smokey and the bandit 2 (2024)

Smokey and The Bandit 2

Smokey And The Bandit 2.This film was shot in several places, namely Nevada, Georgia, and Florida.I will concentrate on theSouth Florida locations but will also identify the other locations.I am always happy to assist with a location so if you arelooking for a location I have not yet posted just drop me a line at I will be happy to tell you about a location if I know where it is or discuss cluesI have noted if I have been unable to solve the mystery.

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The next scene may be the first Florida shot scene. I have not been able to confirm in person but a couple different sources say that this was shot on Burt Reynolds horse ranch located in Jupiter Farms, Florida.At one time when Burt owned the land you could take a tour and see the ranch but now Burt has sold the property, so confirmation will be more difficult .Update I have received a nice e-mail from Scott Smith who worked on the set. He confirms that this scene was shot on the Burt Reynolds ranch in Jupiter Farms, Florida. It was filmed on a set built within a building on the ranch. Thanks Scott.

The movie starts just outside Las Vegas, Nevada in Henderson, NV. This scene was reportedly filmed just west of I95. I learned this from

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The area looks pretty well developed now but was open desert in 1980.

In the next scene we see the Statler Brothers singing at a cook out. Looks like maybe Texas but I have no clue where it is. Anyone?

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This next scene is suppose to be in Texas and may well be but I have not found it’s location yet.

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The next scene takes us to the Atlanta International Raceway.

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The next scene takes us back to Henderson, Nevada. The sign reads “Texarkana Reformed United Evangelical Fundamental Church Of God, The Twelve Apostles and Assorted Saints” but it is actually St. Peters church in Henderson. Discovered at

The movie next takes us back to Burt’s dump that he is living in. I believe this was filmed on his ranch in Jupiter Farms, Florida. Thanks again to Scott Smith who confirms this was filmed on Burt’s ranch. The Gator Motel was a facade added to the end of a horse stable which is no longer there.

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Burt needs to shape up.

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Thanks to Scott Smith we now know that this was filmed at Northlake Blvd. and U.S.1 in North Palm Beach, Fl. I will try to get there shortly to get some pictures of how it looks now.

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Scott Smith confirms that this was on Burt’s ranch.It was built for the movie and the bridge is long gone.

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Scott tells me that it was located on U.S.1 in North Palm Beach just south of PGA Blvd. but the track no longer exist.

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Scott Smith reports that this scene was also filmed on Burt’s Jupiter Farms ranch.

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Next we meet the star of the movie. This is reported to have been filmed in Jupiter Farms Florida but I have not nailed down the exact location yet.

We then head out on the open road. “Ride concrete Cowboy” The first 8 cuts are unknown thus far.. Cut 9 (below) they cross a concrete and steel bridge. reports that this was the old sunshine skyway bridge near Tampa Florida. Connecting St. Petersburg to the main-land.

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Next they stop at a gas station. Scott Smith informed me that this gas station was in Juno Beach, Florida on U.S.1., just north of Donald Ross Road.

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Next we see them driving eastbound on Watson Island, Miami Florida. This location was used in numerous episodes of Miami Vice.

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Next they arrive to pick up the package. This was filmed on the MacArthur Causeway on Terminal Island.

We then see them leaving going westbound on Watson Island. These two vintage shots of Watson island are great. Great views of the freedom tower and Chalk’s airlines.

We cut to Smokey driving along.I was lucky to recognize this location right away. When we first see him he is going northbound on NW 14th Ave. along the east side of the Orange Bowl in the Little Havana section of Miami. In the screen capture below the apartment building in the background is yellow. In the picture below that I took on 02/15/2009 the building has since been painted pink.

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Smokey turns left (westbound) onto the grounds of the Orange Bowl which at that time was not surrounded by fencing.He turns in opposite NW 6th Street. The building below was seen in the background.

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This building is also seen in the background.

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Where Smokey pulled in opposite NW 6th St., Bandit pulls in about 85 yards earlier (south). In the picture below the building on the left is the currently pink building that used to be yellow that we see Smokey drive by before pulling in.The building on the right is the building we see behind Bandit when he pulls into the stadium.

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If I had not yet recognized it this would have given it away. In the background on the wall between the upper and lower decks the sign reads “The City Of Miami Welcomes You To The Orange Bowl”.

Then Bandit is back on the road and stops for gas. This was on Burt’s Property in Jupiter Farms. Thanks to Scott Smith we now know where on the farm the footbridge, Hotel room interior, and Gas station were located.

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The pursuit continues.

According to Scott Smith this was filmed approximately 10 miles west of I95 on Indiantown Road, Palm Beach County.It sure looks right to me. Thanks again Scott.

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Smokey takes the plunge. Scott Smith confirms that my suspicion was correct. The bridge is Indiantown Road in Jupiter where it spans the I.C.W. (Intra Coastal Waterway). The bridge has since been replaced with a new one. The movie bridge had been built in 1965. Funny thing is that this bridge is right next to the Burt Reynolds Museum.

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Into Mississippi we go, but it is really Florida. Thanks to Scott Smith we know this was filmed on S.E. St. Lucie Blvd. in Stuart, Fl. Near Sandsprit Park.


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The red arrow is where smokey takes the plunge.The blue arrow is the current location of the Burt Reynolds Museum.

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In cut 10 we see the Bandit passing under a cloverleaf. states that this is the I275 / I4 connector in Tampa. Looks good to me. Below: Green arrow points to new road. Red arrow is their route.

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The remaining cuts all look like Florida but locations are unknown.

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Release date: 08/15/1980 (USA)

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Photo by Scott Smith

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Bridge under construction taken by Scott Smith

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Burt’s room set from outside by Scott Smith

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Photo by Scott Smith

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Smokey and The Bandit 2

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The mansion on Star Island from the Miami Vice episode Little Prince can be seen in the background as they are leaving.

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In the movie Absence of Malice, Gallagher’s Imports was located right next door to the warehouse where we see them steal the elephant in Smokey and The Bandit 2. We can see the exact spot where they load her into the truck in the background of the shot where they are unloading a cargo ship at Gallagher’s.

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Absence of Malice

smokey and the bandit 2 (2024)


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