The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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1 14 CHICOPEE WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN COUNTY HOLYOKE WESTIELD TROLLY EXTENSION PLAN: to HEARING ON LICENSE PROTEST to LONGMEADOW ALESSANDRO BOUND OVER CLEAN UP WORK KEEPS ON of Rubbish Carried Away MORE IRE APPARATUS run down only to fleld'Strnctnre Can' ItepBlred: for OBITUARY Hampden News Continued on rage 15 Special Notices Airs PLANNING OR ATHLETICS cut down tire bills on the matter EEDING HILLS TRY THE SCIENTIIC BRIMIELD Special Notices REMEDY Shotect IfcuUeflL Coonics is quite ill is spending part of relatives in New Bed result in on happened to be on Park csterday wit Kntherine Callahan 55 wife of Callahan died at her home in the mill district after seven She leaves besides her husband yet to be decided but the wealth of terial promises a successful senson No at tempt will be made to enter a league this year but the team will be open for en gagements to out of town teTiins during Cue whole season on Saturday afternoons andholidays It is the hope of the inauagement to bold games on the home grounds xt least" tv ice a month Cooley Thrown Out of Commissioners Win Recommend Two Combination Automobile Chemical Track and a Tractor The fire commissioners will recommend that two combination automobile chemical trucks and an automobile tractor be added to the equipment of the fire "department at once the tractor to be iiftt dtpn the aerial truck? The automobile apparatus in ne by the department has proved success ful and has given better satisfaction than the horse drawn apparatus'' the church may wish The success of the first day of the "chan week was continued yesterday and load after load of refuse was taken from South Holyoke Late yesterday after noon the alley teams wore sent into ward 1 where a start was made This section ent in a number of calls for wagons to the board of trade and a general clean up is under way The success of the "project has proved most gratifying to the civic as sociation and it promises to be the most successful clean up week over inaugurated in the city It is to be regretted that the billboards eannot bo included in the general refuse and carted off to the dump with the other was te in thecity but it is possible that eventually something may lie done to got rid of rhe billboard disfigure ment in the city Arthur Rowe amt family have moved from Pleasant street over to the east district and are occupying their bungalow for the summer The glee chib at" the practicing for their annual concert whichwill be given in the near future Miss Hazel tali her vacation with ford Station Agent with pneumonia SELECTMEN OER A REWARD 4'! ill Ray S2OO for Detect Ion of: Au iomobilc Driver Who Killed mittee of son who church on Sunday 1 attics' Club room William Sullivan Mrs Daniel Ceran and Mrs Bert Austin 'will have of the entertainment which will be in the form of a May party Refreshments will be served in a novel style The benevolent society of the Congregational church will meet 'to sew in the chapel this nftcrnooii Supper will be served at 6 A handkerchief sale will he held in the i these be ing collected from the different states of the Union tA 'r EAST LONGMEADOW night? will on Mrs William Comnilloner Will Consider Protest luulnst Main Street Permit It is understood that the licensing board will grant a hearing this week and pos sibly this evening to the Second Congre gntional church committee and others who wish to protest against the granting of a license in the premises formerly occcupicd 'by the I larniscb brothers at 307 Main street application being made this year for the site by II Mondor Charges will 'also be: brought it is understood against a hotel it being claimed that liquor was sold to a minor on a Sunday recently and that enough was sold so that the youth became' intoxicated The Second churchoft which Grace church is a branch will oppose the granting of the license believ that the large number of licensed places already located in that section of ward 2 will amply care for the sale of intoxicat ing liquors and that any increase in the number of places increases deplorable eon 'ditions mid that the liquor evil should be curbed instead of being expanded They will also probably call attention to the fct that because of the protest of two other clergymen one in 'ward 6 nnd the other in ward 1 that a change in the petition for a location was made and that if the saloon was not wanted in wards 1 or 6 it certainly should not be placed in that section of ward 2 which is already honeycombed with saloons The charges relative to the illegal sale of liquor will also be strongly brought to attention it is stated Besides the com mittee from the Second church others have been interested and will enter a protest The commissioners will take under consid eration that the site applied for by MrMondor is not a new location having been oceevpied for the sale of liquor for a number of years past and recently by Hitrniseh Bros hut if the protests fromt'j other churches have been given weight there would seem no reason not to give weight to the protest of a third church Grace church nre particularly concerned us by their situation st Race and Cabot streets they are in the (hick of a saloon district the music during the Vocal solos were rendered by James 1 Sullivan and rank Mulligan Miss 'May Judge was pianist A monolog by Walter Movm Lnn was well received "or the progres sive whist 5 tables were in play and 20 tables for the bridge whist Handsome mixes were awarded to the winners The affair was a success and no little amount of the credit goes to ReV John O'Connell pastor of the church and his coypsssof as? sistants The affair will net a goml sum which will go toward def raying the ex penses of a new parish house which is now in the course of construction Park Com Ission ers to Inspect Parks The oark commissioners will makb