Sensory Play: 15 Great Activities for Your Toddler or Preschooler (2024)

Young children explore the world around them primarily through their five senses. Sensory play involves engaging the five senses to stimulate children’s brains. The benefits of sensory play are many, as they bring increased awareness of the surroundings.

It enhances their motor and language skills, improves sleep patterns, boosts focus during meals, and provides them with opportunities to be creative. The benefits of sensory play also include making kids happier and more balanced overall. Sensory play brings them joy and helps them stay calm and focused!

It is important to introduce this concept to children while they're young. Here are a few sensory ideas for preschoolers or toddlers to easily include sensory play in their lives on a regular basis.

Plant a garden

Planting a garden is a fun and engaging activity while also being relaxing and nourishing. This can be done outdoors in a garden, in your backyard garden, or even indoors using small pots and plants if you don’t mind the mess! There is a lot of sensory stimulation involved in digging up soil, planting and sorting seeds, and watering them.

Bubbles and glitter

Bubble tubes and Glitter Jars are some of the popular toys used in sensory activities for preschoolers. The rhythmic movements of colorful bubbles in Bubble tubes induce relaxation and improve focus. Glitter jars have a calming effect and bring joy to toddlers with glitter movements and LED lights.

Create a sensory bin

A sensory bin is one of the most simple yet effective sensory ideas for preschoolers. It is quite easy to put together, and children often enjoy exploring a sensory bin. Just fill a small container such as a bin or a tub with different types of objects. With objects of different shapes, sizes, textures, colors, and densities, sensory bins can engage all physical senses.

Sensory play with therapy putty

Playing with putty is one of the popular sensory activities for preschoolers that helps children develop and enhance their fine motor skills. Playlearn’s Therapy Putty is great for tactile stimulation and promotes pincer grasp development. It is also useful in alleviating and providing some relief from stress, anxiety, pain, and trauma. Children of all ages can enjoy the soft squishy texture, and they can spend hours slicing, rolling, and shaping it.

Jumping fun

Your child's sense of movement will be enhanced through jumping, and it is a terrific medium for energy release. Playlearn’s Liquid Floor Tiles are perfect for encouraging movement while exploring surfaces. They add to the fun as the liquid colors swish around inside the tiles’ pockets. Jump ropes and trampolines are also great for jumping activities and effective as sensory ideas for preschoolers.

Sensory play with building blocks

With Building blocks, children utilize their hands and imaginations effectively. Playlearn’s Foam Building Blocks with Peg Connectors are a medium for introducing STEM learning to children. The set has life-sized blocks, bricks, and beams, and building with these offers multiple benefits of sensory play. These include creativity, problem-solving, spatial thinking, and gross and fine motor skills.

Balance beam

Through balance beam exercises, children can build their sense of balance and muscle memory. With this activity, it is possible to train the muscles for stability. It can also help children build confidence by encouraging repetition and cheering them on while they learn to balance.


Indoor and outdoor climbing activities support independence, exercise, and strength-building in children. It can be for fun or for therapy. Playlean’s Climbing Sensory Wall induces motor skills, balance, and spatial orientation. It is among highly effective sensory ideas for preschoolers as it helps them cope with the fear of falling and heights.

Rollers and rolling

Sensory rollers provide ample sensory stimulation for children as they press themselves between the rolls. It is perfect to be used in a sensory room or for occupational therapy. Playlearn’s Body Rollers are great tools to be included in sensory play and sensory activities for preschoolers. They are extremely useful in cases of sensory modulation disorders and stimulate proprioceptive sensations.

Pebble stacking

This activity is fantastic for improving concentration and bringing a calm disposition. Playlearn’s Rainbow Stacking Stones are great for fidgeting. Since they come in different colors, they can also be used to teach colors by combining or mixing them. They can be used in various ways, including adding to tables and light boxes, as well as beach and sand play.

Sand play

Sand play is great as one of the sensory activities for preschoolers that you can do indoors or outdoors. Sand can be used for many creative explorations like building statues or castles. Sand is often used to support children who have difficulties, including sensory disorders, developmental delays, and autism. Playlearn’s Interactive Sandbox and Table is an innovative tool. It incorporates the new technology of Augmented Reality, taking the traditional sandpit to a whole new level!


Swings are easily one of the most popular sensory activities for preschoolers. Therapy swings are especially effective for children with sensory disorders. Swinging activates all your five senses in a short period of time. It lets you feel safe, secure, and energetic as you focus on the speed, sounds, and smell around you. Playlearn offers a variety of swings that bring multiple benefits for children, including hand-eye and motor coordination. They can also be helpful in learning social skills.

Musical instruments

Different varieties of musical instruments can be used to stimulate the auditory senses among young children. You can try creating something at home, like a paper cup filled with dried beans or rubber bands strung to a tissue box. For a more enhanced and fun auditory experience, Playlearn’s Soft Interactive Piano Touch Wall Panel is perfect. It is highly engaging with its interactive panels and also has a built-in audio system.


