The Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (2024)

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Izshta The Flamebringer from Mor Ardain Since: Sep, 2015 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Flamebringer

#1: Nov 12th 2016 at 7:34:55 PM

It’s raining.

Granted, it’s always raining, here. At least that’s how the media portrays it. They’re not entirely wrong. Not entirely right, either, like many things.

The corporate executives live in their crystal spires, the poor live in their slums. Life is as it has been for the better part of a century - just with higher technology. Well, not entirely.

The corporations have become a force to be reckoned with, many more powerful than governments in their own right, and with only themselves to police themselves. Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Well, the other watchmen, in theory.

The science fiction authors of the late twentieth century postulated that the future would be a bleak, repressive corporate-run place where technology is omnipresent and used to bolster the authority of the corps. Well, they weren’t entirely wrong. Corporations answer to nobody but themselves - and each other. Most of the time. There are places where the local government is synonymous with a corporation - not to mention extraterritoriality.

That’s not even mentioning the re-emergence of magic. Dwarves, elves, trolls, orcs, wizards, all sorts of paranormal creatures. Dragons. Vampires. Ghouls. Spirits. Magical insects. Magical insect spirits. Watch out for those, by the way.

And remember, the only bit of advice you’ll ever get for free:
Watch your back.
Shoot straight,
Conserve ammo,
And never, ever deal with a dragon.

Welcome to the Sixth Age, chummer.

It’s mid-November, 2075. The location is the Seattle Sprawl, an exclave of the UCAS. Magic returned to the world just over half a century ago, and MegaCorps more-or-less rule the world. You either live in the system - with a System Identification Number, or outside of it, a SINless. Can’t live a normal life without one, can’t live a life in the shadows with one. Well, not very easily, at least. Society is still recovering from the Second Crash and its aftermath.

Some people live on the fringes of society - gang members, members of various organized crime syndicates... and Shadowrunners. Deniable assets the megas can use to target each other without showing off their involvement. Some ‘runners are wide-eyed idealists, ‘running to stick it to the big man, to help the little guy. Others are hard-bitten criminals, only in it for the money. Most are somewhere in between.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Shadowrun.


0: All standard forum rules apply.
1: Play fairly. This isn’t a competition. It’s about role-playing.
1.5: Keep in-character disagreements and out-of-character disagreements separate.
2: No auto-hitting (Exactly What It Says on the Tin, hitting another person’s character without giving them a chance to respond), no ghosting (Completely ignoring another character’s attacks), and no god-modding (You are not a dragon, Deus ex Machina does not work in your favor).
3: Or, to sum, don’t be a dick.

Character Template:

  • Name: Your character’s name. Also include any alias, street name, matrix handle, etc., if applicable.
  • Age: How old your character is.
  • Gender: How your character identifies.
  • Race: Which metatype of hom*o sapiens is your character?
  • Appearance: Your character’s physical appearance. Description or image works.
  • Augmentations: Any augmentations your character has. Cybernetic limbs, enhanced reflexes, etc.
  • Occupation: Any job your character holds, if applicable.
  • Equipment: Anything your character carries with them or has easy access to, be it weapons, a deck, a vehicle, etc. Also worth mentioning is what kind of housing, if any, your character lives in.
  • Powers: Is your character Awakened (i.e. can they use magic)? What sort of tradition do they follow? Alternatively, are they a Technomancer?
  • Background: What made your character who they are today?
  • Miscellaneous: Anything you see fit to include but doesn’t fall under any of the other bullet points.

Any sort of thing you want to hide for a reveal later can be excluded from the sign-up sheet and PMed to me privately.

GM: Izshta

Accepted players/characters:

  • Sergey_Smirnov / Sergey
  • Blackie / Kasimir "Burgwall" Rokar
  • Rather Random Rachel / Sean the Silver
  • Stings Dont It / Brahma
  • Kyef / Blaine "IcePeak" Weingatner
  • Tricksterson / Solomon "Solly" "The Fisherman" MacGinnis

Banned players:

  • None, and let’s try to keep it that way.

edited 18th Nov '16 10:21:26 PM by Izshta

All are significantly abnormal in a normal world...All are significantly normal in an abnormal world.

HeroicSociopath Mike Jones from Nebraska Since: Aug, 2015 Relationship Status: Noddin' my head like yeah

Mike Jones

#2: Nov 12th 2016 at 8:53:19 PM

Rad. Shadowrun. Posting WIP.

