The Big Little Sorority Relationship: A Guide for New Members (2024)

Navigating the big and little sorority relationship can often seem overwhelming for new members. This mentorship program, a common practice in both sororities and fraternities, is designed to provide support during the transition into college life.

Our guide below will break down this unique tradition in Greek organizations and help you understand its purpose, process, benefits, and how to cultivate a rewarding relationship with your Big or Little sister.

Get ready for an exciting journey towards lifelong friendships in your sorority!

Key Takeaways

  • The Big and Little relationship in sororities is a mentorship program that pairs new members with experienced sisters to provide support, guidance, and friendship.
  • The matching process for the Big and Little relationship involves surveys and votes to ensure compatible pairings.
  • Benefits of having a Big in a Sorority include mentorship, support during the transition into college life, and the opportunity to build lifelong friendships.
  • Tips for navigating the Big and Little relationship include communicating openly, participating in bonding activities, showing appreciation for your Big sister or brother, and embracing the experience with an open mind.

What is the Big and Little Relationship in Sororities?

The Big and Little relationship in sororities refers to the mentorship and bonding connection between an initiated sister (the “Big”) and a new member (the “Little”).

Definition of the Big and Little Relationship

The Big and Little Relationship is a special bond in sororities. It’s like having a big sister and a little sister, but at school. The Big is an old member of the group who helps the Little, a new member.

They form deep bonds that can last even after they finish college. The Big helps the Little adjust to life in college and within the sorority. This relationship keeps going not just for one week or month, it lasts for years!

Purpose of the Big and Little Relationship

The purpose of the Big and Little Relationship in a sorority is to provide support, guidance, and mentorship to new members as they navigate college life and their sorority experience.

This relationship helps ease the transition into the Greek community by giving new members a mentor who can answer questions, offer advice, and help them feel connected within their chapter.

The Big sister acts as a role model, offering friendship, encouragement, and assistance throughout their time in college. Through this relationship, new members have someone they can rely on for support and develop lifelong friendships with fellow sisters in their sorority.

How Does the Big and Little Process Work?

The Big and Little process starts with a matching process based on surveys and votes, followed by a reveal week where new members meet their Bigs.

Matching process

To establish the Big Little Sorority Relationship, new members are matched with an initiated sister. Here’s how the matching process works:

  • New members participate in a survey to express their preferences for a Big sister.
  • The sorority chapter collects these surveys and uses them to pair new members with potential Big sisters.
  • The chapter votes on the potential matches to finalize the pairings.
  • Once the matches are made, the Big Little Sorority selection is announced during Reveal Week.

Reveal Week

During Reveal Week, the much-anticipated moment arrives when new members finally find out who their Big sister is. This is a special and exciting time for new members as they get to meet their Big sis for the first time and begin building a bond.

Reveal Week often involves creative and fun activities designed to make this moment memorable. It’s a chance for Bigs to show off their creativity by creating unique or custom pieces that serve as clues leading up to the reveal.

This week marks the official start of the Big Little Relationship, where new members will receive guidance and support from their Big throughout their college experience.

Responsibilities of a Big and Little

  • The Big sister is responsible for guiding and supporting the Little sister throughout their college experience.
  • The Big sister helps the Little sister transition into sorority life and provides advice on navigating Greek organization traditions.
  • The Big sister acts as a mentor, offering emotional support and providing guidance in academic, personal, and social matters.
  • The Big sister helps the Little sister feel comfortable and included within the sorority chapter.
  • Both the Big sister and the Little sister participate in bonding activities to strengthen their relationship.
  • The Big sister may give gifts or create handmade items for their Little sister as a token of affection and support.
  • The Little sister looks to their Big sister for guidance and seeks their advice when making decisions within the sorority.
  • Both the Big and Little sisters are expected to communicate openly and honestly with each other, fostering a strong bond of trust.

Benefits of Having a Big in a Sorority

Having a Big in a Sorority provides mentorship and guidance during the transition into college life.

Mentorship and guidance

The Big Little Sorority Relationship provides new members with valuable mentorship and guidance. When joining a sorority, having an experienced sister by your side can help navigate the challenges of college life.

Big sisters offer advice, support, and encouragement throughout the initiation process and beyond. They serve as a role model and confidante, helping their little sisters adjust to the Greek organization and fostering personal growth.

This mentorship bond helps create a strong support network within the sorority, ensuring that new members feel welcomed and supported every step of the way.

