ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (2024)


ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (2)






ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (9)


Introducing Terry, the loveable bear who spends most of his days hibernating in his cozy cave. Terry was born under the star sign of Libra, giving him a gentle nature and a strong desire for harmony in all aspects of his life. When Terry isn't sleeping, he loves to eat, especially during the winter when he’s bulking up for his long slumber. A much-loved task, considering his favourite treats are a good old fashioned pack of Pringles. Despite his big appetite, Terry is a kind and generous soul who always shares his snacks with his friends.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (10)


Benji is the lazy, but lovable Snackle who is always in pursuit of his next meal. Being a Gemini, Benji is a laid-back and easy-going character who prefers to take life at a slow pace. While his friends are always inviting him to go to the beach or play fetch, Benji can never be bothered to exert himself. The one thing that can get him moving, however, is the promise of a his favorite Hersheys chocolate bar! Benji love of food is the one thing that motivates him to get up and go.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (11)


Britney is a high-maintenance, sassy Snackle who loves all things sweet. Being a Leo, Britney demands attention and adoration all the time. She never goes anywhere without a Cinnabon in one hand and her phone in the other, usually perfecting her dance moves, and cracking jokes. With her signature blue and pink ears, Britney is always camera-ready and never misses a chance to strike a pose. Despite her diva-like tendencies, Britney has a heart of gold and is always there to offer a helping paw to those in need.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (12)


Meet the freshest Snackle of them all, Hugh the Hippo. Hugh loves working with his hands and is always building something new. He spends most of his time tinkering away to create something him and his Snackle friends can enjoy. When he’s done with the hard work, Hugh loves to make sure he’s smelling as fresh as a daisy. He’s always refining his sweet-talking skills to impress the ladies and has a mint on hand for any emergency. Born under the sign of Pisces, Hugh is a sensitive soul in tune with his emotions.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (13)


Meet Daisy the Cow, a lady with a love for country music and a dream of soaring through the skies. Daisy’s greatest mission in life is to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and she truly believes that this is possible! She's a determined soul, who is always brainstorming how she can one day reach the clouds! Daisy loves country music, and she finds joy in simple pleasures like spending time in nature and soaking up the sun. Born under the sign of Taurus, she's loyal and dependable, a true friend to those around her. With her unwavering optimism and strong spirit, Daisy is sure to inspire all who know her!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (14)


Felix the dragon is not your typical fire-breathing monster. Felix, an Aries, is a passionate and creative soul who loves nothing more than cooking up a storm on his trusty BBQ. While his ability to breathe fire often makes him the go-to guy for lighting campfires and candles, Felix wishes others would see him for more than just his fiery breath. Despite his tough exterior, Felix has a heart of gold and a romantic streak a mile wide. When he's not tending to his grill, Felix enjoys listening to his favorite vinyl records and practicing mindfulness to keep his inner flame burning bright.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (15)


Lottie the Elephant is a delightful Snackle with a sweet tooth! She has a weakness for anything sugary, particularly lollipops, the perfect sweet treat for a girl on the go. Despite this, Lottie is a loveable character known for her dreamy nature and kind heart. Lottie was born under the sign of Aquarius, which means she's creative and always looking for ways to express herself. She loves spending her days daydreaming about all sorts of adventures, from flying through the clouds to exploring the depths of the ocean. With her charming personality and endearing quirks, Lottie is sure to win the hearts of anyone who meets her!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (16)


Introducing Dan, the chicken with an undying love for Pringles. Dan is a friendly and egg-centric character who loves nothing more than sending hilarious memes to his pals to crack them up. Despite his comedic talent, Dan often struggles to figure out his purpose in life and feels lost in the world. One thing he knows for sure, though, is that he's looking for love. Unfortunately, his romantic pursuits often fall flat, leaving him to perfect his habit of comfort snacking. But Dan never gives up hope that someday he'll find that special someone who loves him for egg-zactly who he is - memes and all.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (17)