a'tour of inspection of the parks in the city this aiternoon lie plan tor making a Springfield furnished the part of the musical program' assisted bv Eva Unger soloist Walter Moody also several appreciated recitations The committee in charge was headed by Harry Unger The following" marriage intentions were filed yesterday with Citv Clerk Buckley: Dorilc Breault of 10 Abbev street and Belle Lussier of 6 Dwight street: Lester Williams? of South Hadley alls Miss Agnes Al Rackleff of 108 Taylor street Hormisdas Moreau of' 17 Perkins street and Miss Eva Demars "of Lud low Denis urphy contractor has begun the construction of the new $10000 home for the Stanislaus society Yin Chestnut stieet from plans drawn by: Architect George I Dion Got the Original and Genuine HO MALTED MILK The oed drink for All Ages or Infants jnvalids and Growing children PureNutrition up building the wholebody Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged Rich milk malted gram in powder form A' quick lunch prepared in a minute Take no substitute Thomas Judson who was so badly injured Monday bv being run by an automobile on White street is still in a serious condition He had not regained consciousness 'last night but some of the paralysis in his side I nd disappeared and this' was regarded As favorable sign The accident is being investigated by Capt' A oote of Holyoke who is in the employ of the highway commission Members of Westfield grange will have a jolly time at the meeting in raternityhall this evening The men tof the organ ization are to furnish the entertainment and linvc prepared a splendid program A special committee has had the details in charge and a record breaking attendance is expected There ill be special chorus singing music ret udolin elub and red Eldrcdof Springfield will give anexhibition of magic addition to the en tertainment a luncheon will 1e served by squad in eharge "of Alvin owler 'Cndwortlt ivho'condnets truck ing business and AV Allen who ia with his father in the office of A Son haveformed a partnership under the name of" Alien A Cudworth for the storage of goods" have leased one be observed in the riday night Mrs Rising evading Tail road disposed of tinned A special meeting of the playground commission will be held in the beard of trade rooms Monday evening when the supervisors and assistants of the play grounds for the season will be appointed" Injured by alling Brick i Moses Smith was quite seriously hurt in the boiler room of the Calmer millMunday afternoon Mr Smith "rt as en as' assistant fireman and while at tending: 'duties was suddenly attJick by fulling brick caused: "by car striking the wall of the building car wits backing in the' coal shed with eucli speeiT that it could not be stopped there fore bit the wall Kiich force rac to completely bury Mr Smit with jbriek ran to his assistance: and aft er a few minutes 'the brick Away Another Conference 'Over Street Hoped for Soon Interest in the alls is beginning center again around the proposed confer ence between the aldermanic street rail I way committee the street railway commit tee of the boa rd 'of trade and officials of the SpringfiekL and Holyoke street railway companies to be held some time in May relative to the proposed extension ot the Springfield tracks over the Ghicopee river into the territory around Sheridan and Montgomery streets The matter which involves the acceptance on the part of the Holyoke company: the plan for the Springfield corporation to cross their bridge in the alls whs5 dis cussed in detail at a similar conference held in Mayor office last January but the companies desired to reserve de cision at that time until the question of the 'Western Massachusetts trolly develop ment so vitally interesting to both had been threshed out in the Legislature It was thought at the time that the trolly question would be settled by May but it is now believed that if it is not the fate of the bill can be known far enough in advance for the Springfield company to plan definitely for Shcridan strect improve ments before the end of the month Although the trolly representatives did not offer any undue encouragement for the project at the previous conference hope is stirring now that the Western Massachu setts development scheme threatens to go over another year on account of the pres ent prejudice created bv the New Haven road investigation in Boston The alls citizens will benefit by the improve ment arc taking comfort in the thought that the Springfield street railway com pany' and the financial corporations 1 back of it will be more ready to consider small improvements like the one proposed when their resources arc not taxed by the larger scheme in Berkshire Of course nobody is making predictions at this early date The schedule problem confronting the two companies which' would use the bridge at the alls under the new arrangement and the proposition to charge nn extra fare for rides over into the Sheridan street ter ritory advanced by the railway officials at the last conference may prove rocks for midable enough to split all future negotia tions Other disturbing elements also en ter into calculations among these being the fact that some citizens of prominence on the south side of the river arc' openly opposing the scheme on the grounds that a through lino from Springfield through blast Springfield is greatly to be preferred and ill bo move needed within a few years Nevertheless it is that pub lic sentiment in the alls favors the ex tension into Sheridan street and the com mittees in charge of the end of the negotiations arc going to leave no stone unturned in bringing the project to the construction point before the summer is over No word has yet been forthcoming from the rnilway'Acqmnanies con cerned regarding the next oonfcrcm and it is not believed that much consideration of the details of theextension has been given by them as y'ct But the alder manic and hoard of trade conmuttecs arc ready to act