Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars (2024)

Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars (1)


April 29, 2019

4.9 from 17 reviews

  • Prep time: 10 min
  • Cook time: 30 min
  • Total time: 40 min

Buttery, chewy sugar cookie bars topped with a dreamy cream cheese frosting are the perfect easy dessert. Top this sweet treat with fun sprinkles and enjoy!


April 29, 2019

Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars

  • Prep time: 10 min
  • Cook time: 30 min
  • Total time: 40 min
Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars (2)

Buttery, chewy sugar cookie bars topped with a dreamy cream cheese frosting are the perfect easy dessert. Top this sweet treat with fun sprinkles and enjoy!

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  6. Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars (5)
  7. Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars

Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars

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You’ll love these super easy sugar cookie bars topped with a dreamy cream cheese frosting! Sprinkle this sweet treat with fun sprinkles for a fun and festive dessert

Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars (6)

Sugar Cookie Bars

If you’re a sugar cookie person like me, then you’ll know the exact feeling I’m about to describe. The craving hits for a buttery, chewy, perfectly vanilla sugar cookie. What follows is a sense of dread…because sugar cookies are not exactly the easiest baked good to just whip up on a weeknight whim. That’s where these perfectly chewy and buttery sugar cookie bars come in. They’re the perfect lazy treat and taste just as good if not better than a cut out sugar cookie! You’re going to love these frosted sugar cookie bars.

Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars (7)

How to make sugar cookie bars?

If you’ve never had sugar cookie bars, you’re in for a treat. Picture your favorite sugar cookie recipe in a fraction of the time. All you have to do is make a sugar cookie dough and bake it in a 8 x 8 square pan. Sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. Slather on the best cream cheese frosting you’ll ever have and you’ve got yourself a cookie cake.

Which is exactly how I like to celebrate Mondays.

Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars (8)

Better than store bought sugar cookies?

Yes, yes, YES. And this is coming from a girl who grew up on boxed cake mixes.

I must admit, that I do still have a soft spot for those packaged flavors. My favorite recipe to make was taking a Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie mix and making it into what my sister and I called a “cookie cake.” It’s really the best of both worlds and was so delicious. We’d frost it with the store bought frosting from the can and top it with an insane amount of sprinkles.

Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars (9)

But I must say, these dense, chewy, buttery, frosted sugar cookie bars are better. Maybe it’s just my refined adult palette, but I simply can’t eat frosting from a plastic container with a spoon anymore. It’s probably for the best, but damn do I have some good memories around it.

Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars (10)

These frosted sugar cookie bars are seriously addicting and so so easy to make. If you’re craving that chewy, vanilla sugar cookie, but are feeling a little too lazy to roll the dough out and cut out shapes (no judgement from this girl), I highly recommend you whip these up.

I promise they’ll make this Monday improve significantly.


Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars (11)

  • Author: Sofi | Broma Bakery
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Total Time: 35 minutes
  • Category: bars
  • Method: baked
  • Cuisine: dessert

Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars

5 Stars4 Stars3 Stars2 Stars1 Star4.9 from 17 reviews

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Buttery, chewy sugar cookie bars topped with a dreamy cream cheese frosting are the perfect easy dessert. Top this sweet treat with fun sprinkles and enjoy!

  • Author: Sofi | Broma Bakery
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Total Time: 35 minutes
  • Category: bars
  • Method: baked
  • Cuisine: dessert



for the cookie bars

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg, room temperature
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon milk

for the cream cheese frosting

  • 2 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon milk


    for the cookie bars

  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F Fahrenheit. Line a 8 x 8 baking pan with parchment paper and set aside. Using a stand mixer fixed with the paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugar together until just combined. Add in the egg, milk, vanilla, and almond extract and beat well.
  2. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and add the salt and flour, beating for about 1 minute. Transfer the cookie dough to your prepared pan, spreading all the way to the edges and smoothing out the top. Don’t worry too much about it being perfectly smooth, because it will soon be covered in frosting! Bake the bars for 20 to 30 minutes. You’ll want to take them out when the edges are golden brown, but the center of the bar is still gooey.

for the frosting

  1. Place the room temperature butter and cream cheese in a stand mixer and beat well. Add the powdered sugar, milk, vanilla extract and salt and beat until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
  2. Once the cooke bars are cooled, Using an offset spatula, spread the frosting in an even layer over the cooled cookie bars. Sprinkle with your favorite sprinkles, cut into 16 squares and enjoy!

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  1. FYI:
    Attempting to print out your Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars. However, photo of bars does not come up AND a message indicating there is a printing error. I am able to print other recipes. Also able to print other things from other websites. Please check things on your end. I would appreciate you let me know what you find out on your end. Or send me the recipe via my email. Thank you. I appreciate your website & all the recipes. Happy New Year. Plz keep my info private.


