How to Reheat Mac and Cheese So It Won't Get Dry and Overcooked (2024)

  • Food
  • Cooking

Here’s how to save your mac and cheese.


Ariel Klein

Ariel Klein

Ariel Klein is a freelance writer specializing in lifestyle, fashion, beauty, technology, home, cooking, and gardening topics. Her work has appeared in Real Simple, Well+Good, Travel+Leisure, Better Homes and Gardens, and Food & Wine magazine.

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Published on January 12, 2024

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In This Article

  • How to Reheat Mac and Cheese in the Oven
  • How to Reheat Mac and Cheese in the Microwave
  • How to Reheat Mac and Cheese on the Stove

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How to Reheat Mac and Cheese So It Won't Get Dry and Overcooked (1)

When you think of the ultimate comfort meal, what comes to mind? Whether you’re five or 45 years old, we can all agree that it’s likely macaroni and cheese. The delicate noodles doused in silky, cheesy goodness is enough to warm your heart and belly, no matter the occasion. And while everyone has a different way of making mac and cheese, we’re all confronted with the same issue at some point: reheating it the next day can royally ruin the taste and texture.

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Dishes that have a lot of dairy aren’t usually ideal as leftovers because the proteins and fats separate when reheated. In the case of mac and cheese, this often makes the dish mushy and tasteless. On the other hand, your mac and cheese could end up tasting dry and oily if it's reheated the wrong way. Luckily, there are a few tricks to help you actually enjoy mac and cheese the next day, and the good news is, you can successfully reheat it in several ways. To learn how to reheat mac and cheese so it’s still gooey and delicious, keep reading.

How to Reheat Mac and Cheese in the Oven

If you have the time, reheating mac and cheese in the oven is one of the better options because it will retain the perfect texture. The inside will become warm and gooey, and the top will get nice and crispy, as if it were baked for the first time. Here’s how to reheat mac and cheese in the oven:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Take a portion of the mac and cheese (or however much you need) and place it in an oven-safe baking dish.
  3. Pour about a tablespoon of milk per cup of mac and cheese into the dish and mix well.
  4. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and place it in the oven for about 20 minutes, or until it’s heated through.
  5. If you want the top to get golden and crispy, remove the aluminum foil and finish cooking the mac and cheese under the broiler for 5 minutes.

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How to Reheat Mac and Cheese in the Microwave

The microwave is a lifesaver, especially when you need lunch or dinner in a pinch. But since everyone’s microwave is different, reheating mac and cheese might take a little trial and error. Here’s what to do for the best results:

  1. Put a portion of the mac and cheese on a microwave-safe dish or plate.
  2. Add a tablespoon of milk per cup of mac and cheese and mix well.
  3. Reheat the mac and cheese for 15 seconds at a time, making sure to stir it well.
  4. Once the mac and cheese is bubbling and heated through, remove the dish from the microwave. Add a little butter and mix again.

How to Reheat Mac and Cheese on the Stove

Reheating mac and cheese on the stove is quick, efficient, and will guarantee a delicious leftover meal. In fact, it’s even easier and tastier than making a boxed mac and cheese. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Add the mac and cheese and one tablespoon of milk (per cup of mac and cheese) to a saucepan or pot.
  2. Heat the mac and cheese over medium heat, breaking it up with a wooden spoon.
  3. Cook for about 5 minutes, or until heated through. Turn off the stove and add a little butter and extra cheese, and mix once more.

The Key Ingredient Your Macaroni and Cheese Is Missing

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How to Reheat Mac and Cheese So It Won't Get Dry and Overcooked (2024)


How to Reheat Mac and Cheese So It Won't Get Dry and Overcooked? ›

For an individual serving or small amounts, use the microwave or stovetop. For larger amounts of frozen mac and cheese, use the oven or toaster oven. For all methods, to keep the mac and cheese from drying out, stir 1 tablespoon milk into each 1 cup mac and cheese before reheating.

