Bone Broth When Sick: The Immune System Boosting Cold & Flu Killer (2024)

You're sick and tired of feeling like crap all the time. Your immune system is constantly on tilt and your colds never seem to go away for long. They always come back. Welcome to the club.

Bone broth is a healing beverage, but most people don't use the right type to nourish a sick and run down body. They find some garbage brand at the grocery store, only to find that it doesn't work.

I'm here to put an end to the madness.

Learn how bone broth can heal your cold or sickness and boost your immune system so you get out of the sick cycle once and for all.

If you want the cliff's notes, I'll spill the beans here. The most healing bone broth for sickness is made by Bluebird Provisions. It's the highest protein and healing nutrients you'll find anywhere.

Now onto what you're here for.

Bone Broth When Sick: The Immune System Boosting Cold & Flu Killer (1)

What is bone broth?

Bone broth is a superfood beverage made from bones, connective tissue and meat that is simmered in water over a stove for a 8-24 hours.

The long simmer helps extract the electrolytes, protein, vitamins and minerals -- all of which work together to cure your cold.

You can make many different types with various ingredients, including using meat, vegetables, bones and more.

It is the perfect way to get your daily collagen intake. This is helpful for gut health because of the anti-inflammatory properties. And since all health starts in the gut, you'll want to do what you can to take care of it.

I love it because of the versatility. You can use bone broth in recipes for soups, stews, gravy dishes, smoothies and more.

Looking for a product recommendation? Read my bone broth review which ranks the top products this year.

Chicken Bone Broth For a Common Cold

Bone broth is a great way to help you recover from the nasty effects of colds. It is full of nutrients like glycine and electrolytes like potassium and magnesium to hydrate your worn out body.

One study showed that thatchicken broth helped clear out inflammatory white blood cells in the lungs and throat of those who are sick. With less of these in the area to block things up, it shortens the duration.

The funny thing is that researchers still argue about what it is exactly in chicken broth that does this. Regardless, it got rid of a cold faster.

Bone Broth Health Benefits For Sickness

Bone broth benefits for sickness include fighting nausea, hydration, immune system benefits, nutrients and minerals for gut health and to shorten the duration of cold and flu symptoms.

Let's go through each briefly below.

1. It May Help Fight Nausea Symptoms

Broth can help reduce nausea and gut issues in many people. This is due to the gelatin content.

Gelatin is almost identical to collagen except for one thing. It gels in cold temperatures where collagen does not.

The reason I bring this up is because the gel helps coat your gut and intestines with amino acids to heal them up. This gets rid of any inflammation, while promoting digestion to get things moving.

This can help relieve symptoms of the flu.

Bone Broth When Sick: The Immune System Boosting Cold & Flu Killer (3)

2. Electrolytes When You're Dehydrated

Almost 97% of Americans are deficient in potassium and 60% are estimated to be deficient in magnesium. It's not wonder we get sick all the time.

They are crucial to maintaining proper energy levels and the building blocks for healthy cells. Dehydration is common during illness, so it's important to drink lots of fluids to stay replenish what you are losing.

Bone broth is a great way to replenish fluids and electrolytes, which can help improve the symptoms of dehydration or respiratory tract infections.

I would recommend drinking it on it's own with some grated garlic. Or use it to make mashed potatoes or chicken noodle soup. Checkout my delicious recipe.

3. Bone Broth For Immune System Benefits

Bone broth is a great way to improve your immune system because of the unique blend of amino acids found in it.

These include glycine, proline, glucosamine and glutamine, which work together to boost your immune system.

Glycine in particular helps increase antioxidant status in your cells to protect you from illness.

4. Nutrients For Digestion and Gut Health

Bone broth can help with gut health because it makes all other food easier to digest, while providing nutrients your body can absorb.

The first way it helps is by increasing production of stomach acid and gastric juices to stimulate digestion. Sounds gross, but bear with me. Gelatin is directly shown to do this. And a properly made bone broth is full of it.

Bone Broth When Sick: The Immune System Boosting Cold & Flu Killer (4)

Glutamine is another amino acid found within it. I would argue it is the most under-rated protein. Why? It helps keep our intestinal walls strong, preventing damage from occurring and healing what is already damaged.

Those suffering from IBD or IBS claim that it can help cure chronic diarrhea, constipation and even food intolerances.

5. Detox Support From Vitamins and Minerals

Bone broth is rich in minerals that help flush out toxins. The detox word carries a lot of baggage, for good reason.

But bone broth is full of glycine, which helps your liver naturally clean / detoxify itself. It works together with glutathione (the master antioxidant) to lower oxidative stress in our bodies.

It helps to remove toxic heavy metals like mercury and lead from the body, as well as improve our use of free-radical fighting antioxidants.