  • Name: Harry "Bullet Time" Cox
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance:
  • Augmentations: Datajack, wired reflexes, strategically placed plates.
  • Occupation: Shadowrunner
  • Equipment: Smartlink pistols, assault rifle, grenades.
  • Powers: Nope.
  • Background:
  • Misc:

edited 12th Nov '16 8:56:07 PM by HeroicSociopath

Sergey_Smirnov Trans Terminus hom*o from Everywhere and Nowhere (With a german accent) Since: Aug, 2015 Relationship Status: Consider his love an honor

Trans Terminus hom*o

#3: Nov 13th 2016 at 4:14:58 AM

  • Name: Sergey
  • Age: 7
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Normal Human
  • Appearance: "Err, hi."The Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (10)
  • Augmentations:
    • Cybernetic Arms don't ask about the museum - they can't do anything really, they're not superstrong either... however they do include a datastick-sized storage space.
  • Occupation:
    • Oficially: None
    • Inoficially: Courier/Errand-Boy
  • Equipment:
    • A satchel
    • A pipe (without tabac)
    • A pistol hanging in a holster on his belt
    • Housing: Wherever something can be found
  • Powers: Nyet
  • Background: Living in the slums is never really easy... but there are always ways to get by... one is to deliver messages around... messages that maybe should not be send officially, be it because they're too private, be it because someone does not want a decker to read it, be it because someone does not trust the official system or other such reasons, which is where Sergey found a niche, he carries around a satchel for small packages.
  • Miscellaneous:

edited 13th Nov '16 10:13:31 AM by Sergey_Smirnov

"One may feel fear in the face of danger so long as one banishes fear when danger actually arrives"

tricksterson Never Trust from Behind you with an icepick Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Above such petty unnecessities

Never Trust

#4: Nov 13th 2016 at 6:10:24 AM

Okay, previous two characters tell me this needs some metahuman and some magic in the mix. Might be a few days before I post details though. I'm thinking Ogre (which is an Orc variant) Trickster shaman.

Trump delenda est

Sergey_Smirnov Trans Terminus hom*o from Everywhere and Nowhere (With a german accent) Since: Aug, 2015 Relationship Status: Consider his love an honor

Trans Terminus hom*o

#5: Nov 13th 2016 at 6:32:10 AM

Sure, always nice to see some Ork in there :)

Also... currently in the wiki familiarizing myself with the details... anything I should concentrate on?

"One may feel fear in the face of danger so long as one banishes fear when danger actually arrives"

Izshta The Flamebringer from Mor Ardain Since: Sep, 2015 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Flamebringer

#6: Nov 13th 2016 at 10:30:17 AM

Trickster: Sounds good.

Sergey: Generally looks good, only thing I am concerned about is RP!Sergey's age.

All are significantly abnormal in a normal world...All are significantly normal in an abnormal world.

Sergey_Smirnov Trans Terminus hom*o from Everywhere and Nowhere (With a german accent) Since: Aug, 2015 Relationship Status: Consider his love an honor

Trans Terminus hom*o

#7: Nov 13th 2016 at 10:33:46 AM

Well... I wanted to make a young errand boy that mostly works by being not on the radar of any adults, kinda like the Bakerstreet Boys in Sherlock Holmes, although I can age him up if you want... what age would you say should work?

"One may feel fear in the face of danger so long as one banishes fear when danger actually arrives"

Izshta The Flamebringer from Mor Ardain Since: Sep, 2015 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Flamebringer

#8: Nov 13th 2016 at 11:00:08 AM

Ehhhhh... Sure, you can leave it.

All are significantly abnormal in a normal world...All are significantly normal in an abnormal world.