Meet Albie the Axolotl! Although he likes to keep to himself sometimes, his personality shines the brightest when he’s with his Snackle Friends. Being born under the sign of Cancer, makes him a very caring and sensitive creature. He always listens to his friends and makes sure they are feeling happy and loved. However, there’s one thing that Albie loves more than anything – a big bowl of ramen! Hail, rain or shine, Albie will never be found far away from his bowl of noodles. With his loveable personality, Albie will be your new best friend!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (18)


Richard the Unicorn is a silly and energetic Snackle who loves to dance and sing with his friends. Richard has a unique quirk - he always has a bowl of Fruit Loops to fuel his silly moods, which often leads to even more outrageous dance moves and impromptu performances. He's a social butterfly who cherishes time with his pals, sharing stories and laughter. Richard is passionate about anything rainbow, and loves to express himself with bright, vibrant colors. Born under the sign of Sagittarius, he's adventurous and always up for a good time. With his infectious energy and love of all things fun, Richard is a joy to be around!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (19)


Susie is as sweet as candy. Being a Capricorn, Susie is a reliable and nurturing character who loves to play Candy Crush in her spare time. She takes life at a slow pace and is known for notoriously running 10 minutes behind schedule. However, her friends and family don't mind - they know she'll always be there for them when they need her. Susie is always seen out and about in her minivan and is the unofficial neighbourhood mum, welcoming kids into her home after school for snacks and games. With her kind heart and easy-going nature, Susie is beloved by all who know her.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (20)


Luna the Snackle is a furry ball of fun! Luna is the undisputed queen of Pez lollies and is always ready to share them with her Snackle friends! This mischievous feline's day is often spent curled up by the fire, engrossed in the latest sci-fi novel. Luna's talent for storytelling and whimiscal tales guarantee smiles and laughs for everyone around her!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (21)


Nancy is the Subway husky with a taste for adventure and a love for sandwiches! Her Subway lunches are her daily delight, keeping her tummy full and her heart happy. When not enjoying her lunch time feast, Nancy dreams of long walks on the beach, her paws leaving imprints in the sand. Nancy is never found far from her Snackles friends, who just so happen to show up around lunch time to take a bite of Nancy's famous sandwiches!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (22)


Meet Nigel, the Haribo bear with a heart as golden as his passion for shiny things! Nigel is a connoisseur of all that glitters, whether it's golden gummy bears or sparkling treasures. When he's not indulging in his sweet tooth, you'll find Nigel immersed in his second love – painting! With a brush in paw, he creates colorful masterpieces that reflect his whimsical personality. Nigel's world is a blend of sweetness and artistry, where he turns every moment into a golden adventure. Join Nigel on his journey, and discover the magic that happens when a bear with a love for gold embraces the joy of creativity!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (23)


Introducing Terry, the loveable bear who spends most of his days hibernating in his cozy cave. Terry was born under the star sign of Libra, giving him a gentle nature and a strong desire for harmony in all aspects of his life. When Terry isn't sleeping, he loves to eat, especially during the winter when he’s bulking up for his long slumber. A much-loved task, considering his favourite treats are a good old fashioned pack of Pringles. Despite his big appetite, Terry is a kind and generous soul who always shares his snacks with his friends.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (24)


Benji is the lazy, but lovable Snackle who is always in pursuit of his next meal. Being a Gemini, Benji is a laid-back and easy-going character who prefers to take life at a slow pace. While his friends are always inviting him to go to the beach or play fetch, Benji can never be bothered to exert himself. The one thing that can get him moving, however, is the promise of a his favorite Hersheys chocolate bar! Benji love of food is the one thing that motivates him to get up and go.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (25)


Britney is a high-maintenance, sassy Snackle who loves all things sweet. Being a Leo, Britney demands attention and adoration all the time. She never goes anywhere without a Cinnabon in one hand and her phone in the other, usually perfecting her dance moves, and cracking jokes. With her signature blue and pink ears, Britney is always camera-ready and never misses a chance to strike a pose. Despite her diva-like tendencies, Britney has a heart of gold and is always there to offer a helping paw to those in need.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (26)


