Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (2024)

Friday, September 29, 2023

Gospel of John - John 4:1-30

Homiletics Study: Gospel of John

Lesson 5 Passage: John 4:1-30

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Water Request at the Well (John 4:1-9)

1. Disciples baptize as Jesus leave Judea for Galilee (1-3)

2. Jesus comes to well in Samaria and sits at Jacobs well (4-6)

3. Samaritan woman approaches to draw water; Jesus asks her for a drink (7-8)

4. Samaritan woman questions request from a Jew (9)

Water for Eternal Life is Living Water (John 4:10-15)

1. Jesus responds to woman’s question; if me, God’s gift was asking you would ask for living water (10)

2. Woman asks where do you get this living water (11)

3. Woman asks if Jesus is greater than Jacob (12)

4. Jesus answers with “this water” you’ll be thirsty again; water that Jesus gives with never thirst again – Eternal life (13-14)

5. Woman requests Jesus give living water to remove thirst (15)

Excitement Recognizing Jesus is Messiah (4:16-30)

1. Jesus’s request to call husband discloses woman’s need for living water (16-18)

2. Woman recognizes Jesus as prophet and asks about place of worship (19-20)

4. Jesus replies that true worshipers will worship in “Spirit and Truth” (21-24)

5. Woman states that she knows that Messiah is coming and will explain everything (25)

6. Jesus declares “I am he” (26)

7. Disciples return surprise Jesus talking with woman without questions (27)

8. Woman rushes back to town to tell and bring them to Messiah (28-30)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Water Request at the Well

John 4:1-9

Water for Eternal Life is Living Water

John 4:10-18

Excitement Recognizing Jesus is Messiah

John 4:19-30

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Samaritan Woman encounters source of living water the Messiah Jesus

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT the living water that Jesus gives satisfies and brings eternal life to those who believe; our worship of God must be in Spirit and in Truth.

Specific Application Questions

In what ways are you thirsty and tired and need to be refreshed?

For what are you thirsty? And how about your worship?

The woman in her excitement had to tell others about Jesus, how do share your excitement in Jesus?

Principles to Remember

Jesus engages us where we are

Jesus provides living water

Worship must be in Spirit and in Truth

Characteristic of God

No Prejudice


Jesus encounters Samaritan woman with a simple question, allowing truth of Living Water welling up to eternal life for those who believe.

Posted bychucktat8:15 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (1)

Gospel of John - John 3

Homiletics Study: Gospel of John

Lesson 4 Passage: John 3

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Eternal Life explained to Nicodemus; Spiritual birth is of water and spirit (John 3:1-15)

1. Nicodemus comes at night to Jesus; recognizing signs are from God (1,2)

2. Jesus replies “kingdom of God can’t be seen unless born again (3)

3. Nicodemus asks how; old can’t enter mother’s womb (4)

4. Jesus answered explaining flesh birth flesh; Spirit gives birth to Spirit with wind illustration (5-8)

5. Nicodemus as how can this be (9)

6. Jesus talks of failure believe; failure to believe earthly things questions belief in heavenly things. (10-13)

7. Jesus uses Moses and snake to illustrate looking on Jesus brings eternal life (14-15)

Eternal Life Comes through God’s Son Jesus (John 3:16-21)

1. Eternal life come though belief God’s son Jesus (16-18)

2. Verdict: Condemnation to unbelief and lovers of darkness rather than light (19-20)

3. Living in truth comes into light seeing what they have done in sight of God (21)

John the Baptist points to Jesus; Belief in God’s Son has eternal life (John 3:22-36)

1. Jesus goes to Judean countryside with disciples baptizing (22)

2. John the Baptist disciples come telling about Jesus baptizing and popularity (23-26)

3. John the Baptist responds telling of bride and bridegroom and joy hearing His voice (27-29)

4. John the Baptist tells he must become less and Jesus greater (30-31)

5. John the Baptist declares that Jesus speaks the words of God (32-34)

6. John the Baptist describes God the Father placing all things in Jesus hands; belief in the Son brings eternal life (35-36)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Eternal Life explained to Nicodemus; Spiritual birth is of water and spirit

John 3:1-15

Eternal Life comes through God’s Son Jesus

John 3:16-21

John the Baptist points to Jesus; Belief in God’s Son has eternal life

John 3:22-36

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Nicodemus learns: Jesus believers are born-again bringing eternal life

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT our questions about God’s loving provision are answered in Jesus who brings eternal life to those who believe in Him.