Sensory-rich environments like theme-based sensory aquariums develop critical senses. It can stimulate coordination between the eyes and hands, allowing children to make better use of their whole body. Discover the charms of aquatic life indoors with Playlearn’s aquariums. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and themes, providing many benefits, including sensory stimulation for children.

Light it up

Sensory lights and light-up toys help children with sensory disorders feel more settled. They also stimulate vision and can be effective in keeping children engaged for prolonged periods. To get the desired effect, you can use simple battery-powered items like light-up toys or night lights. Playlearn has a wide range of sensory lights, light-up toys, and furniture to provide the ultimate sensory experience for your child.

Sensory play can have a definitively positive impact on a child’s growth and development. The importance of incorporating sensory activities for preschoolers cannot be overstated. They are also highly effective for children and adults with sensory disorders, autism, and ADHD. The benefits of sensory play are also applicable for adults with sensory issues as well as aging individuals. There are many sensory ideas for preschoolers that you can easily include in day-to-day life. Making sensory play a part of regular life can be the best gift you can give to your child.

Sensory Play: 15 Great Activities for Your Toddler or Preschooler (2024)


What are sensory activities for preschoolers? ›

Sensory play is any activity that stimulates our senses – touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. It helps children interact with and make sense of the world that surrounds them.

What are some examples of sensory play? ›

Create a sensory bin

Or use foods, like pasta, rice, or beans, along with spoons, scoops, and small toys to bury and discover. Remember, little ones often explore with their mouths in addition to their hands so be sure to clean all items, avoid choking hazards, and supervise play.

What are the 5 sensory play? ›

Sensory play has an important role in your child's development. Not only does it help your child engage their five senses—sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste—but it also boosts their language skills and motor skills.

What is sensory play important for toddlers? ›

Sensory play encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving and creativity. It helps to build nerve connections in the brain and encourages the development of language and motor skills.

What are the 5 sensory children? ›

Children will learn that their bodies have many different parts, each with special functions. They are eager to hear, touch, see, smell and taste to help them make sense of and be a part of the world.

What are examples of sensory play in the early years? ›

Preschool-aged children:

Some fun sensory play activities to do with your children that are at the age before they start school include: Making shapes and patternsusing sand. Playingmusical instruments. Playing outside with nature which is filled with colour, movement, texture, sounds and smells.

What are sensory play toys? ›

A sensory toy is one that is specially designed to stimulate one or more of the senses. Sensory toys may be more appealing to children on the spectrum because they can help the child remain calm and provide the sensory experience they want.

What is messy play for 4 year olds? ›

Messy Play - Play on a plastic sheet with shaving foam, jelly or homemade slime (see below for recipe). Your child can squeeze, pull, poke or draw with their fingers. This can get very messy so think about where you are playing and wear old clothes.

What are the 7 primary sensory? ›

A sensory system consists of sensory neurons (including the sensory receptor cells), neural pathways, and parts of the brain involved in sensory perception and interoception. Commonly recognized sensory systems are those for vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell, balance and visceral sensation.

What age do you start sensory play? ›

Sensory play is stimulating for babies and toddlers of all ages, and it's never too early to get started. All you have to do is set the stage — and let your little one delve in on her own terms.

What are sensory skills? ›

Sensory skills are those such as. vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, vestibular (for balance and head position in space), and. proprioception (information from the muscles and joints). They are responsible for receiving. information.

Why is sensory play calming? ›

Sensory Calming Activities provide sensory input and help to meet your child's sensory processing needs. They can help your child to become calm, self regulated and less fidgety. These sensory calming activities can also reduce your child's stress and anxiety.

What are sensory motor activities? ›

Sensorimotor Activities

A child's foundation to growth, development, and learning starts with sensory and motor interaction with the world. Crawling, balancing, visual tracking, and coordination are all ways that a baby experiences the world while simultaneously developing their brain and body.

What is sensory area in preschool? ›

Sensory rooms provide environments in which they can experience special sound and visual effects, tactile experiences, vibration, use of aromas and music in many combinations and variations.

What is sensory in early childhood? ›

In general, it refers to the maturing of the five familiar senses: hearing, smell, taste, touch, and vision. It also involves the way your baby or child's nervous system receives input from these senses and then forms an appropriate motor or behavioral response.

How can you promote children's sensory development in preschool? ›

Through the use of ball tracks, light tables, smell jars, balance equipment, and textured surfaces, and shatterproof mirrors, children can experience many senses throughout the day. Art materials and musical instruments can also provide time for children to explore with their senses.

What are sensory skills for children? ›

Children use their senses to explore and try to make sense of the world around them. They do this by touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, moving and hearing. Sensory play helps language development, cognitive growth, fine motor skills and gross motor skills, problem solving skills and social interactions.


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