10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (2024)

The importance of present parents

Parental support will is also important for the setup process. This is quite simple — it might entail popping an ice tray of water into the freezer the day before, or cutting flower shapes out of cloth. Just a few minutes of a parent’s time can set you up for a wonderful remote lesson.

Many of these activities involve water, bubbles and other elements that can lead to messy play. As you prepare to lead these activities, be sure to explain to parents when they might need to set aside an area for wet or messy play. Communication is key!

10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (1)

1. Bubbles and blocks

Ideal for age 10-18 months
Source: Redtri

*In a nutshell *
Frothy foamy bubbles and brightly coloured DUPLO blocks: Two favourites brought together in one sensory activity. This sensory activity will entertain the little ones, and the parents will enjoy watching their child learn and explore.

What you’ll need

  • DUPLO blocks
  • A large container
  • Child-safe (non-toxic) bubble bath
  • Warm water
  • A picnic blanket

How you do it
Start by asking parents to clear a space indoors, or lay a blanket on the grass outdoors. There will be some splashing and mess. Have mom or dad pour warm water into the container and add the bubble mixture. Have them splash the water around to form lots of bubbles. Next, ask them to add the DUPLO blocks to the water.

Make a similar set up when you connect for the video call, and guide the little one by demonstrating how to reach into the water and touch the foam, or reach for DUPLO pieces.

10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (2)

2. Exploring touch and sound with velcro

Ideal for ages 18-24 months
Source: Mamma Pappa Bubba

In a nutshell
A mess-free activity that is easily done via a video classroom with younger children, especially ages 12-24 months. It’s a popular choice because you can choose to make the lesson a very guided one with instructions, or as part of a free-play game.

What you will need:

  • A roll of velcro
  • Tape
  • A wooden (or plastic) cutting board
  • Felt cutouts or soft toys

How you do it
Ask the parents if they can act as support people in the background of your lesson. This involves cutting the roll of velcro into strips and taping them to the cutting board to create a velcro surface. Ask the mom or dad to also cut a number of felt shapes, at least 3 or 4 shapes in each colour (3 or 4 colours).

Make this a guided activity by asking the child to find all cutouts that are yellow, or blue, or any other colour, and stick them on the board. Or, you could ask them to identify similar shapes instead. Work on their ability to follow instructions and recognise colours or shapes.

10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (3)

3. Sponge bombs

Ideal for ages 10-24 months
Source: Inner Child Fun

In a nutshell
Perfect for the warmer weather! This homebound activity is all about discovering shapes, colours, and textures. It engages tactile senses with the spongy wet squishy-squeezy shapes, visual senses with bright colours, and it introduces some gentle and safe water play.

What you will need:

  • Ordinary household sponges
  • Hair elastics
  • Scissors
  • Buckets of water
  • A place to splash and play outside

How you do it
Ask the parents to help you by cutting the household sponges into strips — you’ll need about eight. Then, ask the parents to bundle them together with an elastic band.

This activity uses water, so make sure the device you’re using for the video call is in a safe place. Demonstrate with your sponges how to squeeze the water out, how the sponges can stretch, and how dry they feel after you have squeezed the water out.

10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (4)

4. Edible fun with super seeds

Ideal for ages 9-15 months
Source: Fun at Home with Kids

In a nutshell
Squishy squelchy seeds that are safe to swallow and great to touch? This activity is loads of fun for tiny tots, aged 9-15 months. There are a number of seeds you can use for this activity too — the fun stays the same.

What you need:

  • Mini water beads or seeds — basil, chia or flax seeds work best
  • Water
  • Food colouring
  • A safe and comfortable space to play and get messy

How you do it
Have the mom or dad soak the seeds in water 5 minutes before your lesson begins, in 3 (or more) separate bowls. Add a few drops of food colouring to each bowl, making different bowls of coloured seeds. Then, combine all the seeds into one large container and guide the little ones as they grab, squish, smear, and taste the slimy beads. This is a great way to work on fine motor skills as they try to pinch and grab the squishy seeds.

10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (5)

5. Rice and ice colour mixing

Ideal for ages 1-2 years
Source: Learning 4 Kids

In a nutshell
It rolls off the tongue like a treat, and that’s just where the fun begins. Along with the sensory play, there is also an opportunity for learning about primary colour and colour mixing. Enjoy the sensory exploration in this activity, the nitty-grittiness of the rice combined with the cold slipperiness of the ice gives little ones a range of textures to explore.

What you need:

  • Two ice trays of ice cubes, one coloured blue and one yellow
  • Food colouring
  • Rice
  • A large container

How you do it
Start this activity by reading the story Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni to explain the primary colours. Next, kindly ask the parents if they will prepare the ice cubes. The ice cubes should have a few drops of blue paint or dye added into one tray, and yellow into the other.