6. Bone Broth For Flu

Bone broth is a rich source of nutrients which can help shorten the duration of a cold or flu.

Electrolytes are the main benefit. Bone broth is full of potassium and magnesium, which help shorten the duration of flu symptoms because they replenish the lost fluids better than anything else.

Especially when you don't feel like eating, it helps to nourish your digestion and boost energy.

How To Use It to Kickstart the Healing Process

There's countless ways to use bone broth to kickstart the healing process. Aside from drinking it straight, you can make smoothies, oatmeal, cook your grains in it, sautee or steam vegetables in it and make soups, sauces and salad dressings.

A little goes a long way, so any addition into your day will add up.


Replace milk, juice or nut milk with chicken bone broth for extra nutrition in your smoothies. You won't notice the taste difference because of the mild flavor.

Bone Broth When Sick: The Immune System Boosting Cold & Flu Killer (5)

Or you can do what my mom does and pour it into ice cube trays and freeze. Then pop 1-2 ice cubes into your blender with your smoothie ingredients.


Oatmeal is how I get my bone broth in the winter months. I simply add one 1 tbsp of bone broth powder ontop of my porridge after it is warm.

I'll also add some brown sugar and cinnamon and I don't notice the taste. For more information, checkout my ultimate guide to bone broth recipe ebook.

The Cold Buster Latte Drink

The best way to stop any cold of flu in its tracks. Mix the following together in your mug.

  • 1 cup bone broth
  • Juice of 1⁄4 lemon (or 1 tbsp)
  • 1 clove raw garlic, grated
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger, grated (or 1⁄4 tsp powder)
  • A pinch of Himalayan salt
  • A pinch of red pepper flakes
  • 1 sprig of rosemary

How to Find The Ultimate Bone Broth For Sickness

There's a few things you need to look out for when finding the best bone broth for sickness. These include the nutrition facts, ingredient lists, sourcing, animal welfare standards and how it is made.

Protein Content

For nutrition, it should have at least 10 g protein per serving with 0-1 g of carbs and fat. This ensures you are getting enough of the healing amino acids like glycine, proline, glutamine and glucosamine.

Anything less will be a waste of your money because you're not getting the nutrients needed.

Look for Shady Ingredients

When you look at any food product, always check the ingredient list. The first / second ingredient should say 'bones' or 'bone broth.' If it says something like 'chicken stock,' broth or just 'chicken' (with no bones) then it is not a legitimate product.

Next you want to search for junk fillers like yeast extract and natural flavors. Anything with either of these two belongs in the trash. They are additives that manipulate flavor to make them taste better. But they are high in allergens and mess with your gut health.

Bone Broth When Sick: The Immune System Boosting Cold & Flu Killer (6)

Sourcing and Animal Welfare

Most brands do not tell you where their animals come from... for good reason. That is because most use factory farmed beef or chicken. Even Organic does not always mean the animals are raised in a natural, low stress environment. There are massive Organic farms in the USA.

Sometimes you need to do some extra digging into websites and product pages. Brands who are proud of their sourcing will tell you where they come from. Animals sourced from the USA and Canada are generally kept in better living conditions that those from overseas or South America.

How it's Made

Finally, you need to know how the product is made. Look for something that tells you how long it was simmered for. It doesn't need to be 24 or 48 hours.

That is overkill, if you know what you are doing. Many brands can get their cook times down to 6-8 hours. But it takes a lot of knowledge and expertise to get there.

The best option given this criteria is the chicken bone broth powder from Bluebird Provisions.

Closing Thoughts

Bone broth is a delicious and healthful beverage that can help to cure your cold and flu symptoms faster. This is because it heals your gut, detoxes and boosts immunity all in one.

It is packed with vitamins and minerals, which can help fight nausea and shorten the duration your sickness.

Bluebird Provisions offers a great selection of bone broth, so be sure to try it out on Amazon Prime for free shipping.

Have you used bone broth when you're feeling bad? Did it help? Leave a comment and let me know.

Bone Broth When Sick: The Immune System Boosting Cold & Flu Killer (2024)


Bone Broth When Sick: The Immune System Boosting Cold & Flu Killer? ›

Unfortunately, neither bone broth, nor any other remedy, can cure the common cold. A cold is a virus, and that means that the only cure is time. Your body's immune system will eventually fight off the infection, usually in about 10 days. However, that doesn't mean that bone broth and other hot soups do not help.

Is bone broth good for colds and flu? ›

The amino acids present in Bone Broth such as glycine and proline, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate symptoms of fever and cold by reducing inflammation and boosting the body's defense mechanisms.