Blackie My son is a dumbass Since: Nov, 2012 Relationship Status: Abstaining

My son is a dumbass

#9: Nov 13th 2016 at 11:16:48 AM

  • Name: Kasimir Rokar
    • Runner Name: "Burgwall"
  • Age: 34
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Troll
  • Appearance: Burgwall has reddish brown skin, red eyes and black ahir with streaks of silver. His 6' 6'' (around 2.5 meters) tall, muscular body weighs about 600 pounds and boasts an impressive amount of scars, from rat bites over bullet holes, cuts and burn marks to a partially broken off right horn. That same right horn has quite a few ridges for his bow
  • Augmentations: none
  • Occupation:
    • Officially: Social Worker and protector of the neighborhood
    • inofficially: Professional Burglar, odd jobs
  • Equipment: He carries a massive bow witha large assortment of special arrows (Screamers, explosives, hammerheads) as well as normal brass knuckles, an autopicker and climbing gear (including Gecko Gloves)
    • Housing: Burgwall generally prefers and lives in old buildings, having a strong aversion to higher standards.
  • Powers: yes
    • Adept: Enhanced Accuracy (Archery), Hangtime (can stick to walls as long as the body part is not moving, up to 15 minutes), Killing Hands, Light Body (basically better jumping) , Mystic Armor
  • Background: Born on the streets, Kasimir Rokar spend his early life stealing and punching his way through life. This ended when he one day tried to rob a drunk Shadowrunner who "punished the boy, at that time 15, with getting him to beat up his cheating girlfriend and her lover, though he should ideally not be seen. Somehow, Kasimir did survive (though he got shot at a lot), stealing the bow hanging from the wall out of habbit, though he tumbled down from the wall when he attempted to leave. An hour later he woke up in the literal trash, a part of his right horn in front of his eyes. He then noticed that he was in a rather bad situation as rats seemed to have mistaken him for a nice meal. He turned the tables on them, getting a light snack though not after losing quite a bit of skin (and flesh), in the process. Give and take a few years, he encountered an old friend again, who recognized the bow he used. Since then, Burgwall, as he was soon called (due to his habit of sticking to walls and him being mainly a burglar) has done some odd jobs, from intimidation and bodyguard duty ("social worker") to a few assasinations, though he generally gets called if people need something robbed out of skyscrapers.
  • Miscellaneous: He leaves any sleeping quarters that are not rundown, preferring to sleep on the street if he has to.

edit: Changed Killing Blow to Killing Hands (actual Adept Power)

edited 13th Nov '16 11:51:00 AM by Blackie

RatherRandomRachel "Just as planned." from Somewhere underground. Since: Sep, 2013

"Just as planned."

#10: Nov 13th 2016 at 11:46:42 AM

  • Name: Sean the Silver
  • Age: 38
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Elf
  • Appearance: Tall, slight silver tinge to the skin, blue eyes and generally always in a suit
  • Augmentations: Two commlinks in the head and cybereyes.
  • Occupation: Snake oil salesman in the form of elven therapy
  • Equipment: Three identical sets of suits, a non-armored and basic black car, and a cheap cyberdeck for 'off to the side' black hat stuff such as digging up info to sell
  • Powers: None other than some social skills due to basically being a conman of a face
  • Background: As a result of needing to find a way to escape from Tír Tairngire, Sean decided that his best course of action was to look for a place to go while he could just hide and be left alone for a while. He knew some Japanese, knew some Sioux and knew his Imouto would be around somewhere, hopefully the one who called him Onii-Chan might be around to help him. To this end, he'd end in Seattle, and along with a few others would end up selling stuff he knew was useless, but what are ya gonna do when a Princess of Shiawase tells ya to dance? I tell ya what happens, ya dance, dandelion eater.
  • Contacts: Imouto, 6/5, Corporate Manager. Banksy, 1/1, Corporate Wage Slave. Jimmy, 1/3, Dockworker. Yuki, 1/3, Pawn Broker. Taro, 4/4, Club Owner. Ryouta-san, 3/4, Street Doctor.
  • Knowledge Skills: Japanese, Sperethie - Native Language. English, Sioux - 4. Yakuza, Mafia (both specialist in Turf) - 8 (10). Business (specialist in Retail) - 8 (10)
  • Miscellaneous: Essentially SINless, but recognised and known to most elven authorities in North America.

Note that I intend him to be working for the woman in question, but it's not too bad of a relationship - he's hard up, and it wouldn't progress, but it was a starting point.

edited 18th Nov '16 10:16:11 AM by RatherRandomRachel

"Did you expect somebody else?"

Izshta The Flamebringer from Mor Ardain Since: Sep, 2015 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Flamebringer

#11: Nov 13th 2016 at 11:55:25 AM

@Blackie: The irony of a massive troll being a burglar amuses me. Accepted

Wah, The Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (19)ed. The Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (20) To clarify, he's a snake oil salesman working for a Shiawase exec (but not Shiawase) who got him out of Tir Tairngire, and thus is in her debt?

edited 13th Nov '16 12:06:11 PM by Izshta

All are significantly abnormal in a normal world...All are significantly normal in an abnormal world.

RatherRandomRachel "Just as planned." from Somewhere underground. Since: Sep, 2013

"Just as planned."

#12: Nov 13th 2016 at 12:08:43 PM

The Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (22)Yup. Done that way just because it means he'll need to work with several on a team, and have to accept them calling him Keeb or Fairy.

"Did you expect somebody else?"

Izshta The Flamebringer from Mor Ardain Since: Sep, 2015 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Flamebringer

#13: Nov 13th 2016 at 1:28:26 PM

The Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (24) Noted. And accepted.