Specific Application Questions

What is your answer to the question of spiritual birth? What needs to change to have a deeper walk with Jesus?

Where is there darkness in your life? How can you step away of darkness and more fully into the light?

In what ways are you taking the focus off of yourself and more fully onto Jesus?

Principles to Remember

We must be born again

God loves us and saves believers

Believers in Son has eternal life

Characteristic of God

Lover of my soul


Jesus answers Nicodemus questions, God’s love answers sin’s condemnation for believers in Jesus.

Posted bychucktat8:06 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (2)

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Gospel of John - John 2

Homiletics Study: Gospel of John

Lesson 3 Passage: John 2

Content (List of Topics or Events)

First Sign – Water turned Wine at Wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-12)

1. During Wedding, Jesus’ mother says to Him “they have no more wine” (1-3)

2. Jesus responds with question “why” and says “my hour has not yet come” (4)

3. Mary instructs servants to do what Jesus say (5)

4. Jesus tells the servants to fill jars with water and draw some and take to master of banquet. (6-8)

5. Master of Banquet calls bridegroom and tells this new wine is the best (9-10)

6. Jesus’ first sign revealed His glory; disciples believed in Him. (11-12)

A Sign - Cleansing the temple during Jewish Passover (John 2:13-17)

1. Jesus went up to Jerusalem for Passover, in the temple courts fines money changers and animals being sold (13-14)

2. Jesus with a whip of cords drives them all from temple courts and overturning money changers tables (15)

3. Jesus declares “stop turning my Father’s house into a market” (16)

4. Jesus is consumed with zeal for Father’s house – prophecy fulfilled (17)

Sign of Authority Requested by Jews – Jesus says destroy “this” temple raise in 3 days. (John 2:18-25)

1. Jews ask for sign to prove authority (18)

2. Jesus responds “destroy this temple and I will raise again in three days” (19)

3. Jews reply that temple built in 46 years and Jesus would raise it in 3 days (20)

4. Disciples would later recall declaration and believed words spoken; it was His body and not the temple (21-22)

5. While in Jerusalem at Passover, many saw signs from Jesus and believed (23)

6. Jesus knew what was in each person (24-25)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

First Sign – Water turned Wine at Wedding in Cana of Galilee

John 2:1-12

A Sign - Cleansing the temple during Jewish Passover

John 2:13-17

Sign of Authority Requested by Jews – Jesus says destroy “this” temple raise in 3 days

John 2:18-25

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus demonstrates signs: Cana wedding, cleansing temple, and resurrection description.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT the signs of Jesus authority are around us and should call us to belief; Jesus knows our hearts.

Specific Application Questions

How do you give your best to the master; Jesus?

What specifically are to doing to drive out and keep sin from creeping in to your life?

Recognizing that Jesus knows our hearts; what do you need to submit to the authority of Jesus?

Principles to Remember

Jesus brings to us the best

Jesus desires pure faith in us.

Jesus sees our hearts desire

Characteristic of God



Jesus demonstrates signs of grace, knows our hearts and provides the best for those who believe.

Posted bychucktat6:14 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (3)

Gospel of John - John 1:19-51

Homiletics Study: Gospel of John

Lesson 2 Passage: John 1:19-51

Content (List of Topics or Events)

John the Baptist Questioned for Identity and Purpose (John 1:19-28)

Who are you (19)

1. Freely confessed he was not Messiah to Jewish leaders (19-20)

2. Answered not Elijah or Prophet (21)

3. Jewish leader ask for answer to take back to their senders - From Isaiah “Voice to make straight the way for Lord” (22-23)

Why do you Baptize (24-25)

4. John answers he baptizes with water, but there is one you do not know comes after me who is greater (26-27)

5. Exchange with John and Jewish leader was in Bethany (28)

John the Baptist Declares Jesus Identity (John 1:29-35)