Meet the freshest Snackle of them all, Hugh the Hippo. Hugh loves working with his hands and is always building something new. He spends most of his time tinkering away to create something him and his Snackle friends can enjoy. When he’s done with the hard work, Hugh loves to make sure he’s smelling as fresh as a daisy. He’s always refining his sweet-talking skills to impress the ladies and has a mint on hand for any emergency. Born under the sign of Pisces, Hugh is a sensitive soul in tune with his emotions.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (27)


Meet Daisy the Cow, a lady with a love for country music and a dream of soaring through the skies. Daisy’s greatest mission in life is to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and she truly believes that this is possible! She's a determined soul, who is always brainstorming how she can one day reach the clouds! Daisy loves country music, and she finds joy in simple pleasures like spending time in nature and soaking up the sun. Born under the sign of Taurus, she's loyal and dependable, a true friend to those around her. With her unwavering optimism and strong spirit, Daisy is sure to inspire all who know her!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (28)


Felix the dragon is not your typical fire-breathing monster. Felix, an Aries, is a passionate and creative soul who loves nothing more than cooking up a storm on his trusty BBQ. While his ability to breathe fire often makes him the go-to guy for lighting campfires and candles, Felix wishes others would see him for more than just his fiery breath. Despite his tough exterior, Felix has a heart of gold and a romantic streak a mile wide. When he's not tending to his grill, Felix enjoys listening to his favorite vinyl records and practicing mindfulness to keep his inner flame burning bright.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (29)


Lottie the Elephant is a delightful Snackle with a sweet tooth! She has a weakness for anything sugary, particularly lollipops, the perfect sweet treat for a girl on the go. Despite this, Lottie is a loveable character known for her dreamy nature and kind heart. Lottie was born under the sign of Aquarius, which means she's creative and always looking for ways to express herself. She loves spending her days daydreaming about all sorts of adventures, from flying through the clouds to exploring the depths of the ocean. With her charming personality and endearing quirks, Lottie is sure to win the hearts of anyone who meets her!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (30)


Introducing Dan, the chicken with an undying love for Pringles. Dan is a friendly and egg-centric character who loves nothing more than sending hilarious memes to his pals to crack them up. Despite his comedic talent, Dan often struggles to figure out his purpose in life and feels lost in the world. One thing he knows for sure, though, is that he's looking for love. Unfortunately, his romantic pursuits often fall flat, leaving him to perfect his habit of comfort snacking. But Dan never gives up hope that someday he'll find that special someone who loves him for egg-zactly who he is - memes and all.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (31)


Meet Albie the Axolotl! Although he likes to keep to himself sometimes, his personality shines the brightest when he’s with his Snackle Friends. Being born under the sign of Cancer, makes him a very caring and sensitive creature. He always listens to his friends and makes sure they are feeling happy and loved. However, there’s one thing that Albie loves more than anything – a big bowl of ramen! Hail, rain or shine, Albie will never be found far away from his bowl of noodles. With his loveable personality, Albie will be your new best friend!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (32)


Richard the Unicorn is a silly and energetic Snackle who loves to dance and sing with his friends. Richard has a unique quirk - he always has a bowl of Fruit Loops to fuel his silly moods, which often leads to even more outrageous dance moves and impromptu performances. He's a social butterfly who cherishes time with his pals, sharing stories and laughter. Richard is passionate about anything rainbow, and loves to express himself with bright, vibrant colors. Born under the sign of Sagittarius, he's adventurous and always up for a good time. With his infectious energy and love of all things fun, Richard is a joy to be around!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (33)


Susie is as sweet as candy. Being a Capricorn, Susie is a reliable and nurturing character who loves to play Candy Crush in her spare time. She takes life at a slow pace and is known for notoriously running 10 minutes behind schedule. However, her friends and family don't mind - they know she'll always be there for them when they need her. Susie is always seen out and about in her minivan and is the unofficial neighbourhood mum, welcoming kids into her home after school for snacks and games. With her kind heart and easy-going nature, Susie is beloved by all who know her.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (34)