All are significantly abnormal in a normal world...All are significantly normal in an abnormal world.

StingsDontIt Agent of Task Force X from Coast City Since: Oct, 2016 Relationship Status: Dating Catwoman

Agent of Task Force X

#14: Nov 13th 2016 at 10:47:54 PM

Interested. Sign-up coming later, since I've got an essay to write.


Izshta The Flamebringer from Mor Ardain Since: Sep, 2015 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Flamebringer

#15: Nov 14th 2016 at 12:18:07 AM

I completely understand.

All are significantly abnormal in a normal world...All are significantly normal in an abnormal world.

StingsDontIt Agent of Task Force X from Coast City Since: Oct, 2016 Relationship Status: Dating Catwoman

Agent of Task Force X

#16: Nov 14th 2016 at 1:10:40 PM

All right, here goes.

  • Name: Brahma (born Caleb Brisbane)
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: 5'10", with a thin build, long dark hair with a blond streak on the left side (a la Seth RollinsThe Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (28)), and brown eyes. Mixed Scottish/Spanish ancestry. Typical clothing ensemble consists of a hooded black leather duster, baggy camo jeans, black combat boots, black leather fingerless gloves, mirrored wraparound sunglasses, and a San Francisco 49ers or San Francisco Sharks jersey.
  • Augmentations: Both of Brahma's legs are entirely cybernetic. His right ankle contains a hard drive capable of storing up to 500 GB of memory, but data there must be removed and accessed from another device for security reasons.
  • Occupation: Shadowrunner, ex-hitman
  • Equipment: Weapons-wise, Brahma prefers to use his dual Urban Tribe Tomahawks, but he carries an Ares Predator V just in case he loses them both. Drives an armored green Dodge Minotaur, which he lives out of when he doesn't have a place to stay.
  • Powers: Yes
    • Adept Powers: Spirit Ram, Rapid Healing, Killing Hands
    • Cyberware Powers: Superhuman leg strength, allowing for shockwave-inducing stomps (Ao E distance: 25 feet) and the ability to jump up to 20 feet in the air.
  • Background: Caleb Brisbane was just an ordinary resident of San Francisco until one fateful night four years ago, when he had the misfortune of being too close to a car bomb intended for a local politician and lost both his legs. Fortunately, there was a medic on sight, and this medic saved Caleb's life through an emergency cyberware procedure, including roboticizing Caleb's limbs. Unfortunately, this medic was a member of the Yakuza, and in order to repay his debt, Caleb had to become an associate. He was never formally inducted, but he was forcibly disconnected from his family, who were "convinced" to leave California and never come back, and repeatedly sent on high-risk missions, usually to take out politicians and rival gang members.
    • Over the course of three years, Caleb proved a valuable asset, especially as he started to harness his powers as an Adept, and the Yakuza paid him well. However, when Caleb started to press his superiors about when his debt would officially be considered repaid and he could return to civilian life, the answers he received were less than reassuring. Fortunately, the Yakuza and Triads were in the midst of all-out war at the time, and this provided an opportunity to escape. He faked his death, making it seem as though another explosion had taken him out, and fled north to Seattle, where he dyed and grew out his naturally-red hair as a disguise. Within a couple months, he took up shadowrunning under the name Brahma as a means of income, and thus far, he's proved up to the challenge.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Brahma no longer uses or answers to his real name, as he fears doing so might be enough for the Yakuza to come after him.

edited 14th Nov '16 8:42:45 PM by StingsDontIt


Izshta The Flamebringer from Mor Ardain Since: Sep, 2015 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Flamebringer

#17: Nov 14th 2016 at 5:27:55 PM

The Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (30) Two things. Well, one thing, but two things.

First: 50ft jump height. Yeah... no. R6 hydraulic jacks slightly more than double your jump height. Make that like, 10-15 feet. Twenty with a running start.

Second: Shockwave. How strong a shockwave are we talking about? Like, shattering concrete or registering on the Richter scale (Yes, any shockwave that can shatter concrete is likely to register on the Richter scale, if the scale is nearby. Shush)?

edited 14th Nov '16 5:28:48 PM by Izshta

All are significantly abnormal in a normal world...All are significantly normal in an abnormal world.

StingsDontIt Agent of Task Force X from Coast City Since: Oct, 2016 Relationship Status: Dating Catwoman

Agent of Task Force X

#18: Nov 14th 2016 at 8:50:43 PM

The Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (32) On the jumping: Whoops, my bad. I didn't really know the scale of jumping that would be considered reasonable, so I just looked up how high a mountain lion can jump and doubled it. Adjusted the jumping figure to 20 feet max.

