Sassy Water Recipe – You’ll Want to Give This One a Try! (2024)

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Years ago, when I first started out on this health and wellness journey of mine, I was lucky enough to have a friend that was a personal trainer. He gave me lots of great advice over the years and really helped me on my path to being the person I am today.

One secret recipe he shared with me was this Sassy Water Recipe. When he first told me about it, I was curious and also more than a little skeptical – there were no “wow” ingredients, just 4 simple easy-to-buy ingredients that I perceived to have no real advantageous benefits. How were lemons, cucumbers, ginger, and mint leaves going to help me lose 3-5 lbs in a week???

At that point in my life, I was still very much consumed with weight loss alone – I couldn’t have cared less that this detox also helped mybody to be rid of chemicals and toxins. {A much more exciting and lasting benefit, in my humble opinion, now}

Sassy Water Recipe – You’ll Want to Give This One a Try! (1)

But boy, was I wrong! And I have continued to be proved wrong time and time again!

Although simple, these ingredients are powerful and will help you to cleanse and purify your body, helping you to feel refreshed and rejuvenatedonce again, and yes, you will lose 3-5 lbs as a result of your digestive tract being cleansed.

Sassy Water Recipe – You’ll Want to Give This One a Try! (2)

Sassy Water Recipe

A secret of personal trainers, The Crazy Effective Sassy Water Recipe is a light refreshing and totally yummy drink to help you lose 5-8 pounds in a week!


Prep Time 5 minutes

Servings 1

Author Andie Thueson


  • 1/2Cucumber Sliced thin or cubedno biggie either way
  • 2TBSgrated Ginger root
  • 1LemonSliced
  • 14Mint LeavesSliced Thinly


  1. Add to 1 Gallon of Water and Drink daily for 7 days!

    Sassy Water Recipe – You’ll Want to Give This One a Try! (4)

Recipe Notes

You may reuse the ingredient for up to three days before a fresh batch should be made.

Sassy Water Recipe – You’ll Want to Give This One a Try! (5)

All you’ll need to do is slice your cucumber and lemons and then finely slice your mint leaves into pretty little ribbons and add them to a pitcher of purified water. I love my ZERO watcher pitcher! It helps to really purify my water so it tastes better and is free of contaminants. Or you may buy purified water to create this recipe. Just DO NOT use tap water.

Sassy Water Recipe – You’ll Want to Give This One a Try! (6)

To grate your ginger use a vegetable peeler to get the skin off, and then I like to use a microplane to grate my ginger right into my water usually, one chunky ginger knob is about right.

And just like that, you have delicious and refreshing detox sassy water recipe all ready to go!! You can simply add new water every day for up to three days if you are wanting to do the detox for longer {I recommend no longer than 7 days}. Just make a new batch and repeat the process!

You can complete this detox without changing your diet at all, or you can amplify your results and use my 7-Day Detox Meal Plan and Cheat Sheets! They are a great companion and will guide you through the process completely!

Sassy Water Recipe – You’ll Want to Give This One a Try! (7)

Of all the detoxes on my site, this one is by far the most effective. (Sorry, Jillian Michael’s Detox Water + Master Cleanse} Not only is Sassy Water super easy to make, but it also tastes sooo good, and it is really refreshing. And friends, your BODY will thank you for this one. It acts as scrubbing bubbles for your intestines and helps clean out the gunk. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out! That is why I am here! andie {at}

Frequently Asked Questions About Sassy Water:

How Long Can I Drink Sassy Water?

You may drink Sassy Water for 3-7 days I do not recommend drinking it longer than that.

How Often Should I Drink Sassy Water?

I personally whip up a batch every quarter as a nice reboot for my body.

How Long Does Sassy Water Last?

You may add fresh water to your pitcher for up to three days without remaking it. But I like to make a fresh batch every other day for optimal results.

What Should I Eat When Drinking Sassy Water?

I recommend eating whole foods and avoiding super-processed foods for the duration of your detox. If you need some additional guidance, please grab my FREE guide!

Much Love + Happy Detoxing!

Sassy Water Recipe – You’ll Want to Give This One a Try! (8)
Sassy Water Recipe – You’ll Want to Give This One a Try! (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.