Foolproof Dairy-Free Sugar Cookies - Perfect for Cut Outs! (2024)

Foolproof Dairy-Free Sugar Cookies - Perfect for Cut Outs! (1)

These dairy-free sugar cookies are foolproof! Simple, easy, and no special technique or ingredients needed!

After posting this dairy-free pumpkin pie last year, I was surprised who popular it became. So many readers wrote in saying they loved it, mainly because the ingredients were so simple! Sometimes, when you have to eat dairy-free, the only thing you want to change is the dairy.

Many vegan or paleo type recipes have some pretty strange ingredients that the average home baker doesn’t know about or want to attempt getting.

That is why I love sharing the easiest methods possible for dairy-free baking, like with this simple affordable dairy-free substitutes.

Most of you know I bake dairy-free for my husband. Feel free to read more about that here.

Anyways, these dairy-free sugar cookies are great on their own or cut out with icing for the holidays. Christmas cookies are always fun to make this time of year for friends and neighbors, so now you have a great option to help out those who can’t have butter or milk.

This is adapted from one of my all-time favorite sugar cookie recipes which I will be sharing in this month’s newsletter. Sign up at the bottom of this post to get that in your inbox any day now!

Okay, on to this fun recipe.

Dairy-Free Sugar Cookie Recipe

Foolproof Dairy-Free Sugar Cookies - Perfect for Cut Outs! (2)

Dairy-Free Sugar Cookies

2016-12-11 08:20:13

Yields 14

An easy dairy-free sugar cookie, perfect for cut outs. Does not spread!


  1. 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  2. 3/8 tsp baking powder
  3. 1/4 tsp salt
  4. 1/4 tsp almond extract
  5. 3/4 cup white granulated sugar
  6. 1/2 cup coconut oil, softened not melted
  7. 1 large egg


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or use non stick baking sheet.
  3. In a mixer bowl, cream together the coconut oil and sugar. The coconut oil should have similar texture to softened butter (see photo below).
  4. Once a smooth texture, add in the extract and egg. Mix until combined.
  5. In a separate bowl, add the flour, salt, and baking powder and mix well.
  6. Slowly add the flour mixture to the sugar mixture until everything is incorporated.
  7. Divide this into two sections, wrap with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  8. Dust a rolling pin with powdered sugar (or use wax paper on top), roll out to about 1/4 inch thick.
  9. Mixture may seem a little dry compared to traditional, but just keep rolling it will bind and smooth together.
  10. Cut out into desired shapes, add to your baking pan. Pop in the refrigerator for about 10 additional minutes.
  11. Bake for 8-10 minutes until sides are very lightly golden brown. Middle should still be soft.
  12. Slowly using a spatula, work the cookie off the sheet and place on wire rack.
  13. Cool for at least 2 hours before icing.


  1. I divide this dough into two sections so it is easier to roll out.
  2. Make sure to read all chemist tips below.

Chemistry Cachet

Foolproof Dairy-Free Sugar Cookies - Perfect for Cut Outs! (3)

Foolproof Dairy-Free Sugar Cookies - Perfect for Cut Outs! (4)

Chemist Tips for Dairy-Free Sugar Cookies

This post on sugar cookie tips is very helpful even for this dairy-free version. It will help you understand a little bit more on the science behind making a sugar cookie versus another type. Since this relies on substituting the butter for coconut oil, make sure the coconut oil is in a soft solid state. You should be able to scoop it, not pour. It will resemble softened butter and this is key in helping the cookies bind well.

For more information on dairy-free baking, make sure to visit this post for an easy to use infographic.

I use powdered sugar to lightly dust the surface and the rolling pin. You will definitely need a little for this since the dough will need to be rolled well. This dough texture will seem a little bit more dry than a butter dough, but that is what you want. Rolling it to about 1/4 inch thick will get it together nicely.

Refrigeration is another important factor for this dough.

Pop in the fridge after mixing, and then again after cutting out the cookies. It will help them stay nice and flaky while baking.

Gluten-Free Options for Sugar Cookies

You can definitely frost these cookies, but the texture is nice and flaky, so using just some powdered sugar or sprinkles is good too. If you are a gluten-free person, head to these gluten-free cookie tips to see how to substitute the flour. These will be much flatter with gluten-free flour, but will still turn out well.

I also like to use this gluten-free baking mix shown in this recipe. It is a 1:1 ratio for any all-purpose flour.

Egg-Free Options

You can head to this post for some great egg-free baking tips. It makes this cookies flatter, but you can try it!

Everyone has loved these on Pinterest! I hope you enjoy them too.

Foolproof Dairy-Free Sugar Cookies - Perfect for Cut Outs! (5)

Foolproof Dairy-Free Sugar Cookies - Perfect for Cut Outs! (7)

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Foolproof Dairy-Free Sugar Cookies - Perfect for Cut Outs! (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

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