On the stomp: I've defined a specific blast radius for the attack. As for its power, I'd rate it more at "shatter concrete" levels. My vision for it is that it works like Jax from Mortal Kombat's Ground Pound attack, where it knocks people into the air if they're too close, and that Brahma would mainly use it when he needs to give himself breathing room.

Everything else is all good, though, right?

edited 14th Nov '16 8:51:34 PM by StingsDontIt


Kyef Will, The Urban Dash, Lazy Runner, RPG fool from A lair inside a AC cooling tower just near you. Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: I wanna know about these strangers like me

Will, The Urban Dash, Lazy Runner, RPG fool

#19: Nov 15th 2016 at 5:49:04 AM

Still accepting, friend?,I was looking for a neo-anarchist German Parkour Elf Decker(or a change the last parts to btl-addicted dwarf rigger if that's too saturated).

I am merely an agent of 'random'. Because you know, the order is only inside our minds. Out here, there is only Chaos.

Izshta The Flamebringer from Mor Ardain Since: Sep, 2015 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Flamebringer

#20: Nov 15th 2016 at 9:18:50 AM

@Stings: Yeah, that does solve the problem. And yes, everything else is good.

@Kyef, yes, yes I am. A decker sounds good, we appear to need one.

All are significantly abnormal in a normal world...All are significantly normal in an abnormal world.

Kyef Will, The Urban Dash, Lazy Runner, RPG fool from A lair inside a AC cooling tower just near you. Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: I wanna know about these strangers like me

Will, The Urban Dash, Lazy Runner, RPG fool

#21: Nov 15th 2016 at 11:53:55 AM

  • Name: Blaine Weingatner, aka "Ice Peak"
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Elf
  • Appearance: Trenchcoat, sidcut on The left and spiked hair on The right, short but lenghty at the points. Tanned skin, special cyberglasses on one eye only. Circuitry tattoos of a technotribal pattern around his wrists.
  • Augmentations: Only the needed for his decking skills.
  • Occupation: Former scavenger, currently shadowrunner and Neoanarchist policlub militant.
  • Equipment: Cyberdeck with many softwares, a motorcycle, climbing gear, a sawed-off shotgun and two or three handgrenades. Has an apartment/hideout in the slums that includes a garage, but would probably have to do favours to help keeping it off the grid in case he wants to lay low.
  • Powers: None.
  • Background: Ice Peak grew on the slums of the surrounding wastelands around what was the time the Neo-anarchist independent state of Berlin. He scavenged for parts and developed his parkour-navigation skills there until a great friend of his vanished. He went on to search for him and found himself under a tutelage of a neo-anarchist who trained him on his decking skills and taught him to defend himself. He's on the city now under indication from this same tutor shadowrunning to find out about the whereabouts of he who he considers his older brother.
  • Miscellaneous: He might have a thing for virtual experiences almost similar to BTL-addiction...he is a militant of the neoanarchists who fight for the opressed before all else and would do anything for his policlub.

edited 15th Nov '16 11:58:05 AM by Kyef

I am merely an agent of 'random'. Because you know, the order is only inside our minds. Out here, there is only Chaos.

Izshta The Flamebringer from Mor Ardain Since: Sep, 2015 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Flamebringer

#22: Nov 16th 2016 at 8:17:54 AM

The Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (37) One question: Does he have an implanted commlink/deck? While not strictly necessary, most deckers do.

All are significantly abnormal in a normal world...All are significantly normal in an abnormal world.

Kyef Will, The Urban Dash, Lazy Runner, RPG fool from A lair inside a AC cooling tower just near you. Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: I wanna know about these strangers like me

Will, The Urban Dash, Lazy Runner, RPG fool

#23: Nov 16th 2016 at 9:52:49 AM

Yes, yes. It's been some months since I've seen anything shadowrun. I forgot The specifics and names but of course he does!

I am merely an agent of 'random'. Because you know, the order is only inside our minds. Out here, there is only Chaos.

Izshta The Flamebringer from Mor Ardain Since: Sep, 2015 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Flamebringer

#24: Nov 16th 2016 at 10:09:07 AM

The Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (40) Kay. Rest looks good to me.

All are significantly abnormal in a normal world...All are significantly normal in an abnormal world.

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#25: Nov 16th 2016 at 11:31:33 AM

Definitely have my interest. Will see if I can't get a mage sheet up soon.


Total posts: 33

The Sixth Age - A Shadowrun RP. [Sign-ups/Interest Check] (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.