nnd expo 1 that theconfer ence will be held within a month as the informal agreement qntered into at the last meeting stipulated No date has been set as yet for the May mooting butthe local committees are to get in touch with the rjtilwny officials before the end of the week and make preliminary arrangement's COST BRIDGE PAVEMENT LANAGHAN CO ICO State St near Main Tel 80 Package and Express Store No Ifaf ree Auto Delivery! Rttssqll Case for Attcmptinst Railroad Station Going to them into all the nonr and clew after clew wa nothing which could bo worked The local: police in the towns which worn 4 visited eo operated ith them and gave all' the aid they could often calling them in when something looked important tut despite this all tract's to be lost' When the selectmer met Saturday aft Chief Broun ge and Ma i oote ex plained the situation to them anl asked them tn consider the advisability of offer ing a reward While some clews remained still bo tracked down it was felt that such" a stop1 would have tlio ad vnntate of perhaps loading someone to give information and also to show that the town isvitally interested in its roads' safe forpnblic travel The se lectmen took the matter under advisem*nt and it again at their meeting AJonday jnight finally deoiding that they were not only warranted in taking the Step 'but that Ht would be: expedient It is thought that the rreward rant toad to the discovery ofthcse who were respon sible for death as thq car must have been somewhat damaged as the re sult of the' accident and might be traced in that manner At first there iyas some question ns to whether the selectmen had the right to appropriate the town's money in this manner but it was found to be IMS Spates Guy ott The marriage of Miss Clara Guyotte daughter of Mr and Mrs Nelson 'Guyotte of 6 Kendall court and A Page son of Mr and Mrs James of 81 School street was solemnized' yesterday morning in the church of the Assump tion by Rev rederick Bonneville Mr Page and Mr Guyotte' "fathers the couple were the only attendants The bride wore a gown of white satin'' over lace with a picture hat to match and carried a shower bouquet "of bridal roses After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home ofglhe bride's parents attended bv guests from 'Mont real Worcester 'Webster Holyoke and Springfield A large reception ''was also held at the home of the bride's parents last evening Mr and Mrs PnsfoUeft last night for Boston and New York where they will spend two weeks before return ing to their home at Kendall court Trolly Wire alls Traffic from the alls was up for about two hours yesterday Imorbing when the trolly wire from the almshouse to the high school a distance of about 1500 feet was torn down in some man ner by car number 15!) at about'' 1043 "The car was in charge of Con ductor John Cooling and Motormtin Edward Nolan who spent several strenu ous minutes warning passbrshv to beware of the live wires live in deed No one was injured but consider able inconvenience was causdd: during the period of nearly two hours required for repairs Assailant ind $20? Joseph Wacko" fias fined $15 in police court morning for an nss mH on Ed ward Enright of the alls com mitted under peculiarly brutal rircum st a nces Monday afternoon 'An additional penalty of $5 for drunkenness also imposed Wacko who fractured Enright's law with a blow of his fist when The laTfei "objected to his spitting a pet collie dog on the Enright premises was able to pay hotlr his fin ps Jiunes Mc Nally was sentenced to 30 days in the house of correction for drunkenness An enjoyable entertainment was provided by the pleasant Mondayert'Dlngvlith the 'Central Baptist church Monday evening orchestra1 of Do jou know that you can now obtain a scientific preparation of tbe utmost1 'al ue in the care pf the 4 In the most obstinate cases of eczema acne pimples hit eg rash andall buniingyitchibg skin affections physi cians prescribe SulphoTac? It contains sulphur combined with Tone of the most highly prized dCstr'oycrs known to medical science Those ingredi ents! are what make Siilphblac a remedy of unprecedented worth in arresting and heal ing all diseases of the skin Any druggist cells a good sized iar' with directions tor '50c Get Sulpbok to day and see how this cream benefits your skin or free snmpteAwrhe Hudson Inc149 131 West" 39 th New York City A NORTH WILBRAHAM I Everett Green nnd Wilfred Calkins spent the first of the week in Rmell ona fishing 1 A uller is 'able to be out doors fur a short dimo on pleasant days after a 10 illness I young men of Mr Sunday school class of Grace Union clmrch met nt his hom*o Monday night at and reorganized the King's Sims Thgie is ill be a Afay day pnrtv the young people of Grace Union church at the chinch Thursday affcrnoon" at 130' Mrs Emma Calkins returned home fj oih stay in Boston with her daugh ter Airs Walter Akers last week home in IlnnrtrA lArnl on hnt ho considerably shaken up Air Cooley decided that lie would make1 the rest of the 'trip automobile the field 'da but the situation is such a speedy decisiofi is The day is sure to attract ac lug crowd the committees in charge pave already lined an attractive program The? dime contest at the Young Christian association for a camp equipment closes toruishf 'and tbc 'boys' are hopeful Of the: necessary $2Q0 in the final dash The' Reds were still abend yester day with about $S0 nnd the Whites had about $70 There yet remains botweocn $40 to and the bnvs will make a determined effort to get that amount before sundown ThereCs a live ly contest for tbe seven prizes offered by the association nnd the merchants The two lending prizes for the boys obtaining the largest amount nre two weeks in camp and one week in camp free of cost: Messrs ielding and Henson will make their trip to Otis to morrow to look nt possible sites and will from Russell point Committees The directors of the Mittinengue Young Men's Christian association appointed a large