What Are Mommy Issues?: Signs, Causes & Effects | Paired (2024)

Do I have mommy issues?

What Are Mommy Issues?: Signs, Causes & Effects | Paired (1)What Are Mommy Issues?: Signs, Causes & Effects | Paired (2)

By Zoë O'Connor


January 17, 2024

Read time: 10 mins

by Moraya Seeger DeGeare

What Are Mommy Issues?: Signs, Causes & Effects | Paired (3)

These days, people are often accused of having “mommy issues” or “daddy issues” but what does this really mean?

As an insult, it’s designed to attack or criticize someone’s parents or upbringing — which can sting. However, there is some grain in truth in this, because an inconsistent or unhealthy mother-child relationship can have a lasting impact on your development.

Experts argue that your mother is one of the most influential and important people in your life, especially in your early childhood. However, an unhealthy maternal relationship can result in the development of mommy issues, which can impact all your relationships moving forward.

So, while the term is often considered a colloquialism, what do mommy issues mean for relationships? And, if you’re struggling with these deep-rooted issues, is there a way to move forward and develop healthy relationships?

Key Takeaways

  • Often used as an insult, it can be difficult to define mommy issues. Generally speaking, they refer to the emotional and psychological effects stemming from an individual's relationship with their mother. These unresolved childhood conflicts can significantly influence behaviors and attitudes in adult relationships.
  • An unhealthy maternal relationship can lead to the development of 'mommy issues', affecting all future relationships. These issues often manifest as attachment problems, influencing how individuals interact in relationships. Common behaviors include high relationship anxiety, difficulty with emotional intimacy, and self-esteem issues.
  • Contrary to gender stereotypes, both men and women can experience attachment issues due to unhealthy relationships with either parent.
  • Mommy issues can arise from a lack of essential emotional support in early life or from overly protective or enmeshed relationships. Both extremes can hinder the development of secure attachments in adulthood. These issues are not 'fixable' in a traditional sense but can be managed and improved through understanding, therapy, self-awareness, and building secure attachments.

What are mommy issues?

Mommy issues refer to the psychological and emotional impact of a person’s relationship with their mother. These unresolved conflicts from early childhood can have a lasting impact on behaviors and attitudes toward relationships in their adult lives.

“This occurs when the relationship with your mother is not secure and significant lingering wounds are playing a part in how you connect with others and your view of yourself,” saysMoraya Seeger DeGeare, a licensed marriage and family therapist and In-House Relationship Expert at Paired.

The term “mommy issues” is the colloquial term for these attachment issues, but the effects of this complicated relationship with a mother figure can vary from person to person.

What is an example of mommy issues?

While the definition of mommy issues isn’t always concrete, if someone struggles with attachment, it can directly affect how they act in relationships.

For example, they may exhibit certain behaviors such as high relationship anxiety, difficulty with emotional intimacy, and self-esteem issues.

What is the difference between mommy and daddy issues?

Societal norms tend to suggest that women have daddy issues, while men have mommy issues but this isn’t t necessarily true.

“These terms are based on gender norms and how society views the role of a mother compared to a father,” says Seeger DeGeare.

In reality, people of any gender can develop attachment issues due to an unfulfilling or unhealthy relationship with either parent. Even though anyone can experience long-lasting problems due to these relationships, gender affects how these unresolved issues appear later in their adult lives.

“Daddy issues are more focused on wanting attention from men and unhealthy ways that someone might go to get that attention. Whereas mommy issues are often more around being cared for in a warm, comforting way,” says Seeger DeGeare.

What Are Mommy Issues?: Signs, Causes & Effects | Paired (4)

What causes mommy issues?

Several theories have been put forth to explain the psychology behind mommy issues. These suggest that two different types of mother-child relationships can cause these issues to show up in later life.

The most common example is whereby the mother figure fails to provide essential emotional support to their child in their early life.