    • Hi Lynn! Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. Unfortunately this error doesn’t show up on our end so I’m not sure what the issue is there. I’ve send you the recipe via email in the meantime 🙂


  2. so so good!! my family loved them! tbh i think these would be even better without the frosting so next time ill skip it. thank you for another amazing recipe!! 🙂


  3. These are THA BOMB! I subbed almond extract in icing bc I am obsessed! Loved the flavor! Will def be making these again!


    Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars (2024)


    How to cut frosted cookie bars? ›

    Chill the cookie bars just until the frosting is set to help cut them into clean pieces. Cut into pieces with a sharp knife, wiping the knife between cuts. Store cookie bars in an airtight container in the fridge or at room temperature for up to five days.

    Should frosted sugar cookies be refrigerated? ›

    Choose to store them at room temperature or in the freezer instead of the fridge. If you can store your cookies at room temperature or in the freezer - do it. The fridge should be your last resort because of the moisture that can make your cookies soggy. Store the cookies in an airtight container.

    How long does royal icing take to dry? ›

    How long does it take for the icing to dry? It takes at least 6 hours for flood consistency royal icing to dry completely, but I always allow the base layer of icing to dry overnight to be on the safe side.

    Why are frosted sugar cookies so dry? ›

    Tips for baking soft sugar cookies

    If there's too much flour, the cookies will turn out dry and they will not spread. If possible, measure the flour with a food scale. Otherwise, to ensure the exact amount, gently spoon the flour into the measuring cup and level if off with a flat edge.

    When should you cut bar cookies? ›

    Preparing bars for cutting

    Fill with batter and bake as directed. Cool baked bars completely: If you try to cut bars that are still warm, they'll crumble and fall apart before you get them out of the pan. No one wants to put a gooey mess on display, so be patient and use a cooling rack to help them along.

    Is it OK to freeze frosted sugar cookies? ›

    While you can freeze baked cookies already decorated with icing or filling with jam or ganache, those ingredients don't freeze incredibly well; you'll get better overall results if you add them after you've thawed the baked cookies.

    Can I leave sugar cookies out overnight to dry? ›

    Once I decorate the cookies (either the day they are baked or a couple days later), the cookies need to be left out over night to fully dry before packaging. They will not get stale from being left out one day.

    How far in advance can I frost sugar cookies? ›

    On the counter in an airtight container, I'd say up to 3-4 weeks. Personally, I prefer to eat them within 1 week or freeze them. Frozen properly, they can easily lats 3-6 months (or more!). You can even freeze dough before it's baked (just makes sure it is VERY securely airtight!).

    What is the most difficult part of decorating cookies with royal icing? ›

    Perfecting royal icing consistencies is one of the hardest things to do with the medium. Even for me, as an expert cookier, I don't always get the consistency right.

    What does overmixed royal icing look like? ›

    Undermix, and your royal icing looks translucent and is structurally weak. Overwhip, and you're giving too much volume to the egg proteins via air, causing the structure to weaken in a different way. Overmixed icing usually looks porous when dry, and sometimes will not even fully dry and be soft/brittle.

    How do you know when royal icing is done? ›

    Piping consistency royal icing is stiff icing that has been thinned down with a couple spritzes of water from the spray bottle. The icing still forms peaks, but the peaks are softer and fall after forming. When piping with this consistency, the icing should flow nice and smooth out of the tip.

    What is the best way to store frosted sugar cookies? ›

    Unless a recipe tells you otherwise, you should always store sugar cookies at room temperature to make sure that they taste as good on day three as they did on day one. Keep them in a cool, dry area of your kitchen; any additional humidity may change their texture, particularly with frosted sugar cookies.

    How do you soften frosted sugar cookies? ›

    There are a few common methods for softening cookies, including microwaving them, heating them in the oven, and placing them in an airtight container with a slice of bread.

    Why do people like frosted sugar cookies? ›

    With white sugar bases, thick but not rich colored frosting and sprinkles on top, frosted sugar cookies are amazing all the way around. For starters, the cookies are never chewy. They are soft, fluffy and very easy to eat which adds to the lovely taste.

    How do you package frosted cookies? ›

    Place a piece of bubble wrap in the box, followed by a piece of tissue paper. Layer the cookies in the box, 4 cookies per layer, with bubble wrap and tissue paper in between each layer. I pack as many as 16 cookies in an 8x8x5" box. Place a piece of bubble wrap on top and close the lid.

    How do you cut cookies without breaking them? ›

    The dough can hang out in the freezer for weeks; when you're ready to bake your cookies, remove as many sheets of dough from the freezer as you'd like, let the dough stand at room temperature for five minutes, then use your favorite cutters to stamp out cookies; they'll be easy to cut, will hold their shape, and won't ...


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