committee to natch oi the con duct of the physical department and take charge of the detailed nil ingoments for its varied bri'iehes at their meeting last night The general committee has been divided into six subcommittees to take charge of the ariou spoits the individual athletic interests of the men themselves being generally tancn into account in the making of the "snbappointinents 1 1 is be lieved that'the athletic interest of the men in the association will be stimulated nmie than ever bv bringing large number men in close connection with the arrange ments tor ihe various forms of snort 1 he general committee appointed is beaded I t'ook chairman The other niembeis are appointed to the subcommittees ns fol" lows' II redette chairman rank Lysagbt Hennessey and' 1 Loomis tennis (jus Johnson chair man Dr Downey and Bryan howling 'Walters chairman Edward Roberts find William Blythe basketball Gus Johnson chairman George Porters nnd Raymond Austin gymnasium Dr Ils A chairman William Porters and Benjamin Thayer advertising A Juck ett? chairnian Blythe and 11 Moses II II rcdettC hits been chosen man ager of the association baseball team for the ensuing Season' and rank Lysaght ha been niade secretary Candidates for the team' arc requested to meet the new ager Saturday afternoon between 2 and 230 o'clock at Worthy park fur a short practice I he make up of the team lias RUNAWAY ON PARK SQUARE 'SJlaybr Rivers yesterday savC out' state ments regarding the paying of the portion of the West Springth uP bridge conttdled hy Chicopee showing that': the entire cost of putting in' treated wood blocks over treated planks of the most dependable kind would be $10912 This sort of a pavement according to the mayor who produced the figures os a result of his own personal investigation would last the city for about 25 years and would he preferable to the layers of new planking which the aidermen showed nn inclination to vote for at their Monday night's meet ing when the mayor was refused the priv ilege of the floor on the objection of Al derman Dion The mayor's figures show that plank pavement would cost about $5000 and would hardly last the city over three years without extensive re pairs The mayor is of opinion that the biirden of the initial expense is worth assuming for the sake of the larger future saving While he regrets that repair of the bridge Jooms up so much as a matter of necessity at i time when the school department nnd? the highway de pnrtment are clamoring for numerous thoroughly appropriations out of tbe ity's slender borrowing capacity of $40f)0 he is nevertheless 'convinced that the need of bridge improvement ought to take precedence over all mpd that if the job is to be donoat allqit ought to be done permanently The mayor was preparing to make a statement Of this character to the aldermen when the priv ilege of the floor was ileniecl him ri Al? derman lion's objection nnd desired that it be made public" lateron' in bfdor tliat the public might thoroughly understand ms attitude rose garden' in one of the city parks has aroused a great deal if interest and Mrs Tower a member of the committee ap pointed" at the meeting of tbe civic im provement Has received offers of several hundreds rose bushes for the proposed garden At the meeting Mr Sinclair the florist promised to he one of 20 to give 1OO rose bushes toward the garden and there seems little doubt but there will be uo trouble in getting all the bushes Emt ry Wedding Miss Emma Emory of 47 Bowers street and Henry of South Hadley alls were married at the Immaculate Conception church yesterday morning Rev Camille Triquet performing the ceremony and officiating at the nuptial mass which followed The fathers ef the bride and groom acted as witnesses The bride wore a gown of white silk ard carried bride roses ollowing' the church service a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride after which the couple left for New York and on their return will make their home in Sonth Hadley alls A Jasienski better known under the pen name of Almar who has been a res ident of Holyoke for the past year will leave the city to take a position in the edi torial department of the Gazeta Bostonska the leading Polish paper of New England Mr Jasienski is well known as a special correspondent of many papers on Russian and Austrian subjects and has been a particular opponent of the policy of the Polish alliance of America He has a wide acquaintance across the water and ie familiar with many languages Since he has been in Holyoke ho has written many articles for the Gazette and was the author of an article on Polish reemasonry and some time ago for the ortnightly Review an article' on the Rus sian revolution and has written many articles for Polish and En giish magazines The Caledonian bagpipe band will hold their third annual concert and dance in Caledonian hall Saturday evening Previ ous to the dance the band will parade the priiicpal streets Tile program will open at 8 clock with a literary and musical program Piano selections will be ren dered by John Kemp vocal solos will be given by Janies Phillips Robert Gray alter Oliver and Leonard Dawson A Highland fling dance will be given by Al fred Coupe and Adam McLean will enter tain as a Scottish comedian Scottish melodics will be sung by Mrs John Craigic and Andrew Purvis Bagpipe selections will be given by Collin Robbie A sword dance will be given by Alfred Coupe Danc ing will follow to midnight Miss Elizabeth of 14 "Worcester place and Patrick O'Connor were married at the Sacred Heart church yesterday morning Rev Phelan performing the ceremony which was followed with a nuptial mass The attt'n'drints "were Miss Josephine O'Neill and James McDonnell The couple" left yesterday i for a wedding trip The woman principals' elub of the" public schools has secured Prof Kohl of Mount Holyoke college to give a lecture in the high school auditorium May 14 on to make education give permanent results