How to reheat mac and cheese without drying it out? ›

For an individual serving or small amounts, use the microwave or stovetop. For larger amounts of frozen mac and cheese, use the oven or toaster oven. For all methods, to keep the mac and cheese from drying out, stir 1 tablespoon milk into each 1 cup mac and cheese before reheating.

How to keep mac & cheese from drying out? ›

Break up any clumps of the leftovers in a mixing bowl and add one tablespoon of milk per cup of macaroni and cheese. Add a little bit of extra cheese, and then fill a casserole dish with the mixture.

How do you keep mac and cheese from separating when reheating? ›

Pour about a tablespoon of milk per cup of mac and cheese into the dish and mix well. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and place it in the oven for about 20 minutes, or until it's heated through.

How to stop mac and cheese from solidifying? ›

Protein molecules bind together and form tight, chewy grains throughout the sauce, all while leaving an excess of oil and liquid around it. The only way to avoid this is to minimize the heat exposure to your cheese.

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Reviving Mac & Cheese
  1. Place the macaroni & cheese into a microwave safe bowl. ...
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of milk per cup of mac and cheese. ...
  3. Cover with an inverted plate, making sure to use oven mitts when removing from the microwave to avoid burning yourself.

Why is mac and cheese not good reheated? ›

Pasta dishes are notoriously difficult to reheat, as noodles can become overcooked under direct heat, or dry out in a microwave. Mac and cheese noodles are no exception, and if you've made a homemade cheese sauce, you must also be careful not to break its emulsion.

What is the best way to keep mac and cheese warm? ›

Keep cooked macaroni and cheese warm in a crockpot for serving at a potluck or anytime you need the dish to stay warm for hours. Spraying the crockpot insert with nonstick cooking spray prevents the macaroni from sticking to the insert without adding extra calories and fat.

How to stop mac and cheese from separating? ›

One way to avoid curdled mac and cheese sauce is by tempering, or combining two ingredients with different temperatures and slowly bringing them to the same temperature, so there is no shock or coagulation.

How do you keep mac and cheese from separating in the oven? ›

I'll spare you any more science-y talk, but the main culprits in curdled or split mac and cheese are too much heat and what kind of cheese you use. When you toss a bunch of cheese all at once into a béchamel mixture (milk-cream-roux) that's too hot (I like to keep the temp between 140 and 180°F) the sauce will split.

How do you keep macaroni and cheese gooey? ›

Starting the pasta in cold water works just as well as adding it to already-boiling water but cooks faster and with less energy. A combination of multiple thickeners and emulsifying agents—cornstarch, evaporated milk, eggs, and American cheese—ensures an extra-gooey texture with real cheese flavor.

How to fix runny mac and cheese? ›

all you have to do is toss in a little bit of milk or water works to into the Mac. and then give that a mix and toss it into the microwave for one minute . mix that up a little bit more and it should be back to its creamy state.

Can I prep mac and cheese the night before? ›

Everyone's favorite comfort food can be made up to 4 days ahead of time. One of the benefits of mac and cheese is that you can make it ahead, refrigerate it in a covered baking dish, and bake it a few days later. If you have time, bring it to room temperature for 30 minutes before putting it in the oven.

How do you heat up mac and cheese to make it creamy again? ›

The #1 secret to creamy reheated mac and cheese

"Stir in about 2 Tbs. of milk per 1 cup of mac and cheese and reheat," he says. The milk loosens up the pasta and helps create the creamy sauce as it's reheating. Heavy cream works well in this case too and adds an extra touch of richness to the mac and cheese.

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It's never quite the same but the best method I've used is zapping it with a bit of milk and butter. I got a couple of tips on the Tbaytel Talk & Text Line about this and apparently, frying it is where it's at! Les: I fry KD or spaghetti the next day. Melt butter on low heat with a lid on for 5-7 minutes.

Can you reheat mac and cheese in an air fryer? ›

Macaroni cheese and pasta bakes

Instead, portion some into an enamel or aluminium dish and reheat in your air fryer at 180°C for 5-6 minutes, adding a splash of water in the bottom of the dish, and you'll be rewarded with something that could fool you it had just come fresh out of the oven.


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