Support during the transition into college life

The Big Little Sorority Relationship provides valuable support for new members as they navigate the transition into college life. During this time, having a Big sister or mentor can make all the difference.

The Big is there to offer guidance and help the Little adjust to their new surroundings, academic demands, and social experiences. They provide advice on managing time, getting involved on campus, and balancing sorority commitments with other responsibilities.

With their support, Littles can feel more confident and connected within their sorority and become part of a supportive sisterhood network.

Building lifelong friendships

The Big Little Sorority Relationship has the potential to build lifelong friendships. When a new member is paired with a Big sister, they have the opportunity to form a bond that goes beyond their time in college.

Through the mentorship and support provided by the Big sister, the Little sister can develop a deep connection and friendship that can last for years to come. This relationship is built on trust, understanding, and shared experiences within their sorority chapter.

By participating in bonding activities together and providing ongoing support, both Bigs and Littles have the chance to cultivate friendships that go beyond their college years.

In addition to personal growth and guidance, this relationship also offers an extensive network of support through other members of the sorority chapter. By being part of this larger sisterhood community, Littles gain access to a wide range of individuals who share similar values and interests.

This provides them with opportunities for networking, collaboration, and lifelong connections even after graduation.

Through active participation in their sorority’s events, initiatives, philanthropy work or even social activities like movie nights or game nights – these meaningful interactions during college life will undoubtedly contribute towards building bonds that may last for many years ahead.

Tips for Navigating the Big and Little Relationship

Communicate openly and honestly, participate in bonding activities, show appreciation for your Big, embrace the experience and be open-minded. Ready to learn more about building a strong sorority bond? Let’s dive in!

Communicate openly and honestly

In the Big Little Sorority Relationship, it is important to communicate openly and honestly with your Big sister or Little sister. This means sharing your thoughts, feelings, and concerns without holding back.

By being honest with each other, you can build a stronger bond and develop a deeper understanding of one another. It’s also essential to express your needs and expectations in the relationship so that both parties are on the same page.

Open communication helps avoid misunderstandings and promotes trust between Bigs and Littles. So be open, share your thoughts, listen actively, and be honest with your sorority sister!

Participate in bonding activities

Participating in bonding activities is an important aspect of the Big Little Sorority Relationship. These activities are designed to bring Bigs and Littles closer together and help them build a strong bond.

Bonding activities can include things like going out for coffee, attending chapter events together, or even having movie nights. By participating in these activities, you’ll have the opportunity to get to know your Big better and create lasting memories with them.

It’s a chance to form a deeper connection and strengthen your relationship within the sorority.

Show appreciation for your Big

Your Big sister in the sorority is there to support and guide you, so it’s important to show appreciation for all they do. One way to do this is by saying “thank you” and expressing gratitude for their mentorship.

You can also show appreciation through small gestures like writing a heartfelt note or giving them a thoughtful gift. Taking the time to acknowledge and recognize your Big’s efforts will strengthen your bond and let them know how much you value their guidance.

Remember, showing appreciation goes both ways in building a strong Big Little relationship.

Embrace the experience and be open-minded

Embracing the Big Little Sorority Relationship and being open-minded is essential for making the most out of this experience. It’s important to approach this relationship with a positive attitude and willingness to learn from your Big sister.

By being open-minded, you can truly appreciate the guidance and support that your Big will provide throughout your college journey. Keep in mind that everyone’s experience may be different, so embrace the unique aspects of your own Big Little Relationship and see it as an opportunity for personal growth and forming lifelong friendships within your sorority or fraternity.


The Big Little Sorority Relationship is an important aspect of Greek life that provides mentorship and support to new members. It helps them navigate the transition into college and sorority life, while also fostering lifelong friendships.

Through open communication, participation in bonding activities, showing appreciation for their Big sister or brother, and embracing the experience with an open mind, new members can make the most out of their Big Little relationship.

This special bond allows for personal growth, guidance, and a supportive network within the sorority or fraternity. So embrace this unique opportunity and build lasting connections with your Big!


1. What is a Big and Little in a sorority?

In a sorority, a Big is an older member who acts as a mentor and guide to a new member, referred to as the Little.

2. How are Bigs and Littles matched in a sorority?

Bigs and Littles are often matched through a process called “big-little reveal,” where potential matches get to know each other before being officially paired based on compatibility and shared interests.

3. What is the purpose of the Big-Little relationship in a sorority?

The purpose of the Big-Little relationship is to provide support, guidance, friendship, and sisterhood within the sorority. The Big serves as someone who can offer advice, answer questions, and help navigate sorority life.