An invitation has been ex tended to all the and literarv clubs inthe city to attend The Knights of Columbus worked the third degree on a class of 90 candi: dates at the city hall last evening tbe work being in charge of District Deputy Greaney Besides the candidates from Holyoke candidates were5' present from Northampton and other near by' places The pnpermakers will hold a meeting Sunday afternoon and will pass on several questions under the referendum rule of the union Au open meeting ef the fin ishers' will be held May 11 and among the speakers will be International Vice President Smith George Quigley who opened a slock broker's office in the Marble building a week or so ago has retired from the busi ness to accept another offer and it is pos sible that the office will le continued by another manager Mr nnd Mrs Young of Nonotuck street have announced the engagement of their daughter Miss Ida Young to' rank Adams of South Hadley alls the marriage to take place in jiine The lighting department opened the bids for the supply of coal for the department yesterday No awards were made as the bids will have to be figured out to get the net price There were large numberof bidders and the contract will probably not be awarded before the first of tb' week Miss Sonia Trudeau of 119 Main street and Albert Giguere of S9 Lyman street' were married at the Immaculate Concep tion church yesterday morning Rev Riviere performing the ceremony After a wedding breakfast at the home the couple left for a wedding trip The chief's degree was confc red on three candidates at a meeting of Uncas tribe of Red Men held last night The Haymakers' association of the tribe is to hold a banquet in the near future John Byrnes Edmund Burke and William Sullivan being in charge of the affair Miss Margaret Gleason of Ho'yoke and Dr IT Webster of Castine Me will be married to morrow evening at tlm home of Mr and Airs Stedman of Pino street Rev M'illis II Butler of Boston perform ing the ceremony Cavanaugh of Leeds was fined S5 in the police court yesterday morning for taro on the Boston and Maine Two drunkenness cases were fltin Jin noc a VHIVC Saturday ill be a big da for the bovs of Mittiru ague Aga warn and TaXham for the Mittinengue Young Men's' Christian association as planned ja hike into tbe itl: baseball hot dogs and many other lit tract ions to keep the youngsters busy The party ill be open to any bovs of that locality between tbe ages of 9 and 15 tiie only condition being that the name be left at the associationsome time ri day together with five cents to helu de fray the expenses of the trip The phys ical department of the association is lie bin the hike and AV Johnson its chairman will personally conduct the tour Though the destination of the "trip has not been announced a convenient place will be found to devout "the "hot afterwhich a game of will be played Theparty will set out at 2 "Parents' ill be held immorrowby Mrs Harriet Strong for the pupils of the 7th and Sth grade of theMittin vague grammar school with the hope that the pa rents "of the children will come to the school ami "see how the work is con ducted Ju tlie morning the regular school routinew ill be gone through wjth and in the afternoon a piiscellgneQiis program with some of the regular exercises will be carried out Airs Strong has got the boys in her classes to form a ball team and it is likely that the team will meet otherschool teams in the town? Tjie Boston and Albany railroad has re ceived' a new 120 ton Crane for use on the Albany division This is one of'lhe largest cranes now in use and was received from Ire ludust rial works of Bay City ich Ow ing to the size of the crano and tho tiarrqivness of the bridge's "on the brtlnch lines' smaller crane will have to be used there Thirty seven more freight cars have been received from Pa five from Sagamore and seven from New castle Pa The directors of the AVcst Springfield co operative hank Will hold a special meet ing 'this evening at 745 o'clock They will hear the treasurer's reportrof busi ness for the last six months and declare dividends The gymnastic class of the ladies'auxil inry of the Mitt incague Young: "Men's Christian association met 'yesterdav after noon for the regular class work follow inn which ref reshments were served The cooking school at the Mittineagiie Youngs Men's Christian 'association will be discontinued until5 fail The classes have been going on during the winter and have proved very popular Mr Ort nodox lodge of Masons held a special communications in Masonic hall last night at which the second' degree was conferred on several candidates 1 Tlip membership committee of 'ihe Mit tinea cup Young Men's C'hristi'a'n associa tion will meet this evening with James Rilearden as chairman The guild of the' irst Congre church met yesterday afternoon nt the home of Mrs Arthur Pease Of 22 Elin street Mrs It' Conk of Hampden' streetis confined to" her home with a strrere at tack of quinsy sore throat pTbe six months oid son ct Peter' Welch of S3 Day street of pneumonia yester day after a brief illness Joseph Bell lias moved with his fam ily from 3 (lid Bridge strect 'ro 92 Plain field' street Springfield TH REE" RIVERS Charles Alessandro of Russell' is: to a pcar before the grand jury next Monday on the" charge of attempting to break and enter' the railroad station nt Russell Hishearing was finished yesterday morning and Judge JV: 'Kellogg ordered him to fiirnioh bonds of $500 for his appearance at that time' The bonds were furnished No defense w'rts jircsentpd by Alessandro's attorneys 'Morrissey Gray Two men were for evading car fare They were taken from the top of passenger car night tneidon (ally hey said they supposed they were est of West field They said they had heard of West: field and thatsthey Giad jbeenJtold it was a good town to avoid when stealing a ride on trains Jlumaniajis ere in court for and disturbing the peace One paid afine 'but 'others could