Instruct the children on mixing the ice cubes together in the tub with the rice, and emphasise with great excitement when you see a third colour appearing when the blue and the green mix. This helps children to discover the colour wheel and how to make new colours using primary colours.

10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (6)

6. Sticky sensory art project

Ideal for ages 2-3 years
Source: Hands On As We Grow

In a nutshell
Ideal for three-year-olds who love to get creative. This activity is also ideal if you want to have a lesson without asking too much of the parents in terms of preparation, participation, and clean up.

What you need:

  • Sticky plastic sheeting
  • Tape
  • Pom-poms, felt cutouts (any shapes), paper cutouts (any shapes), tissue paper, bits of raw pasta and other child-safe items that won’t pose choking hazards
  • An open space in the house

How you do it
The preparation is super simple. Parents can support the lesson by placing the sticky plastic on the floor, sticky side up. Use the tape to stick it down to the ground. Voila! You can start your lesson by asking the children to hold up their pom-poms and cutouts and the other bits and pieces they have.

Ask them to create a scene with what they have by sticking it to the plastic. You will probably find that the stickiness of the plastic is a sensory experience on its own. Alongside this, have the children describe how the different items feel: Tissue paper makes a crinkly noise, the pasta feels hard, the felt cutouts are soft. This activity explores stickiness, colours, and soft felt. It gives the little ones the opportunity to take charge of the sticking.

10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (7)

7. DIY light table

Ideal for ages 2-3 years
Source: How We Learn

In a nutshell
The aim of this activity is to emphasise how light and illumination can brighten colours. Making this DIY lightbox stimulates the visual senses — Plus, it’s something parents can hold on to and enjoy with their children long after the lesson has ended.

What you need:

  • A transparent lunchbox (the bigger the better)
  • Some fairy lights
  • White paint
  • Aluminium foil
  • Glass jewels or your preferred non-choke jewels

How you do it
Explain to the parents how valuable their help will be in preparing the DIY lightbox ahead of time by lining the inside of the container with tin foil (held onto the container with tape). Secure the fairy lights inside, also using the tape. Next, ask parents to coat the underside of the lunch box lid with white paint.

When you turn on the fairy lights and put the lid on, you can lead the children through activities where they place their glass object on the lid and explore the illumination effect.

10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (8)

8. Taste tests

Ideal for ages 2-3 years
Source: Preschool Steam

In a nutshell
With parental help, a video call, and a blindfold, you can have a hilariously fun taste test game while you introduce the official names for different tastes, like salty, sweet, bitter, and sour. Many little ones refer to salty as sour until they learn that there is a name for a salty taste.

What you need:

  • Something sweet
  • Something salty
  • Something sour
  • Something bitter
  • Something savoury

How you do it
Invite the parents to have a food from each of the above taste groups ready, but out of sight. Start your lesson by talking about the tongue, take turns to show each other your tongue and talk about taste and the different types of tastes that exist.

Ask the child to join you for a fun guessing game, they can taste something delicious and tell you if it’s sweet, sour, savoury, bitter, or salty. If the child resists the blindfold, that’s okay too. A blindfold can be more fun when there are siblings around to join in.

10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (9)

9. Arctic animal sensory tub

Ideal for ages 2-3 years
Source: No Time for Flashcards

In a nutshell

It’s icy, slippery and wet – the perfect sensory play. Plus, you can introduce the idea of animals and their natural habitats by discussing arctic animals and how they are adapted to live in such cold conditions.

What you need:

  • A large chunk of frozen ice
  • A tub that fits in your freezer
  • A smaller container that fits in that tub
  • Water
  • Arctic toy animals

How you do it
Invite the parents to observe the activity (just for fun) and if they can help you with the preparations: Fill your tub ¼ of the way with water and place the smaller, empty container in it. Then, freeze it. Start the activity with a story about animals and their homes – birds live in the trees, people live in houses, and fish live in water.

Talk about the arctic and how it’s very cold for people, but it’s home for many animals. At this point, the tub can be brought onto the scene. Talk about the cold and how it feels on the skin.

10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (10)

10. Pom pom water bin

Ideal for ages 2-3 years
Source: Busy Toddler

In a nutshell
Pom poms can get soaked, scooped and mixed about, and dried again to be reused. This activity invites sensory play to get fluffy, and full of invention.

What you need:

  • Storage bin
  • Two dishwashing bins, one with water (and a single drop of blue food dye for fun).
  • Pom pom balls
  • Ladles, spoons, and other items for scooping or grabbing

How you do it
The two containers fit into the larger storage bin. Ask the parents to add water to one, and pom-poms to the other. Leave part of the activity for free play and part of it guided. For the sensory elements, have the children explore the sensation of the water. Compare the soft fluffiness of the dry pom-poms with the soggy wet pom-poms at the end. Then, allow them to scoop and play as they want.