Luna the Snackle is a furry ball of fun! Luna is the undisputed queen of Pez lollies and is always ready to share them with her Snackle friends! This mischievous feline's day is often spent curled up by the fire, engrossed in the latest sci-fi novel. Luna's talent for storytelling and whimiscal tales guarantee smiles and laughs for everyone around her!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (35)


Nancy is the Subway husky with a taste for adventure and a love for sandwiches! Her Subway lunches are her daily delight, keeping her tummy full and her heart happy. When not enjoying her lunch time feast, Nancy dreams of long walks on the beach, her paws leaving imprints in the sand. Nancy is never found far from her Snackles friends, who just so happen to show up around lunch time to take a bite of Nancy's famous sandwiches!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (36)


Meet Nigel, the Haribo bear with a heart as golden as his passion for shiny things! Nigel is a connoisseur of all that glitters, whether it's golden gummy bears or sparkling treasures. When he's not indulging in his sweet tooth, you'll find Nigel immersed in his second love – painting! With a brush in paw, he creates colorful masterpieces that reflect his whimsical personality. Nigel's world is a blend of sweetness and artistry, where he turns every moment into a golden adventure. Join Nigel on his journey, and discover the magic that happens when a bear with a love for gold embraces the joy of creativity!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (37)


Introducing Terry, the loveable bear who spends most of his days hibernating in his cozy cave. Terry was born under the star sign of Libra, giving him a gentle nature and a strong desire for harmony in all aspects of his life. When Terry isn't sleeping, he loves to eat, especially during the winter when he’s bulking up for his long slumber. A much-loved task, considering his favourite treats are a good old fashioned pack of Pringles. Despite his big appetite, Terry is a kind and generous soul who always shares his snacks with his friends.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (38)


Benji is the lazy, but lovable Snackle who is always in pursuit of his next meal. Being a Gemini, Benji is a laid-back and easy-going character who prefers to take life at a slow pace. While his friends are always inviting him to go to the beach or play fetch, Benji can never be bothered to exert himself. The one thing that can get him moving, however, is the promise of a his favorite Hersheys chocolate bar! Benji love of food is the one thing that motivates him to get up and go.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (39)


Britney is a high-maintenance, sassy Snackle who loves all things sweet. Being a Leo, Britney demands attention and adoration all the time. She never goes anywhere without a Cinnabon in one hand and her phone in the other, usually perfecting her dance moves, and cracking jokes. With her signature blue and pink ears, Britney is always camera-ready and never misses a chance to strike a pose. Despite her diva-like tendencies, Britney has a heart of gold and is always there to offer a helping paw to those in need.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (40)


Meet the freshest Snackle of them all, Hugh the Hippo. Hugh loves working with his hands and is always building something new. He spends most of his time tinkering away to create something him and his Snackle friends can enjoy. When he’s done with the hard work, Hugh loves to make sure he’s smelling as fresh as a daisy. He’s always refining his sweet-talking skills to impress the ladies and has a mint on hand for any emergency. Born under the sign of Pisces, Hugh is a sensitive soul in tune with his emotions.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (41)


Meet Daisy the Cow, a lady with a love for country music and a dream of soaring through the skies. Daisy’s greatest mission in life is to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and she truly believes that this is possible! She's a determined soul, who is always brainstorming how she can one day reach the clouds! Daisy loves country music, and she finds joy in simple pleasures like spending time in nature and soaking up the sun. Born under the sign of Taurus, she's loyal and dependable, a true friend to those around her. With her unwavering optimism and strong spirit, Daisy is sure to inspire all who know her!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (42)


Felix the dragon is not your typical fire-breathing monster. Felix, an Aries, is a passionate and creative soul who loves nothing more than cooking up a storm on his trusty BBQ. While his ability to breathe fire often makes him the go-to guy for lighting campfires and candles, Felix wishes others would see him for more than just his fiery breath. Despite his tough exterior, Felix has a heart of gold and a romantic streak a mile wide. When he's not tending to his grill, Felix enjoys listening to his favorite vinyl records and practicing mindfulness to keep his inner flame burning bright.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (43)