not spak good English and it was decided that it would probably tie necessary to send to Springfield for anipterpreter AS Russell man was found guilty' his ease was 'continued until 'June 7 At the Thursday evening prayer meeting delegates will be chosen to attend the con ference of churches in Hampden county to be held in Indian Orchard May 7 At the close of the prayer meeting the coni viu meet any per to unite with the anoe 'Club Banquet a banquet the Marble Hall hotel last evening covers being lau for 35 The nature of Die gathering was a "get meet ing in order to arrange matters for the coming season Greater enthusiasm is to be stirred up tins year and the chairmen ot the various committees are busy map ping out their work The committees ares mliows: Entertainment committee chairman Richard AV Chase Whiting Harry A Allen rmd iviiiiani 1 root eommitee on Water Morts If Sinclair chairman Lewis arner Chase AA" leming an AVebst 'r cafe committee rwin Stedman chairman AV Hubbard and AVoodruff committee on new members A Chase chairman: A Goodyear Partridge Joseph' Col lingwood Warner Smith and Irving Ballard tennis committee AV Whitehouse "chairman: A EIv? Haves and Henry Pres ton: baseball committee George A jolin sun chairnian A AV'Darby and Edwin AV Stearns airview Church Whist A whist tnriv social vvwi in the AVindsor hall last evening under Dig aus of St of' airview The hail was tastefully decoratedvwith streamers of purple and white radiating from the celling to the "side walls while lanterns were suspended from the ceiling Deroin's orchestra furnished and Airs Charles 'Peirce and Mas ter "Ronald Peirce of Springfield have beon spending a few days "in Brimfield and Master Peiri has remained i to spend a part'of bis vacation there The Hitchco*ck free a on demy I in seba 11 will play the Barre high 'school "this afternoon at Barre Both teams belong to the recently organized Quaboag leaguc Mrs red Parker has returned from a visit at the home of her daughter Mrs Campbel) in Sotuervillc iRev Dickerninn of ox boro occu pied the pulpit of the Congregational church Sunday Man Wrowned in Holland Reservoir Victor Dtrclos 39 of Southbridae was drowned 'on Saturday night in the reser voir at Holland whercbe was fishing with two 'companions i In pulling dn ay fish the boat overturned The tiree' men clung to it and as help did 'Hot arrive Duclos finally became exhausted and let go and was drowned The other men finally gob ashore Duclos's body was recovered Monday carpet one daughter Alts i Toward Banks and a son George Callahan The funeral will be hell at St Thomas church at 10 to morrow morning Burial will be in St Thomas cemetery annual given: by the women of be: I church will be held in church' dining room fronj J2 Io 2 to morrow afternoon Jn con nection With the dinner there will be a sale' of fancy articlesapronsand home made candy This custom of holding an annual dinner on lie 1st of May is one of long standing in the "Congregational' church and many residents take advantage of rhe occasion to revisit mer and meet old friends The minnal meeting of Palmer his? torical Society wilL'be "in be vestry of the Congregational church Tuesday evening Brewer will give "Some ipTcresting facts from old school Will he the lection of officers 'followed by a collation served by the following the society: Mrs Sha "Mrs A Mrs' Gam well Helen Robinson and Mrs AA1 Carpenter 'V A Thrt atinnal meeting of thq 'club was held at the? home of Mrs Chandler yesterday afternoonThe following officers wore elected: Presi dent Mrs Anmi uller: vice president Mis Ellen Leach secretary ami treas urer 'Mrs Kate Buck program com mittee Mrs Winifred AV Bodfish and Mrs Elizabeth Hastings Rev rank Brower returned last evening from a trip to his old' home in Illinois cs Sharp of Californln Estate of 2fM Thomas' street 'is? helving of his friends' over the fact that lie is to in hei it some real estate hnd personal prop erty left by relatives in rancisco Cal Mr formerly lived in ifornia but be hasbeen East manyyears" madej his lionte in: AS'est a long time He isnow em ployed in: the" New Engla nd whin factory tie has a family Pf'oteral children Mr hrtsiTno' 'defiiiite knowledge at present of hist what'his share of the prop ertv is to be but liis uffairs are now in the lu lids of his attorney Arthur Kneil Mr 'oniieirs annt Cathcrine Ryan died ebruary 27 and his mother Airs Maria Connell died 'April 712 Ho will come in' for a share of his aunt's testate and will iceeive his mother's property as there are no other sons or daughters The estate is situated nea the business sec tion of the city and is said to be of con sidera hie value To Disc'nSs DfOccSnn ield Day Matter Sunday Members of the athor Mathew society will ai conference Sunday with the board of government of the Springfield dioceshn union relative to the Labor day field day The loss of the AA'oronoco nark grand stand is a big handicap to theAVest field society anl ways and mea ns are be ing discussed for providing a substitute for this stand' mav be placed before the board of trade to1 see 4f that organization can suggest any wav out of the present difficulty The socjetv mem bers do not yet abandon hope of keeping that field and Out Mrs Hattie O'Malley wife of Patrick () Malley of 42( Maple street died at the House of Providence hospital yesterday morning after a few illness She leaves besides her husband two daugh ters Ethel and May both at home her father John Rhodes of Enfield The fu neral will be held at her late home to morrow morning with requiem mass in the Sacred Heart church and the burial will be the Calvary cemetery Ihe funeral of Airs Lucien Beauregard as held at the home of her daughter Airs Iajoie of Park street yesterday morn ing itli requiem mass the Precious Blood church am the burial was in the Notre Dame cemetery Tim funeral of Eusebc Picard who was drowned in the river Sunday ofternoon "iH be hold nt his late home 530 South Budge street i his