4. Can I have more than one Big or Little in a sorority?

While it varies from sorority to sorority, typically members have one official designated Big and one official designated Little at any given time. However, it’s common for members to form close bonds with multiple sisters beyond their official pairing.

The Big Little Sorority Relationship: A Guide for New Members (2024)


What is the big little relationship in sororities? ›

Definition of the Big and Little Relationship

The Big and Little Relationship is a special bond in sororities. It's like having a big sister and a little sister, but at school. The Big is an old member of the group who helps the Little, a new member. They form deep bonds that can last even after they finish college.

What is the big little reveal? ›

Big Little reveal is a time-honored tradition in sororities where new members, also known as “l*ttles,” are paired with older members, known as “bigs,” in a mentorship and friendship type of program.

How does the big little process work? ›

Once bigs and littles are matched up, the big typically keeps their identity a secret from their little for what is known as “Big-Little Week.” During this time, bigs may interact with their Littles in various ways, such as communicating through anonymous texting apps or dropping off gifts at their door, Spivak said.

What is a big little program? ›

At its heart, the program is a really simple recipe for friendship: a junior (the “Big”) is paired up with an incoming first-year student (the “l*ttle”). Big + Little = friends.

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To describe Alpha Kappa Al- pha, the participants used adjectives and phras- es such as classy, rich and well-to-do, delicate, pretty, dainty, snobby, “siddity,” prissy, and light- skinned with long hair.

What does little mean in a sorority? ›

Little: Short for “Little brother/sister” - a new member who is being mentored by an older member of their organization. Local Chapter: A Greek organization that is not affiliated with a national organization. New Member: A person who has accepted a bid but is not yet initiated to a sorority or fraternity.

How do sororities pick bigs and littles? ›

Matching: Big and little pairings are done through a “matching” process. These differ by the organization but are typically done by the chapter officers who interact most with the new members in order to match them with initiated members of similar interests, majors, values or backgrounds.

What do sorority sisters call each other? ›

Sister – Term that sorority members call each other. Smoker – A formal meeting held by the organization for potential new members that details the application process and rules of the organization; generally geared to potential new members who have a serious interest.

What does big mean in sorority? ›

A big sister in a sorority is an initiated member who takes on the role of a mentor and guide for her little sister, who is a new member. The purpose of the big/little relationship is to provide support, guidance, and friendship to the new members as they navigate their way through sorority life.

Why do you want to be a big sister sorority? ›

Joining a sorority is a new experience and can be overwhelming for some new members. A big sister should be the one to help their little get comfortable within the chapter or even college life. Having big/little dates, adventures, and deep conversations helps create that needed bond.

What to look for in a big sister sorority? ›

It's important to choose a sister who will be there for you, support you, and keep their commitments. Trust is essential in building strong relationships within the sorority family. Having a Big or Little who is trustworthy means that they will respect your privacy, keep your secrets safe, and always have your back.

What is AG big in a sorority? ›

The G-Big is like a big sister to the little sister's big sister, forming another level of guidance within the family lineage. As an initiated member of the sorority with more experience, the G-Big can offer valuable advice and wisdom to both their own little sister and their little sister's big sister.

What is the big little relationship in Greek life? ›

A big is someone older in the sorority who will act as a mentor to her little who is a woman that recently joined the chapter.

What is a sorority sister? ›

Sister – A term used by sorority members in reference to one another. Sorority – The name that applies to female chapters and is characterized by a ritual, a pin, and a strong bond of friendship.

What is Big Little Week? ›

During Big Little Week, sorority sisters shower their new little sisters with affection and presents. It's a time to show how much they care and make their little feel special. Throughout the week, there are various traditions and activities that bring the sorority sisters closer together.

What is Big Little Week sorority? ›

During Big Little Week, sorority sisters shower their new little sisters with affection and presents. It's a time to show how much they care and make their little feel special. Throughout the week, there are various traditions and activities that bring the sorority sisters closer together.

What is the big deal about being in a sorority? ›

There are many advantages when it comes to joining a fraternity or sorority. Greek life is a great way to meet new people, gain leadership skills, and build lasting connections — and then there's also all the parties and events you'll be attending.

What does Gbig mean in sorority? ›

G-Big stands for Grand Big, which is the term used to refer to a member's big sister's big sister within a sorority family.

What is a GG big in a sorority? ›

Grandbig: Your big's big. She may be unsure about you at first for stealing her little from her. Location in the stack: Directly above your big. Great Grandbig: Your grandbig's big.


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