“When a parent is not emotionally available and able to prioritize connection with their child,” says Seeger DeGeare.

“Mommy issues are less about time and more about knowing you can rely on your mother or feel like they were dependable in your childhood. This is far beyond having a working parent, this goes into truly feeling ignored and not important or even worthy of comfort from a mother.”

This lack of caretaking can result in childhood trauma that, if not dealt with, can impact all of your other relationships as you grow up.

However, the other extreme can also cause negative effects. Even though seen as a doting relationship, an overly coddling or protective mother can have just as negative of an impact. For example, they tried to be your best friend rather than your mother, or never let you lift a finger around the house.

This kind of enmeshed or codependent maternal relationship can also impact your ability to develop secure attachments in your adult life.

What are the signs of mommy issues?

As mentioned, mommy issues can present themselves in both men and women. While these attachment issues are more commonly represented in men, the effects are generally rooted in low self-esteem or a warped sense of self-worth.

These are some common signs and symptoms of mommy issues, which can be displayed in both men and women.

These signs vary in intensity based on the kind of strained maternal relationship that caused these issues.

Signs of mommy issues

  • Struggling with friendships and interpersonal relationships.
  • Reactive to healthy boundaries and struggling to set boundaries.
  • Craving constant validation and finding yourself worrying about abandonment.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Struggles building trust in relationships.
  • Insecure attachment style.
  • Craving constant comfort and reassurance.
  • Craving to feel taken care of and held emotionally.
  • Struggling emotionally with being a parent yourself, this highlights it’s time to address some underlying issues related to the relationship with your mother.

Consequences of mommy issues

Attachment theory suggests that when babies are born, they need to attach themselves to a primary caregiver. This attachment relies on open communication and the belief that their mother would respond if they needed help.

This results in a secure attachment, whereby you develop a healthy relationship with your mother from childhood and are therefore able to rely on and trust other people in your life.

How does having mommy issues affect future relationships?

However, if this doesn’t happen, it can affect all relationships later on in life — especially romantic relationships. This can lead to various insecureattachment styles or patterns, such as avoidant or anxious attachment styles.

“The insecure attachment style that comes with not feeling securely attached to your mother as a child can show up most significantly in romantic relationships and how it is hard to build and maintain them,” says Seeger DeGeare.

“The craving to not feel alone can cloud judgment around other people other people and build healthy boundaries.”

These trust issues andattachment styles can affect how you behave with your romantic partners. Mommy issues in men may manifest in many different ways. For example, if they had an over-coddling mother, they may not know how to complete basic household chores or tasks because their mom always did it for them. This means they may look for a partner who fills this void later in life.

Do mommy issues affect your parenting?

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the impact it may have on your significant other, with these issues also affecting how you behave as a parent.

“Becoming a parent often challenges inner child parts of ourselves,” says Seeger DeGeare.

“So even if you feel like your relationship with your mother may have been sufficient in recent years, or even a non-issue emotionally — you may be surprised by how becoming a parent can start a deeper struggle internally about things you have not addressed in years.”

Becoming a parent is a very emotional period and may unearth issues that you thought you had resolved from your childhood.

“Maybe you feel settled with the fact that your mother was not emotionally available as a child and that you had come to terms with it,” says Seeger DeGeare.

“Then, you become a parent and feel the swell of emotions for your new baby and are completely confused about how your mother responded differently to you as a child. In this confusion many new emotions and even behaviors surface.”

Mommy issues in women may result in the desire to become a better mother than their own experiences, sacrificing their own needs and resorting to people-pleasing tendencies. This kind of behavior results in the continuation of an unhealthy cycle, with the issues potentially passed on to the next generation.

This kind of overbearing behavior can also impact their children’s romantic relationships. For example, a common scenario is where your partner may allow their mother to intrude on the privacy of your relationship. This can create a toxic relationship dynamic if it is allowed to continue.

What are the benefits of being able to talk to your mom?

