Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 release date (2024)

What is Poppy Playtime Chapter 3?The third chapter in the ongoing Poppy Playtime horror series brought some big changes in comparison to the previous games, not least in its increased length and difficulty.

The Poppy Playtime games are an interesting mix of horror micro-scenarios, with the overall narrative being punctuated by several terrifying mini-games. The entire horror game series documents the work of Playtime Co., a toy manufacturer haunted by a terrifying series of events. While chapters one and two take place around the factory, Poppy PlaytimeChapter 3 takes play in Playcare, the company’s ill-fated orphanage and school. Here’s more information about the Poppy Playtime release date and gameplay.

Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 release date (1)

Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 release date

The Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 release date was January 30, 2024, at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5pm GMT. After a painfully long wait and a few delays, the date was finally revealed alongside the final trailer for Deep Sleep on January 24, 2024.

The third installment of the episodic horror game was originally scheduled for release in December 2023 but was delayed following the sudden departure of some Mob Entertainment staff. Animators Micah and Zachary Preciado, also known as Zamination, and producer Andy Gill all left the company at the tail end of 2023.

However, the reason given in aMob Entertainment Twitter announcementwas that the game just was “not ready yet” and that chapter 3 is the “biggest, highest quality installment to Poppy Playtime yet.” Now we’ve played the game ourselves, we can confirm that it is certainly bigger than either Poppy Playtime chapter before it, if not longer than both combined.

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Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 story and gameplay

Without giving too much away – most of the enjoyment in Poppy Playtime comes from the surprise – we can tell you what was revealed in the run up to the Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 release date.

Poppy Playtime Chapter 3, Deep Sleep, takes place in Playcare following the train crash at the end of Chapter 2. Rather than waking up at the crash site, though, you have been brought into Playcare by a dangerous creature who’s left you alive – for now. This massive underground (why?!) childcare center houses a school, play areas, and Home Sweet Home, the gruesome orphanage.

Seen in the trailers below, we are also introduced to a new range of toys in Deep Sleep: The Smiling Critters. These plushies might look harmless and cute, but of course they aren’t, and one in particular, the dangerous CatNap, rules over Playcare. New tools, including new hands, are introduced in Chapter 3, alongside a gas mask, essential for surviving CatNap’s noxious gas.

Work your way through the various areas of Playcare as you try to uncover the secrets of the creatures making this place its home, and answer questions raised in the previous two chapters. Co-founder and CEO of Mob EntertainmentZach Belanger confirmed before that release that, while some questions are answered, “new questions will also be raised which players may need to wait a little bit longer to have answered!”, strongly hinting that a much-needed Chapter 4 is coming to continue the story. We’ve got plenty of questions to ask.

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Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 trailers

To sate fans throughout delays, a stream of trailers were released for Deep Sleep, from teaser trailers to official trailers, and even fake cartoons and promotions. MOB Games released the first teaser trailer for the game in August 2022, which you can watch above, and followed up with a second in July 2023, just below. We were also treated to a series of promotional videos themed around the Smiling Critters themselves, with the first official game trailer being revealed on December 11, 2023.

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In the retro, VHS-style trailer above, we are shown just what happened to the Smiling Critters – in particular, when Catnap was introduced to the gang. This grinning purple cat was supposed to help tired and frightened children sleep with a scented mist, but the gas turned out to be toxic.

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The second trailer shows Playcare in a bit more detail, whichis somewhat reminiscent of the spooky orphanage in The Outlast Trials. We were pretty terrified to be left alone in the dark and gloomy daycare, but thankfully you have some friendly faces and voices to keep you company.

Now Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 is here, there’s not better time to reacquaint yourself with the horror puzzle game series. If you’re after something a little less terrifying, we have the best PC games here and the best Disney games if you’re looking for some friendlier characters.

Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 release date (2024)


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