10 Sensory Activities for Virtual Learning with Toddlers (2024)


What is sensory play for toddlers? ›

Sensory play is any activity that stimulates our senses – touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. It helps children interact with and make sense of the world that surrounds them.

What are examples of sensory play in the early years? ›

Preschool-aged children:

Some fun sensory play activities to do with your children that are at the age before they start school include: Making shapes and patternsusing sand. Playingmusical instruments. Playing outside with nature which is filled with colour, movement, texture, sounds and smells.

What are sense of sight activities for toddlers? ›

Hide and seek - with twists and variations is an entertaining way to enjoy the gift of sight. 2. Guessing games - Close your eyes and guess the number of fingers I am showing, then see. All sorts of finger hiding games are fun to do and great way to learn numbers.

What children learn from sensory activity? ›

Sensory play encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving and creativity. It helps to build nerve connections in the brain and encourages the development of language and motor skills.

What are the 5 sensory play? ›

Sensory play has an important role in your child's development. Not only does it help your child engage their five senses—sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste—but it also boosts their language skills and motor skills.

What are some examples of sensory play? ›

Create a sensory bin

Or use foods, like pasta, rice, or beans, along with spoons, scoops, and small toys to bury and discover. Remember, little ones often explore with their mouths in addition to their hands so be sure to clean all items, avoid choking hazards, and supervise play.

What are sensory activities? ›

Sensory play is any play-based learning activity that stimulates children's senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing, body awareness, and balance. Children's senses are usually underdeveloped at birth.

What are the 5 sensory children? ›

Children will learn that their bodies have many different parts, each with special functions. They are eager to hear, touch, see, smell and taste to help them make sense of and be a part of the world.

What is Montessori sensory play? ›

Introduction: Awakening the Senses

Sensory play is a hands-on, immersive experience that helps children reconnect with their environment and discover the world through their senses.

How do I teach my toddler about senses? ›

Activities to teach kids about the 5 senses (ages 2-3)
  1. Sight: “I Spy”
  2. Sound: “Hearing Hunt”
  3. Taste: “Flavor Test”
  4. Smell: “Scented Playdough”
  5. Touch: “Texture Collage”
  6. Sight “Sensory Scavenger Hunt”
  7. Hearing: “Sound Mapping”
  8. Taste: “Blindfolded Taste Test”
Apr 12, 2023

How do you explain 5 senses to a toddler? ›

Explain to the child how the five senses help us figure out what's going on around us and help us decide whether to enjoy or not enjoy an experience: our eyes help us see, our ears let us hear, our hands help us feel, our noses let us smell, and our tongues help us taste things.

How to teach smell to preschoolers? ›

Smell and Go Seek

While your child closes her eyes and counts to 20, quickly hide the sock in the room—and see how long it takes her to find it by using her nose as her guide. For an extra challenge, blindfold your child, guide her around the house, then see if she can tell where she is just by the smells in the air.

Why are sensory walks good for toddlers? ›

Sensory walks can help toddlers and preschoolers to understand concepts such as cause and effect, self-regulation and problem-solving, to name a few. They also teach young kids about textures and feelings, such as soft, hard, ticklish, cold, wet etc.

How does creative play help sensory development? ›

This type of play also promotes sensory integration and allows youngsters to focus and quiet down when necessary. Sensory play allows youngsters to experience different textures, sounds, flavours, looks, and scents, which strengthens their neural connections for creativity and imaginative thinking.

What is sensory learning? ›

Sensory learning is how kids explore the world through their senses, like touch, sight, smell, sound, and taste. It's like when they touch something soft, look at bright colors, or listen to music – their brains learn and understand things better by experiencing these sensations.

What's the point of sensory play? ›

In childhood development, sensory play promotes inclusive, open-ended play that cultivates vital skills, promotes self-regulation, sparks exploration, enhances problem-solving abilities, and nurtures creativity.

What does sensory play do? ›

Sensory play activities stimulate your child's senses which supports their brain and language development, gross motor skills, social interaction and problem-solving skills. With sensory play, there's always much more going on than meets the eye.

How to make sensory play for toddlers? ›

It's so satisfying to watch children learn and develop through various sensory play activities that are often quick, cheap and easy to create for them.
  1. Make Homemade Playdough. ...
  2. Create Pasta Necklaces. ...
  3. Try Finger Painting. ...
  4. Make a Mini Sand Garden. ...
  5. Sorting Pebbles. ...
  6. Moving Cotton Wool Balls Between Jars. ...
  7. Stacking Bricks.
Dec 4, 2019

What age is best for sensory play? ›

In general, most children will be able to start engaging in sensory play from around 6 months old. As they get older, they will be able to explore more complex sensory experiences.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.