By psychoanalyzing the mother figure in this way, it can give a very negative view of maternal relationships. However, a secure attachment with your mom can be an incredibly positive element in your adult life.

“If the relationship is healthy, it can be one of the most trusted people that you have known your entire life,” says Seeger DeGeare.

This kind of relationship with your mother establishes them as a key figure in your life, which can help you form healthy adult attachments. With healthy boundaries in place, your mother can provide advice on your romantic relationships and this support system is beneficial to your well-being as you navigate adult life.

If you didn’t have a healthy relationship with your mom as a child, it doesn’t mean you can’t work on it as a mature adult.

“Being able to talk to your mom can be beneficial because you can continue to work on feeling secure in that relationship,” says Seeger DeGeare.

“Especially if your attachment to your mom struggled as a child, it’s key that you both have worked on that personally and together. So minimal hurt is continuing into the adult relationship.”

Can you fix mommy issues?

When dealing with mommy issues, it’s best not to view it as a ‘fixable’ problem, but rather as something that both partners can be aware of and work through as a team.

The key to addressing these issues lies in understanding their origin, developing awareness of their impact, and actively working towards healthier patterns of thought and behavior.

How to deal with mommy issues


Therapy: Seeking help from a therapist or mental health professional is the best way to deal with mommy issues effectively. Although they may not explicitly diagnose you with mommy issues, they will be able to help you through the effects. “Therapy helps! Works on the negative view of yourself that has come from the mommy issues,” says Seeger DeGeare. “This will most likely show up as low self-esteem, being self-critical, and having mistaken or false beliefs about yourself.” With their help, you can address any mental health concerns that were caused by this relationship and work on developing skills for future intimate partners. It may also help facilitate directly addressing these issues with your mother if you feel safe and comfortable doing so.


Self-awareness: When dealing with mommy issues, self-awareness is crucial! This involves recognizing the patterns that stem from early relationships with a mother figure and understanding how these patterns are replicated in adult life.


Building secure attachments: For individuals with insecure attachment styles, forming secure attachments as adults can be healing. If you’re trying to heal, it’s important to lean on your support network and take steps to develop a more secure attachment. This involves establishing relationships based on trust, mutual respect, and emotional availability.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can someone help someone with mommy issues?

    If you believe that your partner is displaying signs of mommy issues, it can be difficult to raise the issue without it coming across as an attack on their family. “When you notice your partner struggling, take a moment to consider your own feelings,” says Seeger DeGeare. “Are you simply worried or do you have specific hopes for how they handle the situation? For instance, if your partner repeatedly expresses difficulty with their mother, it can be challenging to witness their distress.”

  • Don’t use the term mommy issues as an insult but try and work through the issues in a sensitive way. “Begin by expressing how you feel when you observe them caught in a painful cycle, instead of telling them what to do,” says Seeger DeGeare. “Then, inquire about the kind of support they prefer. Would they prefer you to listen, give them space to schedule therapy or talk to a friend, or assist them in setting boundaries? Discussing what kind of support they require, or using the Paired app’s boundaries pack of questions, can aid in clarifying expectations.”

  • By highlighting the problem in this way, you can help your partner set their own healthy boundaries and change their behaviors — which can in turn help your own relationship. “In this way, you’re not overextending yourself, and your partner does not feel alone as they navigate their pain.”

  • What is the importance of dealing with mommy issues?

    If you feel that you are dealing with the adverse effects of an unhealthy maternal relationship — you should address the root of the problem. “Our relationship with our mothers can affect how we interact with others, how we can take care of ourselves, and how we find comfort,” says Seeger DeGeare.

  • “If we have difficulties in our relationships with our mother, it can trigger deep-seated emotional wounds that may impact our behavior patterns in other areas of life.” By working through the causes of these issues, you can prevent them from impacting your significant other or your future relationships.