1. John the Baptist sees Jesus and proclaims “Jesus Lamb of God takes away sins of world (29)

2. John the Baptist explains Jesus comes after him but was before him (30-31)

3. John the Baptist testifies; he saw Spirit come from heaven and remain on Jesus (32)

4. John the Baptist testifies; one who sent him told him told him Jesus will baptize with Holy Spirit (33)

5. John the Baptist declares Jesus as God’s Chosen One (34)

6. John the Baptist seeing Jesus the next day says “Look, the Lamb of God (35)

Followers come and declare Jesus as Messiah (John 1:36-51)

1. John’s disciples heard declaration and followed Jesus (36-39)

2. Andrew tells Simon Peter (his brother) “We found Messiah” bringing him to Jesus (40-41)

3. Jesus sees Peter, identifies him and names him Cephas (Peter) and calls him to follow (42)

4. Next day Jesus finds Philip and says “follow me” (43)

5. Philip finds Nathanael telling of Jesus of Nazareth, with a response “can anything good come out of Nazareth (44-46)

6. Jesus sees Nathanael and says “an Israelite with no deceit” telling him from where Philip called him. (47-48)

7. Nathanael declares Jesus as Son of God (49)

8. Jesus tells Nathanael he will see greater things; heaven will open on Son of Man (50-51)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

John the Baptist Questioned for his Identity and Purpose

John 1:19-28

John the Baptist Declares Jesus Identity

John 1:29-35

Followers come and Declare Jesus as Messiah

John 1:36-51

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

John’s identity questioned, points to Messiah, disciples recognize and follow

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT Jesus is the chosen one of God who opens heaven’s door to those who follow him.

Specific Application Questions

What role do you have in God’s kingdom? When asked what is your response?

In what specific ways do you point out and point others to Jesus?

When you find the truth in Jesus are you willing to share openly to those who need to know?

Principles to Remember

We have a kingdom role

Jesus needs to be proclaimed boldly

Jesus knows us and can show us heaven

Characteristic of God

Chosen One is Jesus


Path makers point out Jesus and share His truth with others; Making Jesus known.

Posted bychucktat6:12 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (4)

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Gospel of John - Creating New Homiletics for 2023-2024

Just a quick note to let you all know that a new version of the Gospel of John is being done as part of this years study. So check out the new homiletics.

I am not looking back at the previous version until I have completed the new version.

Posted byChuck Townsendat1:22 PMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (5)

Friday, September 15, 2023

Gospel of John - John 1:1-18

Homiletics Study: Gospel of John

Lesson 1 Passage: John 1:1-18

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Word Described (John 1:1-5)

1. Word described - Word in the beginning was God (1:1-2)

2. Word created all things d (1:3)

3. Word was life; light was life for all mankind (1:4)

4. Light shines is not overcome by darkness (1:5)

Light Comes for Everyone (John 1:6-13)

1. John the Baptist sent to witness to light for all to believe (John 1:6-8)

2. True light comes into world to everyone (John 1:9)

3. Light in world was not recognized or received by His own (1:10-11)

4. Those who receive Him and believe have right to be children of God (1:12-13)

Word Becomes Flesh (John 1:14-18)

1. Word became flesh demonstrating visible glory – full of grace and truth (1:14)

2. John the Baptist testifies that Jesus is superior to him because He was before him (1:15)

3. Jesus’ grace replaces grace already given is the Son making Father known (1:16-18)

a. Moses gave law; grace comes through Jesus. (1:17)

b. Jesus, himself is God makes the Father known (1:18)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Word Described

John 1:1-5

Light Comes for Everyone

John 1:5-13

Word Becomes Flesh

John 1:14-18

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Word from the beginning is light bringing grace and truth.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT Jesus is God in flesh bringing grace and truth to all who believe.

Specific Application Questions

How do you recognize Jesus and in what specific ways do you bring that light to a dark world?

As a child of God, how do you point to Jesus as the light to others?

Grace and Truth comes through Jesus. What in that truth changes your response to life’s circ*mstances?

Principles to Remember

Word was with God in all things from the beginning

Light is for all who believe

God is faithful to His promise

Characteristic of God

Light of the World


Word became flesh making God's light, truth and grace known for all who believe.

Posted byChuck Townsendat8:19 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (6)

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Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.