Eventbrite Software Review - Business-Software.com (2024)


Product Snapshot

Product Pricing

Vendor receives a 2.5% + $0.99 cut of each sold ticket. The product is free to use for free events.


Product is available as a SaaS solution that requires no additional hardware.

Customer Focus

Vendor works with companies of all sizes.

Select Customers

Contact vendor directly for case studies.

About Eventbrite

Eventbrite Software Review - Business-Software.com (1) Eventbrite is an event management software solution that makes it easy to maintain all event registrations and ticketing. At the start of the event lifecycle, users can create an event page with event details, pricing tiers and ticket availability. The program can then promote events across a number of different social media channels.

As customers come in to place their ticket orders, the system can process all online payments, display the number of tickets sold and show each guest’s status. The product can additionally support free events by not charging any fees at all, and users can cash out once an event is complete. Lastly, Eventbrite can check guests in through a mobile app as they come to events.

About the Company

Eventbrite was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.

Eventbrite Key Features

  • SaaS event management software solution
  • Hosts event pages with event descriptions and pricing tiers
  • Processes all online payments
  • Can share events across social media
  • Displays all event-related financials in real-time
  • Features a mobile app for event check-ins
  • Users can cash out at the event of each event

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Eventbrite Software Review - Business-Software.com (2024)


Is it worth it to use Eventbrite? ›

Boosts ticket sales: Naturally, having access to the Eventbrite brand's well-established platform is a great start for selling more tickets than you otherwise could on your own. It provides a full assortment of online ticketing features tailored to selling more tickets and serving diverse audiences.

What type of software is Eventbrite? ›

Eventbrite is an event management software solution that makes it easy to maintain all event registrations and ticketing. At the start of the event lifecycle, users can create an event page with event details, pricing tiers and ticket availability.

Why is Eventbrite no longer free? ›

After years of building a business model largely on enabling event creators to offer free and paid tickets for their events, the company has shifted its focus to profitability through a series of marketing tools meant to help event creators promote their events and connect with new interested audiences.

How do I pull data from Eventbrite? ›

Export your event order data
  1. Go to “Manage my events”.
  2. Select your event.
  3. Go to "Orders" (under "Manage attendees").
  4. Optional: Customize your order data.
  5. Export your order data.

What is the controversy with Eventbrite? ›

And now Eventbrite is being accused of conducting a “campaign of cancellation” against women after pulling tickets for a string of gender-critical events over fears they could spread hateful views.

Does Eventbrite take a percentage of your money? ›

Eventbrite charges a ticketing fee of 3.7% + $1.79 per attendee + monthly fees, and with no limit or maximum fee per attendee.

How do I avoid Eventbrite fees? ›

Eventbrite charges a Ticketing Fee for every paid ticket and add-on you sell. The Ticketing Fee consists of a Service fee and a Payment processing fee where applicable. If your tickets are free, you and your ticket-buyers don't pay any Ticketing Fees.

Is it safe to buy tickets through Eventbrite? ›

Eventbrite uses rigorous data security and payment technology to ensure safety for both organizers and attendees. The platform also doesn't allow third-party sellers, meaning every ticket sold on Eventbrite is sold directly by the event organizer.

How does Eventbrite make money? ›

Eventbrite's main source of revenue is a percentage cut from each ticket sold for an event. “We grow with creators as they plan, promote and produce more events and grow attendance,” the company stated in its S-1 filing.

What is the best browser for Eventbrite? ›

Eventbrite recommends Google Chrome or Firefox for the best experience.

How does Eventbrite pay you? ›

Eventbrite sends your payout 3 days after the completion of your event or on the custom payout schedule you choose. Then, your bank and location will determine how long it takes for the money to show in your account.

Can people see you on Eventbrite? ›

Eventbrite offers different levels of privacy for events. To set your event privacy, go to "Publish" (on your Event Dashboard). Then choose "Public" or "Private".

What is the point of Eventbrite? ›

Eventbrite is an American event management and ticketing website. The service allows users to browse, create, and promote local events. The service charges a fee to event organizers in exchange for online ticketing services, unless the event is free.

Does it cost to publish an event on Eventbrite? ›

Events with up to 25 tickets are free to publish. If you'd like to offer more tickets, there are two plans available: Flex: pay a one-time Organizer Fee per event based on the amount of tickets you want to offer. Pro: pay a monthly or annual subscription to publish unlimited events under your event capacity limit.

How do I get rid of Eventbrite fees? ›

Absorb fees: Check the box next to “Absorb fees” if you want the fees to be included in the ticket price you set. Fees will be deducted from your sales at the time of your payout. Pass fees on: Leave the box next to “Absorb fees” unchecked if you want attendees to pay the fees on top of the ticket price you set.


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Views: 5722

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.