac and cheese creamy again? ›

The #1 secret to creamy reheated mac and cheese

"Stir in about 2 Tbs. of milk per 1 cup of mac and cheese and reheat," he says. The milk loosens up the pasta and helps create the creamy sauce as it's reheating. Heavy cream works well in this case too and adds an extra touch of richness to the mac and cheese.

Why is my mac and cheese sauce not creamy? ›

To keep your mac and cheese creamy, avoid overcooking the cheese sauce and use a combination of cheeses known for their melting properties. Don't be tempted to add too much macaroni, as it will absorb the sauce and dry it out.

What cheeses are not good for mac and cheese? ›

Dry, crumbly cheeses like feta or cotija are not ideal. With their high moisture levels, they don't melt properly and will leave you with clumps of cheese instead of a smooth sauce.

What keeps mac and cheese moist? ›

Keep baked macaroni and cheese moist by adding plenty of milk and not too much flour.

How to stop mac and cheese from drying out? ›

Add 1 tablespoon of milk per cup of mac and cheese.

What helps thicken mac and cheese? ›

Use cornstarch or all-purpose flour.

You can thicken cheese sauce further by adding more flour or even using a couple of teaspoons of cornstarch. In a small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch or flour with a cup of water. The cold water will create a slurry.

Can you put too much cheese in mac and cheese? ›

Can you put too much cheese in mac and cheese? Yes, adding more cheese than a recipe calls for will not improve the dish. Too much cheese will result in a dish that is heavy and greasy.

How do you keep mac and cheese creamy after baking? ›

Milk: Keeps our cheese sauce super creamy. I use whole milk or reduced-fat milk.

What is the best pair for mac and cheese? ›

Mac and cheese is versatile and can be eaten as a side dish with meats like chicken, brisket or bbq ribs, or as a main dish with a vegetable side dish like an acidic green salad or simple steamed vegetables.

What white cheeses are good for mac and cheese? ›

This White Mac and Cheese is the ultimate comfort food dish! Tender pasta coated in a creamy cheese sauce made with two kinds of cheese: fontina and white cheddar cheese. This combo makes the creamiest, silkiest macaroni and cheese with lots of flavor.


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