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What Are Mommy Issues?: Signs, Causes & Effects | Paired (2024)


What Are Mommy Issues?: Signs, Causes & Effects | Paired? ›

Common behaviors include high relationship anxiety, difficulty with emotional intimacy, and self-esteem issues. Contrary to gender stereotypes, both men and women can experience attachment issues due to unhealthy relationships with either parent.

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If she abused you, manipulated you, or failed to provide essential emotional support, the psychological aftereffects can persist into your adult life. So-called mommy issues can also result from overprotective or overly permissive mother-child dynamics.

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"Mommy issues" is a term used to describe the issues females face later in life due to the relationship they had with their mothers as a child. When referring to males, having mommy issues can mean being too close to their mother or seeking a partner who is like their mother, often comparing the two.

How does someone with mommy issues act? ›

Signs of mommy issues can vary greatly, ranging from withdrawal and isolation from others to extreme clinginess and smothering of others. If you have mommy issues, you can work on repairing those wounds through therapy, practicing self-care, and forming healthy relationships with others.

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She Is Too Attached to Her Mother

Emotional immaturity: A woman with mommy issues cannot meet her own needs, relying on both her mother and significant others. As a result, she lacks self-confidence and struggles to have a fulfilling life on her own.

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Steps for healing from the mother wound
  1. Express the pain. The first step is letting yourself say, “Ouch” — and more — if you need to. ...
  2. Love yourself. Our concept of self was built through the way our mother interacted with us. ...
  3. Develop self-awareness. ...
  4. Parent yourself. ...
  5. Forgiveness.
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Be unable to trust a partner or feel secure in a relationship. As mentioned, a woman with insecure attachment can seem clingy and territorial. Terrified of abandonment, she may need constant assurance of her partner's commitment and can become easily jealous or suspicious.

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Seeking supportive relationships with others can help you develop self-confidence to overcome mommy issues. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members who encourage and make you feel your best. Cultivating healthy relationships can go a long way when trying to overcome childhood issues.

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It becomes a red flag if their love interest or crush does not meet his mother's qualities. They will likely lose interest in that person and move on to the next individual who can meet their mother's standards. Doing this puts people under pressure because they try to be like someone else.

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A mother being emotionally neglected as a child can lead to cold mother syndrome. This happens due to the difficulties with attachment an emotionally neglected child will experience in their later relationships.

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This overwhelming turmoil affects daughters in incomprehensible ways, and daughters of unloving mothers can even go through stages, similar to the grief cycle: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

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Let your partner know how his mommy issues are affecting your relationship, and set boundaries with him by communicating your needs and expectations clearly. “Joe, I'm really invested in our relationship, but sometimes I worry you're not fully emotionally available. Can we talk about this? I'd love to be closer.”

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If you grew up without your mum, you may experience challenges such as not having someone to talk to about periods, sex and relationships. These challenges affect not only your experience with life but also those around you.

Can you be diagnosed with mommy issues? ›

To have “mommy issues” is not a diagnosis but a set of signs and symptoms that can have a significant impact on one's life. Often, these are portrayed in various forms of media and literature.

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“Daddy issues are more focused on wanting attention from men and unhealthy ways that someone might go to get that attention. Whereas mommy issues are often more around being cared for in a warm, comforting way,” says Seeger DeGeare.

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Signs You May Have Daddy Issues
  • You Are Interested in Much Older Men. ...
  • You Are Clingy, Possessive, and Protective. ...
  • You Consistently Demand Assurance of Love. ...
  • You Constantly Attract Abusive Partners. ...
  • You Seem to Crave a Lot of Sex. ...
  • You Don't Want to Be Alone. ...
  • The Emotionally Unavailable Father. ...
  • The Abusive and Violent Father.

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At the core, mommy issues are attachment issues stemming from childhood. A person can still unlearn healthy patterns and behavior with awareness and emotional support from significant others. Self-help and therapy can help a person face their childhood trauma and resolve existing issues with their mother.


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