morning with requiem mass in the Precious Blood church and the burial will be in the Notre Dame cemetery The funeral of Airs Alary Hutchins was held at the Home for Aged People yes terday afternoon at 4 Rev AV inson of the irst Alethodist church con duct mg the service The bearers were John Stalker Is Houghtaling 1 Marsh and Dodge The burial was tn the oiestdale cemetery with: lots of fun may be expected II Crane of the senior class will give read ings The two new police officers James Ashe mill John Connors will go on dutv to morrow Chief of Police "William A lou ton will sunmit his plan tor new beats to' the selectmen Jo day for thc ir approval It is expected that extra man will be as signed to day work and one tn night duty There lias been a demand for more police protection days in the Meadow street sec tion and this can now be provided The members of the basketball team have been delayed somewhat' nt Niagara alls owing to the rainy weather and this prevented the boys from seeing much of the falls and the river Sunday and Alon day last heard from there was talk of doing away with the Toronto trip The boys will ref urn either' to night or to morrow so as to he ready for the baseballgame riday 7 The engineers of the fire department held a meeting Alonday night and organ ized for XbeSyear witfi jriiomas fl Ala honey as chief 'Sumner Hildreth first assistant engineer and Herbert Thorp as second assistant engineer The engineers will make the appointments of the officers of the several companies some time thisweek The woman's foreign missionary society of A the irst Congregational church will hold a meeting in the parish house at 330 this" afternoon The subject under con sideration will be "China and the printed Tea: will be served The 25th anniversary of Afa tonka cil Degree of Pocahontas will he observed Tuesday evening Afay 13 in lied Men's hall in the Kyle A Loom is block" A' sup per will be served and an entertainment will be arranged Lester Aldrich wbo' has gone from Hartford Ct to Boston has taken a nosi tion with the business department of Har vard am versify at Cambridge military whist nartv planned forriday night by St' Louise temple of Py thian Sisters will be postponed Stephen 'bol has 'sold a sir room cot tage at 4 King place to Uso Thomas through the Bartlett agency! Hail fell yesterday in different sections of the town during the light showcr' WEST SPRINGIELD Cnrrlaftre Those who square about '1030 am nessed a runaway that had an abundance of thrilling and sensational features crowded into abouttwo minutes' time ortunately no one was seriously hurt although Cooley of Court street had a narrow escape Air Cooley and his bride 'were getting ready: to drive to Blandfordand the horse was hitched to a top buggy and tied 'to a post in front of Air store Airs Cooley was in tbd carriage and Air Cooley win tied the horse 4 The animal suddenly bolted and Air Cooley who hadthe lines tried in vain to control the horse He was un able to get a purchase for his feet oh the asphalt pavement and the horse got beyond his control He quickly tossed the reins to his wife who was also unable to govern! the horse 7 At the Court street crosswalk the horse slipped and fell and MrCooley tried to catch him by the head The horse jumped up "quickly and started up Court street Opposite the" library the "horse turned across tbe street and went over the Alethodist church lawn and swungback toward Park square At the cross walk he again stumbled and fell clowr and this time tbe carriage? toppled oven Airs Cooley Was thrown out and the horse started iiiip" again going to the library In wn where the carriage was left bottom up The horse was caught soon after Mts Cooley 'was taken' to' the' wait ing room of Drs and Smith and was even more composed than those who had witnessed her thrilling ride and tum ble She said she was uninjured and rode xoATt mfi sro us Janes was called No bones bruised' and THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: WEDNESDAY APRIL 913 The selectmen have offered a reward o' $201) to anyone who will give information leading to the arrest and conviction of the aulomohilist who was rcsponsiblc for the death of Lorenzo Swift of AViHiams bui g'on the Holyoke road on" the night of he ith" a nd it is dioped that this step will result in the obtaining of information which will disclose the identity of the whrl made such a cowardly'esca pe after they had run into Swift The man who was killed was walking along the road just after dusk and before be couldpimp to one side whs struck by ma chine and hurled many feet into the meeting death instantly Only a pars ing glimpse was caught of the machine as it sped into darkness and though the police of all the nearby towns were noti fied the men could not be located Chief of Police Edn aid Brnmage and Alaj' oote state inspector vfere on the ease at once following down clew after clew and working 111 hours day for the following wook Their investigations led Aew Books for the Library The Richard Salter Storrs library has received quite an addition of books during April besides the usual number bought Gen rank Phipps in breaking up his Longmeadow home made a gift of about 50' volumes to the library Those bought by the committee were: Montessori by isher A'anish? ing AA'ild by AA" Hornaday "Alot'or Boating for Davis Junior Trophy" by Barbour: by AA' Hutchinson Birds AVild owls and Shore by orbush and the by HI Beatty to Unknown by Lyman Ab bott by Ahitels "Joys of by 0 Alarilen: "Moses Brown Captain Alanual Of the General Court 1913: also fiction and juveniles: of Jennie by AL Rhinehart "Judgment by Gilbert Parker: of the Hills" by John ox by Crockett: by Robertsv "Philip Dru "The 'by: Blue by Jacobs and Bonnet's Ranch by Reed A few of those given by Gen Phipps are "The Talisman" by Scott Al by Laura Richards: Beiihnni" by North Perry "Imp and the by Bacon "Prince nnd the by Lr Clemens "Sweetheart II 'Crockett by Delano: Girl's by