Lottie the Elephant is a delightful Snackle with a sweet tooth! She has a weakness for anything sugary, particularly lollipops, the perfect sweet treat for a girl on the go. Despite this, Lottie is a loveable character known for her dreamy nature and kind heart. Lottie was born under the sign of Aquarius, which means she's creative and always looking for ways to express herself. She loves spending her days daydreaming about all sorts of adventures, from flying through the clouds to exploring the depths of the ocean. With her charming personality and endearing quirks, Lottie is sure to win the hearts of anyone who meets her!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (44)


Introducing Dan, the chicken with an undying love for Pringles. Dan is a friendly and egg-centric character who loves nothing more than sending hilarious memes to his pals to crack them up. Despite his comedic talent, Dan often struggles to figure out his purpose in life and feels lost in the world. One thing he knows for sure, though, is that he's looking for love. Unfortunately, his romantic pursuits often fall flat, leaving him to perfect his habit of comfort snacking. But Dan never gives up hope that someday he'll find that special someone who loves him for egg-zactly who he is - memes and all.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (45)


Meet Albie the Axolotl! Although he likes to keep to himself sometimes, his personality shines the brightest when he’s with his Snackle Friends. Being born under the sign of Cancer, makes him a very caring and sensitive creature. He always listens to his friends and makes sure they are feeling happy and loved. However, there’s one thing that Albie loves more than anything – a big bowl of ramen! Hail, rain or shine, Albie will never be found far away from his bowl of noodles. With his loveable personality, Albie will be your new best friend!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (46)


Richard the Unicorn is a silly and energetic Snackle who loves to dance and sing with his friends. Richard has a unique quirk - he always has a bowl of Fruit Loops to fuel his silly moods, which often leads to even more outrageous dance moves and impromptu performances. He's a social butterfly who cherishes time with his pals, sharing stories and laughter. Richard is passionate about anything rainbow, and loves to express himself with bright, vibrant colors. Born under the sign of Sagittarius, he's adventurous and always up for a good time. With his infectious energy and love of all things fun, Richard is a joy to be around!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (47)


Susie is as sweet as candy. Being a Capricorn, Susie is a reliable and nurturing character who loves to play Candy Crush in her spare time. She takes life at a slow pace and is known for notoriously running 10 minutes behind schedule. However, her friends and family don't mind - they know she'll always be there for them when they need her. Susie is always seen out and about in her minivan and is the unofficial neighbourhood mum, welcoming kids into her home after school for snacks and games. With her kind heart and easy-going nature, Susie is beloved by all who know her.

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (48)


Luna the Snackle is a furry ball of fun! Luna is the undisputed queen of Pez lollies and is always ready to share them with her Snackle friends! This mischievous feline's day is often spent curled up by the fire, engrossed in the latest sci-fi novel. Luna's talent for storytelling and whimiscal tales guarantee smiles and laughs for everyone around her!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (49)


Nancy is the Subway husky with a taste for adventure and a love for sandwiches! Her Subway lunches are her daily delight, keeping her tummy full and her heart happy. When not enjoying her lunch time feast, Nancy dreams of long walks on the beach, her paws leaving imprints in the sand. Nancy is never found far from her Snackles friends, who just so happen to show up around lunch time to take a bite of Nancy's famous sandwiches!

ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (50)


Meet Nigel, the Haribo bear with a heart as golden as his passion for shiny things! Nigel is a connoisseur of all that glitters, whether it's golden gummy bears or sparkling treasures. When he's not indulging in his sweet tooth, you'll find Nigel immersed in his second love – painting! With a brush in paw, he creates colorful masterpieces that reflect his whimsical personality. Nigel's world is a blend of sweetness and artistry, where he turns every moment into a golden adventure. Join Nigel on his journey, and discover the magic that happens when a bear with a love for gold embraces the joy of creativity!


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ZURU Toys | Play Reimagined. (2024)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.