Does bone broth boost the immune system? ›

Bone broth contains minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other trace minerals, as well as vitamins which the body can absorb easily which, in turn, assist the immune system.

What does Mayo Clinic say about bone broth? ›

Bone broth is a good choice to include in your diet along with all the other foods that fight inflammation. Organic chicken or beef bone broths (or make your own) have many beneficial nutrients that will help improve bones and joints, along with all the other benefits.

What is the best broth for when you're sick? ›

Plus, if you're losing electrolytes from gastrointestinal illness, chicken broth can replace them—it's rich in sodium at 924 milligrams per cup. 4 Chicken bone broth offers even higher levels of some electrolytes, such as potassium, phosphorus, and chloride.

How to drink bone broth when sick? ›

Bone broth is a great way to replenish fluids and electrolytes, which can help improve the symptoms of dehydration or respiratory tract infections. I would recommend drinking it on it's own with some grated garlic. Or use it to make mashed potatoes or chicken noodle soup.

Does bone broth break up mucus? ›

The broth can also help thin mucus to clear out your sinus and breathing passages, too. Some claim that drinking bone broth helps the digestion, and there may be some truth there. When you are filling up on bone broth, you are not eating foods that irritate your stomach or that are difficult to digest.

What is the downside of bone broth? ›

While bone broth is generally considered safe to consume, there are some potential risks to be aware of. Lead contamination. Some studies show elevated levels of lead in bone broths, which can be harmful to health if consumed in large amounts. Bacterial contamination.

What happens if you drink bone broth every day? ›

"The use of bone broth daily has been shown to decrease appetite due to the high protein content, thus many have noticed weight loss as a side effect," Litt says. However, for this reason, bone broth should not be used daily by children and pregnant women, she adds.

How long does it take to feel the benefits of bone broth? ›

"If you're trying to get the benefits of bone broth, it makes sense to eat a serving of it daily over the course of six to eight weeks to assess the benefits," Dr. Means says.

Why do I feel bad after drinking bone broth? ›

According to some studies, bone broth may be high in glutamate. Glutamate may cause adverse effects such as anxiety, restlessness, low energy, mental exhaustion, sleeplessness, and concentration problems, although there is no scientific evidence to prove this.

What is healthier than bone broth? ›

Vegetable Broth: Vitamins and Energy

And with all those vitamins yet 0.0 grams of fat and only 55 calories, Freja vegan broth is perfect for a diet focused on nutrient-dense foods. While vegetable broth isn't high in carbs by any means, it does have a few more carbohydrates than bone broth, which is very low in carbs.

Is store-bought bone broth good for you? ›

The bones used to make commercial broth may contain high levels of heavy metals, which could make their way into the broth. However, homemade or store-bought bone broth levels are very low and unlikely to cause health problems.

What broth is best for immune system? ›

Beef Bone Broth

If you're looking for deeply nourishing recipe, beef bone broth is a great choice. “There are so many benefits to bone broth,” Mabe says. “In TCM, bone broths boost energy, or qi, nourish blood, and restore adrenal function, which is affected by stress.”

What is the healthiest bone broth to buy? ›

For those watching their sodium intake, an unsalted product like the Pacific Foods Organic Chicken Bone Broth is a great option. It contains just 5% of your daily value for sodium — about 125 milligrams — which is less than any other bone broth we tried. It wasn't bland, even though it's so low in sodium.

What bone broth is good for colds? ›

While there is not a great deal of research on the effectiveness of bone broth, one study does indicate that, when made with chicken, it can help reduce the severity of a cold.

Is it safe to drink bone broth cold? ›

While you certainly could try to drink your bone broth cold, its natural consistency — thick, due to that miracle ingredient of gelatine — makes it far more pleasant when consumed warm or hot, like most soups. “I always like to drink mine hot as the gelatinous savoury texture isn't as palatable cold.

Why is bone broth good for a sore throat? ›

Compounds in the broth like carnosine could also inhibit the inflammatory response that causes symptoms like sore throat and congestion, notes a 2012 study in the American Journal of Therapeutics. Plus, the gelatin in the bone marrow coats the throat for soreness relief, says Dr. Dlugopolski-Gach.

How much bone broth should I drink daily? ›

Thankfully, the collagen and amino acids in bone broth are incredibly beneficial for joint aches and pains. While everyone is different, we've seen customers rave about joint pain disappearing with regular bone broth consumption. To see benefits for joints and cartilage, we suggest drinking 2-4 cups of broth per day.

Does chicken broth get rid of cold? ›

Although it has not been proven to cure the cold, it does not cause health problems either. Medline Plus details that consuming warm liquids, such as chicken broth, may provide temporary relief from symptoms. According to the BBC, chicken broth also provides a sense of relief by whetting your appetite.


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