Leigh AA'ebstor by Jivey Pratt: Gisela" by John rille' Nights by A Lewis meanors of by Hoyt and by Leigh Among the juvenile books are Louise Al "Little and the The usual spring moving lias been going on quite briskly Augustus Lamb lias moved from the Newell house to Cornell street Everett Stone came down Mon day and took possession of the bouse re ently bought of Gen Phipps Alatt Kandle and family will leave South Park avenue this week to spend the summer at' Smiths erry! bitt hopes to return in the fall James Reynolds will leave the Elms having sold his place" to Cutler of Springfield JBueklcy of Avon place Springfield was moving yesterday to AA' house adjoining the Center school Edward Burke has moved into wighfiBascom's cottage The town' officers mpt in the town house Alnnday and considered matters of 'inter est' It voted to'pnt in electric lights on Ataple road and Alill road? arid a 'hear ing to Representatives of electriclight company and officials will be given riday at 4 on Maple! road and the same day a hearing on Af ill road at 5 for locaL of noles etea The officials also con sidered the hills for grading draining and macadamizing' orest Glen road but the bios' all exceedeil thT appropriation of $5)00 iAA" Belcher made strong: a peal about the grading of Maple road 7 Baer park commissioner is looking after the narks to'havq everything iri order? for the Afay day celebration to Arrangements arc being made fop a table? to jbe rnservedfbrhurried business men where between T2 and 2 in thewestYoom Airs Ac Phelps and Airs rank Burt will serve them Pt and Airs Parker areesiab lished' jonve more in' their Longmeadow home to the gratification of their friends' of tbe A £: A Allen buildings on" Aleadow street for this purpose The new business 'Will not interfere with! their pres ent occupations will bcn a sort of for them The Upham men's club of the'Methodist clijirch will: keep riday 'pight the cluirclf xvomenj as wellns men are invited to )le present an orgiihization from university? has' boon with ihe glee tertainnient "and an? excellent program I Nofin AnyMHk Trust I Simpson Smith Simpson" Smith died yesterday morn ing st his home 149'Beech street after a short illness lie was born in England' and had been a resident of Holyoke for the past 32 years and for years had been employed at the Hadley thread com pany He leaves besides his widow sou John 11 Smith at home and three brothers Herbert of Eastbampton George I and John of Holyoke and a sister Miss Emily Smith of Holyoke The fu neral will be hell to morrow afternoon at 230 Rev AA' Hutchinson of the church conducting service and the burial will be in the orestdale cemetery 50 AEAltS WHITE PORT Tills popular vine Is desirable for both ible anfl fcr gift' purposes It will add pleasure to it dinner or bring Gieei to that onvslescent fr'end AGATE WINES Arc exceptional values combinli ex ollence and eeonoinv They ed from perfect fruit: and tbtxi aged for ten' years: The result is 'i purityand depth of flavor which appeals to cocnoisscufs PORT SHERRY AhGELICA MUSCATEL CATAWBA TOKAY PORT Quart Pint 25c I 'Cl I I Jj I Ik.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Who owns the Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What was the original name of the city of Springfield MA? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans. It was the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony.

What is famous about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

How many states do not have a Springfield? ›

According to a common factoid, there's a community called Springfield in all 50 states, but the U.S. Board on Geographic Names says that's not true: only 34 states have a Springfield. The real champ is Riverside. Unless you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, or Oklahoma, there's at least one Riverside in your state.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Springfield, MA are White (Non-Hispanic) (28.2%), White (Hispanic) (17.8%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (17.7%), Two+ (Hispanic) (16%), and Other (Hispanic) (11.2%).

What is Springfield best known for? ›

The lore and reputation of Abraham Lincoln has made Springfield a global destination because of the story of his life and the location in Springfield of his home and the Abraham Presidential Library and Museum.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What is a fun fact about Springfield? ›

Springfield is the capital of the U.S. state of Illinois. The city lies on the Sangamon River. Abraham Lincoln lived in Springfield for more than 20 years before he became the president of the United States. Many people in Springfield work for the government.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

California and Florida may have sunny beaches and New York may have the big city, but for another year, Massachusetts is the best state to live in, according to an influential ranking out this week. The Bay State topped Wallethub's list for 2023, keeping hold of the No. 1 spot it had last year.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

How do I contact Massdot? ›

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  1. For all departments Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, For all departments at (857) 368-4636. ...
  2. Toll Free Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Toll Free at (877) 623-6846. ...
  3. TTY Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, TTY at (857) 368-0655.

Who owns Republican American? ›

Lathrop purchased it together. Pape became the sole owner of the Waterbury Republican in 1910, and in 1922 purchased the Waterbury American. Ownership of both papers has been retained in the Pape family until the present day, with the decision to merge them to form the Republican-American coming in 1990.

What is the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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